Second Internist Gastroenterohepatology Meeting
2024, Skopje, Macedonia
Felix Bende
I had the great honor of being invited to Skopje, Macedonia, last week for the Second Internist Gastroenterohepatology Meeting with International Participation. It was a pleasure to collaborate on organizing the Hepatobiliary Ultrasound Course with esteemed colleagues Dr. Aleksandar Manolev (Congress President, Macedonia), Prof. Dr. Ivica Grgurevic (Croatia), Prof. Mirjana Brvar (Slovenia), Dr. Matteo Garcovich (Italy), and Dr. Kiril Shuperliski(Macedonia). Additionally, chairing a session alongside my dear friend Dr. Manolev was a highlight. The meeting offered high scientific value and outstanding presentations. Congratulations to Aleksandar Manolev and the entire organising committee for a superbly prepared and planned congress!