Webinar: WFUMB Centre of Education Romania Meets WFUMB Centre of Education China

2024, China

Ioan Sporea, Dana Stoian, Alina Popescu

Programme & Learning Objectives

  • Prof. Ioan Sporea & Prof. Ping Liang: Introduction

  • Alina Popescu (Romania): Multiparametric ultrasound in focal liver lesions (20 minutes)
         1. to know the usefulness and limits of conventional ultrasound for the diagnosis of focal liver lesions
         2. to know the role of ultrasound with contrast in the characterization of focal liver lesions
         3. to know the role of other ultrasound-based techniques in the diagnostic algorithm of focal liver lesions


  • Qianqian Zeng (China): Microvasculature characterization of focal liver lesions using Super-resolution Ultrasound Imaging (20 minutes)

    1. Learn the basic principles of Super-resolution Ultrasound (SR-US) Imaging, the feasibility in the visualization and quantification of the microvasculature of clinical focal liver lesions;
    2. Learn the typical microvascular patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), liver metastasis (LM) and focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) in SR-US;
    3. Learn the quantitative SR-US characterization of HCC, LM and FNH.
  • Wenzhen Ding, (China): Deep learning model based on contrast-enhanced ultrasound helps radiologists diagnose intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in patients with viral hepatitis (20 minutes)

    1. Learn the basic principles of Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), the application in the diagnosis of liver nodules, and the CEUS LI-RADS;
    2. Learn the typical image features of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) and non-ICC liver lesions in CEUS;
    3. Learn how to extract key frames based on ICC image features and how to build Deep learning (DL) model;
    4. Learn how to evaluate the robustness and diagnostic performance of CEUS-based DL model;
    5. Learn the experimental design for evaluating comparison and collaboration between DL model and radiologists
  • Zhen Wang, (China): Microwave ablation versus laparoscopic resection as first-line therapy for solitary 3–5-cm HCC (20 minutes)

    1. Percutaneous microwave ablation (MWA) and laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) for solitary 3-5cm HCC patients results in similar overall survival;
    2. With the advancement of technology, the recurrence control ability of MWA has been significantly improved in recent years, and the difference between MWA and LLR has lost statistical difference;
    3. Compared with LLR, MWA was associated with less trauma, lower cost, and faster recovery;
    4. MWA and LLR have similar rates of serious complications;
    5. MWA might be a first-line alternative to LLR for solitary 3–5-cm HCC in selected patients, especially for patients unsuitable for LLR.
  • Ioan Sporea (Romania): Multiparametric ultrasound in diffuse liver diseases (20 minutes)

         1.  MASLD is the most prevalent liver disease in developed world

         2. Fatty quantification: how can this be performed

         3. Liver stiffness evaluation: how to do?

         4. What does MPUS mean?

  • Dana Stoian (Romania): Multiparametric ultrasound in thyroid diseases (20 minutes)

         1. Diffuse thyroid diseas (DTD)definition, prevalence

         2. What is MPUS in DTD-2B, CD, PD, SWE, CEUS

         3. Stepwise diagnostic in DTD using MPUS









Contact Information

10 Iosif Bulbuca Street

300736, Timisoara

Phone: +4 0256 488003

Fax: +4 0256 488003

E-mail: ulctimisoara@gmail.com

Our Team

Prof. Alina POPESCU, MD, PhD

Prof. Mihaela VLAD, MD, Phd

Assoc. Prof. Adrian RAŢIU, MD, PhD

Assist. Prof. Camelia MICA, MD, Phd

Assist. Prof. Felix BENDE, MD, Phd

Assist. Prof. Bogdan MIUTESCU, MD, Phd

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