Assist. Prof. Tudor Moga, MD, Phd

Recent Activity


  1. WFUMB Student Webinar 27.05.2021 Tudor Moga & Dieter Nurnberg- Scientific Organisation & Lecturer
    1. 40- 11.0 US of normal liver

  1. WFUMB Student Webinar 8.07.2021US Journal Club session Lecturer Tudor Moga:
    1. NAFLD Paper
    2. CEUF FLL paper

  1. 06 EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 4-5 June 2021, Timișoara, Romania.

Lecturer: 15.20 – 15.35 Non-invasive evaluation in diffuse liver diseases by THED – Tudor Moga (Romania)

  1. 04. virtual 18th Berlin-Brandenburg Ultrasound Conference on 30 April 2021. 10.10 – 10.30 “Steatosis and Fibrosis/Cirrhosis – added value of elastography & Co.?” T. Moga

  1. LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE at WFUMB 2022 Congress in Timisoara, Romania- Member in the Local Organizing Committee

  1. WFUMB STUC – Students Ultrasound Congress – 18th World Federation for Ultrasound and Medicine and Biology Congress, Timișoara, Romania, May 2022, 27-28.05.2022

Secretary& Lecturer

  1. STUC 25-27 May 2023, Ljubljana, Latvia, Lecturer & Ultrasound Tutor:

08:50 – 09:05 Knobology Tudor Moga (RO)

14:30 – 14:45 Abdominal vessels – Land marks, normal aspect Tudor Moga (RO)

08:30 – 08:45 What is POCUS? Tudor Moga (RO)



  1. Webinar: WFUMB European CoE – 22-02-2024, Challenges in Interventional ultrasound.

Lecturer: Tudor Moga, Romania, Challenges in Interventional ultrasound. Tudor Moga, Romania [20 min]


Published papers

First Author


  1. Tudor Voicu Moga, Alina Popescu, Ioan Sporea, Mirela Danila, Ciprian David, Vasile Gui, Nicoleta Iacob, Gratian Miclaus, Roxana Sirli. “Is Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography a useful tool in a beginner’s hand? How much can a Computer Assisted Diagnosis prototype help in characterizing the malignancy of focal liver lesions ?”. Med Ultrason. 2016 Dec;17(4):451-5.


  1. Moga, T.; Popescu, A.; Ivascu, S. C.; Cornianu, M.; Sporea I. Hepatic Epiteloid Hemangioendothelioma, a Diagnosis to keep in mind when finding Incidentalomas : Ultrasound International Open; Issue 02, 2016. Ultrasound International Open 2016; 02(02): E68-E70. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-10665. (IF 2017= 1.51)


  1. Tudor V. Moga, Ana Maria Stepan, Corina Pienar, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli, Mirela Danila, Ioan “Interobserver Reproducibility Of A 2D- Shear Wave Elastography (2d-Swe) Technique And The Impact Of Ultrasound Experience In Achivieng Reliable Data” Tudor V. Moga, Ana Maria Stepan, Corina Pienar, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli, Mirela Danila, Ioan Sporea. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 1627–1637, 2018 (IF 2018=2.2)


  1. Moga TV, Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Popescu A, Popa A, Bota S, Șirli R, Danilă M, Schlesinger A, Tzschätzsch H. Performance of a Noninvasive Time-Harmonic Elastography Technique for Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Using Vibration Controlled Transient Elastography as Reference Method. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Aug 31; 10(9):653. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10090653 (IF 2020=3.24)


  1. Moga TV, David C, Popescu A, Lupusoru R, Heredea D, Ghiuchici AM, Foncea C, Burdan A, Sirli R, Danilă M, Ratiu I, Bizerea-Moga T, Sporea I. Multiparametric Ultrasound Approach Using a Tree-Based Decision Classifier for Inconclusive Focal Liver Lesions Evaluated by Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound. J Pers Med. 2021 Dec 20;11(12):1388. doi: 10.3390/jpm11121388. (IF 2020=4.945)
  2. Moga TV, Foncea C, Bende R, Popescu A, Burdan A, Heredea D, Danilă M, Miutescu B, Ratiu I, Bizerea-Moga TO, Sporea I, Sirli R. Impact of COVID-19 on Patients with Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Feb 6;13(4):600. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13040600. (IF 2022=3.99)
  3. Moga T, Dancu GM, Cotrau R, Bende R, Popescu A, Danila M, Bizerea-Moga T, Bona A, Plopeanu A, Sporea I, Sirli R. Learning curves in abdominal ultrasound in medical students. Med Ultrason. 2023 Nov 25. doi: 10.11152/mu-4235. Online ahead of print. (IF 2022=1.7)



  1. Popescu A, Sporea I, Şirli R, Dănilă M, Mare R, Grădinaru Taşcău O, Moga T. Does Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound improve the management of liver abscesses? A single centre experience. Med Ultrason. 2015 Dec; 17 (4): 451-5. (IF 2015= 1.1)
  2. Cătălin-Daniel Căleanu, Georgiana Simion, Ciprian David, Vasile Gui, Tudor Moga, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli, Ioan Sporea. “A study over the importance of arterial phase temporal parameters in focal liver lesions CEUS based diagnosis” Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2014 11th International Symposium. 14-15 Nov. 2014 INSPEC Accession Number: 14851444 DOI: 1109/ISETC.2014.7010799. Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 15 January 2015. (BDI)


  1. Sporea I, Badea R, Brisc C, Ioanițescu S, Moga T, Popescu A, Săftoiu A, Săndulescu L, Spârchez Z, Șirli R. Romanian National Guidelines on Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in clinical practice. Med Ultrason. 2017 Nov 29; 19 (4): 401-415. (IF 2017=1.5)


  1. Bende F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Mare R, Miutescu B, Lupusoru R, Moga T, Pienar C Performance of 2D-SWE.GE for predicting different stages of liver fibrosis, using Transient Elastography as the reference method. Med Ultrason. 2017 Apr 22;19(2):143-149. doi: 10.11152/mu-910. (IF 2017=1.5)
  2. Sporea I, Săndulescu DL, Şirli R, Popescu A, Danilă M, Spârchez Z, Mihai C, Ioanițescu S, Moga T, Timar B, Brisc C, Nedelcu D, Săftoiu A, Enăchescu V, Badea R. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for the Characterization of Malignant versus Benign Focal Liver Lesions in a Prospective Multicenter Experience – The SRUMB Study.. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2019 Jun 1;28:191-196. (IF 2019-2.06)
  3. Voiosu T, Moga T, Nedelcu C, Tocia C, State M, Puscasu C, Bengus A, Voiosu A, Negreanu L, Dumitru E, Constantinescu G, Mateescu B, Sporea I.A plea for a unified approach to sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopy in Romania: results from a prospective multicentric trial. Rom J Intern Med. 2021 Mar 13. doi: 10.2478/rjim-2021-0011. (BDI)
  4. Bizerea-Moga TO, Pitulice L, Bizerea-Spiridon O, Moga TV. Evaluation of Serum Selenium Status by Age and Gender: A Retrospective Observational Cohort Study in Western Romania. 2021 Apr 28;13(5):1497. doi: 10.3390/nu13051497. (FI/2021= 4.546);
  5. Foncea CG, Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Moga TV, Bende F, Șirli R, Popescu A. Day-4 Lille Score Is a Good Prognostic Factor and Early Predictor in Assessing Therapy Response in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis. J Clin Med. 2021 May 27;10(11):2338. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112338. (IF/2021= 4.24)
  6. Ghiuchici AM, Sporea I, Dănilă M, Șirli R, Moga T, Bende F, Popescu A. Is There a Place for Elastography in the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma? J Clin Med. 2021 Apr 15;10(8):1710. doi: 10.3390/jcm10081710. PMID: (IF/2021= 4.24)
  7. Ghiuchici AM, Dănilă M, Popescu A, Șirli R, Moga T, Topan M, Bende F, Sporea I. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound algorithm (ACR CEUS LI-RADSv 2017)- a valuable tool for the noninvasive diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic liver disease. Med Ultrason. 2021 Apr 1. doi: 10.11152/mu-2887 (IF/2021= 1.6)
  8. Şirli R, Sporea I, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Săndulescu DL, Săftoiu A, Moga T, Spârchez Z, Cijevschi C, Mihai C, Ioanițescu S, Nedelcu D, Iacob N, Miclăuș G, Brisc C, Badea R. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for the assessment of focal nodular hyperplasia – results of a multicentre study. Med Ultrason. 2021 May 20;23 (2):140-146. doi: 10.11152/mu-2912. (IF/2021= 1.6)
  1. Bizerea-Moga TO, Pitulice L, Pantea CL, Olah O, Marginean O, Moga TV Extreme Birth Weight and Metabolic Syndrome in Children. Nutrients. 2022 Jan 2;14(1):204. doi: 10.3390/nu14010204. (FI/2021= 4.546)
  1. Rațiu I, Lupușoru R, Lungeanu D, Popescu A, Sporea I, Goldiș A, Dănilă M, Miuțescu B, Moga T, Barbulescu A, Tăban S, Dema A, Șirli R. Diagnosis of malignant biliary obstruction: pondering over the ERCP, MRCP and histology. J Int Med Res. 2022 Feb;50(2):3000605221076924. doi: 10.1177/03000605221076924 (IF/2021= 1.671)
  1. Raţiu I, Lupuşoru R, Popescu A, Sporea I, Goldiş A, Dănilă M, Miuţescu B, Moga T, Barbulescu A, Şirli R. Acute gastrointestinal bleeding: A comparison between variceal and nonvariceal gastrointestinal bleeding. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Nov 11;101(45):e31543. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000031543. (IF/2021= 1.8)


  1. Foncea CG, Moga TV, Sporea I, Popa A, Sirli R, Bende F, Popescu A, Fofiu R.The role of elastography for liver fibrosis screening in alcoholic liver disease. Med Ultrason. 2022 Dec 21;24(4):406-413. doi: 10.11152/mu-3784. (IF/2021= 1.75)


  1. Lupușoru R, Sporea I, Rațiu I, Lungeanu D, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Mare R, Marc L, Lascău A, Moga TV, Bende F, Ghiuchici AM, Șirli R. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography with Arrival Time Parametric Imaging as a Non-Invasive Diagnostic Tool for Liver Cirrhosis. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Dec 1;12(12):3013. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12123013 (IF 2022=3.99)
  1.  Maralescu FM, Bende F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Schiller A, Petrica L, Moga TV, Mare R, Grosu I, Bob F.Assessment of Renal Allograft Stiffness and Viscosity Using 2D SWE PLUS and Vi PLUS Measures-A Pilot Study. J Clin Med. 2022 Jul 27;11(15):4370. doi: 10.3390/jcm11154370. (IF 2022=4.96)


  1. Bizerea-Moga TO, Pitulice L, Pantea CL, Olah O, Marginean O, Moga TV. Extreme Birth Weight and Metabolic Syndrome in Children. 2022 Jan 2;14(1):204. doi: 10.3390/nu14010204.PMID: 3501107 (IF 2022=5. 7)


  1. Cristina Laura Sîrbu, Ciprian Seiculescu, Ghiță Adrian Burdan, Tudor Moga, Cătălin Daniel Căleanu. Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging Exploration February 2022 DOI: 1145/3511616.3513111 Conference: ACSW 2022: Australasian Computer Science Week 2022 Conference Paper


  1. Bogdan Miutescu, Deiana Vuletici, Călin Burciu, Adina Turcu-Stiolica, Felix Bende, Iulia Ratiu, Tudor Moga, Omar Sabuni, Adnan Anjary, Sami Dalati, Bogdan Silviu Ungureanu, Eyad Gadour, Florin George Horhat, Alina PopescuIdentification of Microbial Species and Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns in Acute Cholangitis Patients with Malignant and Benign Biliary Obstructions: A Comparative Study. Medicina 2023, 59, 721. medicina59040721. (IF 2022=2.94)



  1. Miutescu B, Vuletici D, Burciu C, Bende F, Ratiu I, Moga T, Gadour E, Reddy S, Sandru V, Balan G, Dancu G, Maralescu FM, Popescu A. Comparative Analysis of Microbial Species and Multidrug Resistance Patterns in Acute Cholangitis Patients with Cholecystectomy: A Single-Center Study. 2024 Jan 6;12(1):19. doi: 10.3390/diseases12010019. (IF 2023=3.7)










Contact Information

10 Iosif Bulbuca Street

300736, Timisoara

Phone: +4 0256 488003

Fax: +4 0256 488003


Our Team

Prof. Alina POPESCU, MD, PhD

Prof. Mihaela VLAD, MD, Phd

Assoc. Prof. Adrian RAŢIU, MD, PhD

Assist. Prof. Camelia MICA, MD, Phd

Assist. Prof. Felix BENDE, MD, Phd

Assist. Prof. Bogdan MIUTESCU, MD, Phd

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