Recent Activity

2024, Bucharest, Romania

Ioan Sporea, Roxana Șirli




  1. Pitfalls in liver elastography – EUROSON 2023, Riga, Latvia, May 2023
  2. Incidentalomas of the liver – attitude? – EUROSON 2023, Riga, Latvia, May 2023
  3. When to start education in ultrasound – EUROSON 2023, Riga, Latvia, May 2023
  4. Difficulties in CEUS for benign focal liver lesions – EUROSON 2023, Riga, Latvia, May 2023
  5. Examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts – normal aspects – Students Congress, EUROSON 2023, Riga, Latvia, May 2023
  6. Abdominal vessels – landmarks – Ultrasonography for the Gastroenterologist – postgraduate course Ultrasound learning Area, UEGW 2023, Copenhagen, Danemarca, oct 2023
  7. Obstructive jaundice: levels and causes of obstruction – Ultrasonography for the Gastroenterologist – postgraduate course Ultrasound learning Area, UEGW 2023, Copenhagen, Danemarca, oct 2023
  8. Examinarea vezicii biliare, căilor biliare și a splinei – Curs de ultrasonografie abdominală – noțiuni de bază în explorarea și diagnosticul patologiilor abdominale. AL V-LEA CONGRES NAŢIONAL DE GASTROENTEROLOGIE ȘI HEPATOLOGIE DIN REPUBLICA MOLDOVA, Chisinau, Rep Moldova, nov 2023
  9. Rolul ecografiei cu contrast în patologia pancreatică – – Curs de ultrasonografie abdominală – noțiuni de bază în explorarea și diagnosticul patologiilor abdominale. AL V-LEA CONGRES NAŢIONAL DE GASTROENTEROLOGIE ȘI HEPATOLOGIE DIN REPUBLICA MOLDOVA, Chisinau, Rep Moldova, nov 2023
  10. Liver elastography in chronic viral hepatitis – WFUMB 2023, Muscat Oman, nov 2023
  11. Pitfalls in liver elastography – WFUMB 2023, Muscat Oman, nov 2023



  1. Examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts – Ultrasound Learning Area – 30 th United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona, Vienna, Austria October 2022
  2. Acute biliary diseases – Ultrasound Learning Area – 30 th United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona, Vienna, Austria October 2022
  3. Difficulties in CEUS for benign focal liver lesions– 18th World Federation for Ultrasound and Medicine and Biology Congress, Timișoara, Romania, May 2022
  4. FOCAL LIVER LESIONS – Students Ultrasound Congress – 18th World Federation for Ultrasound and Medicine and Biology Congress, Timișoara, Romania, May 2022
  5. Pitfalls in liver elastography – 18th World Federation for Ultrasound and Medicine and Biology Congress, Timișoara, Romania, May 2022
  6. Students’ US education around the world – Europe – 18th World Federation for Ultrasound and Medicine and Biology Congress, Timișoara, Romania, May 2022
  7. WFUMB & EFSUMB together for University US Education Certificate for students – 18th World Federation for Ultrasound and Medicine and Biology Congress, Timișoara, Romania, May 2022
  8. Four in one on the liver: Morphology elasticity, fat, and inflammation – 19. Berlin-Brandenburgische Ultraschalltagung 2022 zu Gast im Norden, Rostock Germany, 14. – 15. Oktober 2022
  9. Linker oberer Quadrant – Sirli, A. Popescu – 19. Berlin-Brandenburgische Ultraschalltagung 2022 zu Gast im Norden, Rostock Germany, 14. – 15. Oktober 2022
  10. Inflammatory bowel diseas – Sirli, A. Popescu – 19. Berlin-Brandenburgische Ultraschalltagung 2022 zu Gast im Norden, Rostock Germany, 14. – 15. Oktober 2022


  1. Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas – Ultrasound Learning Area – 29 th United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona,On-line event October 2021
  2. Biliary US: Examination, Sono-anatomy & Pathology – WFUMB Students on-line meeting, 27 May 2021
  3. Casuistic: Focal liver lesions – WFUMB Students on-line course, 08 July 2021



  1. Examination of gallbladder and bile ducts – Ultrasound Learning Area – 28 th United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona,On-line event October 2020



  1. Ultrasound for the diagnosis of cirrhosis complications – 6th German Romanian Symposium 2019 Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Oncology and Metabolism, Regensburg, april 2019
  2. Examination of gall bladder and bile duct – Ultrasound Learning Area – 27 th United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona, Spain, October, 2019
  3. Gall bladder pathology: Stones and tumors – Ultrasound Learning Area – 27 th United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona, Spain, October, 2019



  1. Tutor – Skills in Hepatology track – EASL International Liver Congress™ 2018, 11-15 APRIL, 2018, PARIS, France
  2. Pitfalls in liver elastography – 30th EUROSON Congress of the EFSUMB,6-9 September 2018. Poznan, Poland
  3. Is Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound a cost-efficient method? – 30th EUROSON Congress of the EFSUMB,6-9 September 2018. Poznan, Poland
  4. Enhanced Ultrasound for the diagnosis of benign liver tumors – 30th EUROSON Congress of the EFSUMB,6-9 September 2018. Poznan, Poland
  5. Examination of the pancreas – Summer school. Hands-on training for radiology residents. Abdominal ultrasound, from basic to advanced. 15-16 June, Chisinau, Republica Moldova
  6. Examination of the spleen and (abdominal) lymph nodes – Summer school. Hands-on training for radiology residents. Abdominal ultrasound, from basic to advanced. 15-16 June, Chisinau, Republica Moldova
  7. Pancreas pathology – focal lesions – Summer school. Hands-on training for radiology residents. Abdominal ultrasound, from basic to advanced. 15-16 June, Chisinau, Republica Moldova
  8. Liver elastography guidelines. Ultrasound learning area – 26 th United European Gastroenterology Week Vienna, Austria, October 20-24, 2018.


  1. Cost- efficiency of Contrast enhanced Ultrasonography for the assessment of focal liver lesions – 4th German Romanian Symposium of Gastroenterology, Sttutgart, Germany 31 March- 1 April 2017
  2. Ultrasound hands on sessions. – The International Liver Congress™ 2017, Amsterdam


  1. Ultrasound hands on sessions: Session 1 – The International Liver Congress™ 2016, Barcelona
  2. Ultrasound hands on sessions: Session 2 – The International Liver Congress™ 2016, Barcelona
  3. Ultrasound hands on sessions: Session 4 – The International Liver Congress™ 2016, Barcelona
  4. Ecografia în patologia pancreatică – Primul Workshop al Centrului de Formare in Ultrasonografie din Chisinau, Chisinau, Republica Moldova, oct. 2016
  5. Elastography for the diagnosis of portal hypertension in cirrhosis – 45th Brazilian Congress of Radiology, 13-15 oct 2016 Curitiba, Brazil
  6. Elastography in NAFLD – 45th Brazilian Congress of Radiology, 13-15 oct 2016 Curitiba, Brazil
  7. ELASTOGRAPHY IN DIFFUSE THYROID DISEASES – 45th Brazilian Congress of Radiology, 13-15 oct 2016 Curitiba, Brazil
  8. Pitfalls in liver elastography – 45th Brazilian Congress of Radiology, 13-15 oct 2016 Curitiba, Brazil


  1. Elastography for the diagnosis of portal hypertension in cirrhosis – Refresher course. EUROSON 2015 Athens, nov. 2015
  2. Pitfalls in liver elastography – Refresher course. EUROSON 2015 Athens, nov. 2015
  3. Pitfalls in liver elastography – Practical course. EUROSON 2015 Athens, nov. 2015


  1. Evaluarea ecografică cu substanță de contrast a ficatului necirotic – Al III-lea congres al Medicilor imagiști din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională, Chișinău, sept.2012
  2. Elastografia pentru evaluarea non-invazivă a fibrozei hepatice – Al III-lea congres al Medicilor imagiști din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională, Chișinău, sept.2012


  1. Examenul ultrasonografic cu contrast (CEUS): indicații, imagini tipice benigne și maligne, cost/eficiență, rezultatele unui studiu românesc – Conferința a XIII-a Anuală Științifico-Practică a medicilor imagiști din Republica Moldova: Aspecte moderne ale imagisticii medicale în gastroenterologie, Chișinău, 11 noiembrie 2011


  1. b) Lista conferințelor prezentate în calitate de invited speaker la conferințe de specialitate naționale



  1. Shear wave elastography in chronic liver disease – Al 42– lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Iasi mai 2023
  2. Diagnosis of benign lesions . Pivotal role of CEUS in the final diagnosis – Curs postgraduat de Ultrasonografie, Al 42– lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Iasi mai 2023
  3. Elastografia -Tehnici, principii de bază – A XXVI-a Conferință Națională SRUMB mai 2023 Oradea
  4. EPIGASTRIC PAIN – WFUMB COE Annual Conference – A XXVI-a Conferință Națională SRUMB mai 2023 Oradea
  5. MPUS în evaluarea formațiunilor hepatice circumscrise benigne – A XXVI-a Conferință Națională SRUMB mai 2023 Oradea
  6. Introducere în ultrasonografia pancreasului, splinei și tubului digestive – Curs pt. Studentii la medicina – A XXVI-a Conferință Națională SRUMB mai 2023 Oradea


  1. How and when to use CEUS for FLL – Curs postgraduat de Ultrasonografie, Al 41– lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, București iunie 2022


  1. Ecografia multiparametrică în afecțiunile pancreatice. PRO Examinări cu substanță de contrast – A XXIV-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2021
  2. Elastografia în ficatul gras nonalcoolic – A XXIV-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2021
  3. Point of care ultrasound in Hepatology – WFUMB COE Annual Conference A XXIV-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2021
  4. The role of US in acute diverticulitis – A XXIV-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2021
  5. Non-invasive evaluation in diffuse liver diseases by Siemens applications – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 4-5 June 2021, Timișoara, Romania
  6. Benign liver tumors – Al 40– lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Mamaia, mai 2021


  1. DIFICULTĂȚI ÎN DIAGNOSTICUL PRIN CEUS AL TUMORILOR HEPATICE BENIGNE – A XXIII-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2020
  2. CEUS for the assessment of tumor response to treatment – A XXIII-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2020
  3. Cine poate efectua elastografia? – A XXIII-a Conferință Națională SRUMB, eveniment on-line, septembrie 2020




  1. Ultrasound in acute diverticulitis and bowel obstruction – WFUMB COE Timișoara annual workshop: Ultrasound in emergency, Targu-Mures, mai 2019
  2. Rolul ecografiei cu contrast în pancreatitele acute și cronice – A XXII-A CONFERINȚĂ NAȚIONALĂ SRUMB 09-11 MAI – TG. MURES
  3. Diagnosticul ecografic al litiazei coledociene – A XXII-A CONFERINȚĂ NAȚIONALĂ SRUMB 09-11 MAI – TG. MURES
  4. Point Shear Wave Elastography (pSWE) and 2D-SWE. New results – – Al XXXIX- lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Timișoara mai 2019
  5. Sindromul hepatomegalic. Leziuni hepatice localizate: Tumori hepatice. Curs preconferință. Examenul clinico-ecografic în practica medicală din cabinetul de specialitate / Point of care ultrasonography (POCUS), Targu-Mures, mai 2019
  6. Contribuţia „Point of Care Ultrasonography” sau a ecografiei clinice de prim contact cu pacientul în practică medicală curentă – Conferinta Nationala a Medicilor de Familie, București aprilie 2019
  7. US based elastographic assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic HBV and HCV hepathopaties – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – ULTRASOUND BASED ELASTOGRAPHY – CLINICAL APPLICATIONS 21-22 November 2019, Timișoara
  8. CEUS for the evaluation of benign focal liver lesions – indications and limits – EUROSON SCHOOL – CONTRAST ENHANCED ULTRASOUND IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, 22-23 November 2019, Timișoara,




  1. The role of ultrasound-based elastography for the diagnosis of portal hypertension – 5th Romanian-German Symposium of Gastroenterology in Sibiu, on April 20th – 21th, 2018.
  2. Dificultati in diagnoticul prin CEUS al tumorilor hepatice benigne – A XXI-a Conferință Națională a Societății Române de Ultrasonografie în Medicină și Biologie, Brasov mai 2018
  3. Cost-efficiency of elastography and CEUS – WFUMB COE Timișoara annual workshop: What’s new in ultrasound?, Brasov mai 2018
  4. Patologia vezicii biliare – Ultrasonografia clinica (POCUS) în practica gastroenterologică – curs de ecografie pentru rezidentii de gastroenterologie, 29-30 Iunie 2018, Timișoara
  5. Examinarea tubului digestiv – Ultrasonografia clinica (POCUS) în practica gastroenterologică – curs de ecografie pentru rezidentii de gastroenterologie, 29-30 Iunie 2018, Timișoara
  6. Cazuri clinice comentate – Ultrasonografia clinica (POCUS) în practica gastroenterologică – curs de ecografie pentru rezidentii de gastroenterologie, 29-30 Iunie 2018, Timișoara
  7. Contrast enhanced ultrasound for the evaluation of benign focal liver lesions – EFSUMB ENDORSED COURSE – CONTRAST ENHANCED ULTRASOUND 22 November 2018, Timișoara, Romania
  8. Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis by means of transient elastography – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 23-24 November 2018, Timișoara, Romania
  9. Pittfalls and erors in liver elastography – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 23-24 November 2018, Timișoara, Romania
  10. The cost-efficency of liver elastography for liver fibrosis evaluation – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 23-24 November 2018, Timișoara, Romania
  11. Rolul ecografiei în diagnosticul diverticulitei acute. ȘCOALA NAȚIONALĂ DE VARĂ DE GASTROENTEROLOGIE ȘI HEPATOLOGIE, COVASNA, 5-6 IULIE 2018



  1. Pittfalls and erors in liver elastography – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 10-11 November 2017, Timișoara, Romania
  2. The cost-efficency of liver elastography for liver stiffness evaluation (US Elastography vs. RMN Elastography vs. biological tests vs. liver biopsy) – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY 10-11 November 2017, Timișoara, Romania


  1. US in inflammatory conditions: acute diverticulitis. – WFUMB CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE TIMIŞOARA ANNUAL WORKSHOP GASTROINTESTINAL ULTRASOUND (GIUS) – A XX-a Conferinta Nationala SRUMB, Cluj 31 mai-3 iunie 2017
  2. Fibrosis assessment by point SWE and 2D SWE – A XX-a Conferinta Nationala SRUMB, Cluj 31 mai-3 iunie 2017
  3. US in inflammatory conditions: acute diverticulitis – Al 37 lea Congres Naţional de Gastroenterologie Hepatologie şi Endoscopie Digestivă, Bucuresti 22-24 iunie 2017
  4. Portal hypertension noninvasive diagnosis. – Al 37 lea Congres Naţional de Gastroenterologie Hepatologie şi Endoscopie Digestivă, Bucuresti 22-24 iunie 2017
  5. Ecografia cu substanța de contrast în diagnosticul afecțiunilor pancreatice – Scoala Nationala de Vara de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Editia a XIII-a, Paltinis, 6-8 iulie 2017


  1. Cost-efficency of liver elastography for liver fibrosis evaluation (US Elastography vs. MR Elastography vs. biological tests vs. liver biopsy) – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – UP-TO-DATE IN LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY, 18-19 November 2016, Timișoara, Romania
  3. Pitfalls in liver elastography – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – UP-TO-DATE IN LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY, 18-19 November 2016, Timișoara, Romania
  4. Why and when to use countrast enhanced ultrasound in clinical practice. – WFUMB COE Timișoara annual workshop, CLINICAL ULTRASOUND – UP TO DATE 2016.  Craiova iunie 2016
  5. FibroScan – 10 ani de experiență clinică – Al XXXVI-lea Congres de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie și Endoscopie Digestivă Cluj-Napoca 8-11 iunie 2016


  1. The place of elastography in the evaluation of portal hypertension. – WFUMB COE Timișoara annual workshop: Up-to-date in abdominal ultrasound, Constanta iunie 2015
  2. Diagnosticul și cuantificarea încărcării grase hepatice: ecografia, CAP, CT, RMN – Al XXXV-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva Iasi, iunie 2015


  1. Metodele neinvazive de evaluare a activității / steatozei / fibrozei. Ce s-a întamplat nou în domeniu în ultimii 10 – 15 ani? – Al XXXIV-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva Oradea, iunie 2014
  2. Concluzii practice: când și de ce sa alegem o metodă neinvazivă – Al XXXIV-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva Oradea, iunie 2014
  3. Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in the evaluation of pancreatic lesions – EUROSON SCHOOL COURSE – UP-TO-DATE IN CONTRAST ENHANCED ULTRASOUND AND ELASTOGRAPHY, 19-20 September 2014, Timișoara
  5. NOTIUNI DE ANATOMIE ECOGRAFICA VASCULARĂ – Curs de Ecografie pentru Studenti. A XV-a Conferinta Nationala a SRUMB, Timisoara, mai 2014
  6. Examinarea ecografică a ficatului – Curs de Ecografie pentru Studenti. A XV-a Conferinta Nationala a SRUMB, Timisoara, mai 2014
  7. Tehnica examinarii ecografice – Curs de Ecografie pentru Studenti. A XV-a Conferinta Nationala a SRUMB, Timisoara, mai 2014
  8. Ecografia splinei – Curs de Ecografie pentru Studenti. A XV-a Conferinta Nationala a SRUMB, Timisoara, mai 2014


  1. The place of ultrasound in the evaluation of right upper abdominal quadrant pain – WFUMB COE Timișoara annual workshop: Up-to-date in abdominal ultrasound, Oradea , mai 2013
  2. Telemedicina transfrontalieră în ecografie – a XVI-a Conferinta Nationala a SRUMB, Oradea, mai 2013
  3. Cazuri Clinico-ecografice – Al XXXIII-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva Timisoara, iunie 2013


  1. Ecografia cu substanță de contrast în evaluarea tumorilor hepatice benigne – Atelier: Ecografia generală în practica medicilor de familie. Congresul Național de Medicina Familiei, ediția a VII-a, septembrie 2012, Timișoara, România
  2. Cazuri clinice – Ecografia generală în practica medicilor de familie. Congresul Național de Medicina Familiei, ediția a VII-a, septembrie 2012, Timișoara, România
  3. Ecografia cu substanță de contrast în leziuni pancreatice – WFUMB COE Timișoara annual workshop: Up-to-date in abdominal ultrasound 21-22 Septembrie 2012, Timișoara România
  4. Elastografia Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) (Siemens): – EFSUMB Endorsed Course: Elastografia în gastroenterologie și hepatologie, 20-21 Septembrie 2012, Timișoara, Romania
  5. Rolul gastroenterologului în evaluarea non – invazivă a fibrozei hepatice. – A XV-a Conferinta Nationala a SRUMB, Cluj-Napoca 31.05-2.06.2012


  1. ARFI : o nouă metodă de evaluare a fibrozei hepatice și a severității ei. Al XXXI-lea Simpozion Național de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie și Endoscopie digestivă, Mamaia, iunie 2011
  2. Evaluarea ecografică cu substanță de contrast ficatului necirotic. – WFUMB Center of Excelence – Masa Rotundă de Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie. A XIV-a Conferință Națională a SRUMB, Târgu Mureș, Iunie 2011. Rezumate Med Ultrason. 2011;13(suppl 1): 26-27
  3. Durerea de hipocondru drept și durerea epigastrică – aportul ecografiei în diagnosticul diferențial – A XIV-a Conferință Națională a SRUMB, Târgu Mureș, Iunie 2011 Rezumate Med Ultrason. 2011;13(suppl 1): 132-133
  4. Ecografia cu substanță de contrast – o noua tehnică de evaluare în patologia tumorală hepatică. Expoziție și Congres Medical TimMedica, Timișoara, 16-18 iunie 2011
  5. Ecografia cu substanță de contrast În evaluarea leziunilor focale hepatice. Al XIV-lea Simpozion National “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota”, Timisoara, septembrie 2011


  1. Cost efficiency of CEUS as compared to other imaging modalities. A XIII-a conferinta SRUMB, Sibiu 2010, WFUMB COE Timişoara workshop – Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound. Med Ultrason 2010; 12(Suppl 1): 3 ISSN: 2066-8643
  2. CEUS – clinical cases, interactive. A XIII-a conferinta SRUMB, Sibiu 2010, WFUMB COE Timişoara workshop – Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Medical Ultrasonography 2010; 12(Suppl 1): 5 ISSN: 2066-8643
  3. Meet the expert – Evaluarea fibrozei hepatice prin Elastografie în timp real prin tehnica ARFI A XIII-a conferinta SRUMB, Sibiu 2010. Medical Ultrasonography 2010; 12 (Suppl 1): 1 ISSN: 2066-8643


  1. CEUS for the diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis. Euroson School: CEUS in Clinical Practice. Bucureşti, 15 mai 2009. Sylabus
  2. Elastografia impulsională în practica clinică Sesiune întâlnire cu experţii. A XII-a conferinţă naţională SRUMB, Bucureşti, 16-17 mai 2009 Bucureşti. Med Ultrason 2009:11; (Suppl 1); 35-36 ISSN: 2066-8643




1) Titlul tezei de doctorat.

Doctor în Medicină, Ordinul Ministrului Educației și Cercetării nr. 6026/2009 cu tema: ”Metode de evaluare neinvazivă şi rezultatele la tratament în hepatita cronică HCV”.  Conducător Ştiinţific: Profesor Dr. Ioan Sporea, UMF „Victor Babeș” Timișoara

2) Titlul tezei de abilitare

Teza de abilitare cu titlul: ”Modern diagnostic techniques for the liver” – susținută la UMF ”Victor Babeș” din Timișoara, confirmată prin Ordinul Ministerului Educației Naționale cu nr. 3821/04.06.2018

3) Cărți de specialitate



  1. Nuernberg D, Chammas C, Gilja OH, Sporea I and Sirli R (Eds.). WFUMB Ultrasound Book. Edited by WFUMB (World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology) 2021. ISBN:  978-1-8384990-0-6 (e-book) – 577 pagini
  2. Sporea I, Goldis A, în colaborare cu Popescu A și Șirli R. Textbook of gastroenterology and hepatology. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2021. ISBN ISBN 978-606-786-086-3 – 157 pagini




  1. Sporea I (editor) (Popescu A, Șirli R, Danila M, Bende F, Mare R, Ghiuchici AM, Moga T). Ultrasound Atlas of Clinical Cases. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2020. ISBN 978-606-786-189-1 (e-book) – 118 pagini
  2. Sporea I (editor) (Popescu A, Șirli R, Danila M, Bende F, Mare R, Ghiuchici AM, Moga T). Atlas of Abdominal Ultrasound Images. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2020. ISBN 978-606-786-190-7 (e-book) – 97 pagini
  3. Sporea I, Goldis A, in colaborare cu Popescu A și Șirli R. Curs de gastroenterologie şi hepatologie, Ediția a doua. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2020. ISBN 978-606-786-176-1– 167 pagini



  1. Sporea I, Danila M (sub redactia) (Șirli R, Popescu A, Goldiș A, Rațiu I, Deleanu A, Miuțescu B, Bende F, Ghiuchici AM, Mare R, Moga T). Manual de explorări în gastroenterologie și hepatologie. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2019. ISBN 978-606-786-121-1 (e-book) – 118 pagini
  2. Sporea I, Goldis A, in colaborare cu Popescu A și Șirli R. COURS DE GASTROENTÉROLOGIE ET DE HÉPATOLOGIE. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2019. ISBN 978-606-786-085-6. (e-book) – 118 pagini



  1. Sporea I, Goldis A, in colaborare cu Popescu A și Șirli R. Curs de gastroenterologie şi hepatologie. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2018. ISBN 978-606-786-084-9 (e-book) – 167 pagini



  1. Sirli R, Sporea I. Cours d’echographie abdominale pour etudiants. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2017. ISBN 978-606-786-050-4 (e-book) – 144 pagini
  2. Sporea I, Cijevschi Prelipcean C, in collaboration with Greiner L, Șirli R, Danila M, Popescu A. Abdominal ultrasound in clinical practice. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2017. ISBN 978-606-786-051-1 (e-book) – 163 pagini


  1. Sporea I, Șirli R (Eds). Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1. Bentham Science Publishers 2016. eISBN: 978-1-68108-401-5, ISBN: 978-1-68108-402-2. DOI: 10.2174/97816810840151160101 – 178 pagini
  2. Sporea I, Goldis A, în colaborare cu Popescu A și Șirli R. Textbook of gastroenterology and hepatology. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2016. ISBN 978-606-8456-91-1 – 143 pagini
  3. Sporea I, Goldis A, in colaborare cu Popescu A si Șirli R. Cours de gastroenterologie et de hepatologie. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2016. ISBN 978-606-8456-89-8 – 180 pagini
  4. Șirli R, Sporea I. Course of abdominal ultrasound for students. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2016. ISBN 978-606-8456-92-8 (e-book) 139 pagini
  5. Sporea I, Goldis A, in colaborare cu Popescu A și Șirli R. Curs de gastroenterologie şi hepatologie. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2016. ISBN 978-606-8456-90-4 – 167 pagini
  6. Șirli R, Sporea I. Curs de ecografie abdominala pentru studenti. Editura „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, 2016. ISBN 978-606-8456-93-5 (e-book) 142 pagini


  1. Sporea I, Șirli R (Eds). Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves. Bentham Science Publishers 2012. eISBN: 978-1-60805-463-3; ISBN: 978-1-6805-557-9; DOI: 10.2174/97816080546331120101 – (e-book) 128 pagini


  1. Sporea I, Cijevschi Prelipcean C, in colaborare cu Danila M, Popescu A, Șirli R. Ecografia abdominala in practica clinica. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010, ISBN 978-973-52-0850-9


  1. Sporea I, Dănilă M, Popescu A, Şirli R. Ecografia cu substanţă de contrast (CEUS) în patologia abdominală. Ed. Mirton Timişoara 2009. ISBN 978-973- 52-0612-3


  1. Moldovanu L, Șirli R. Sănătatea – un criteriu de eligibilitate a decidenţilor. Ed. „Vasile Godiş” University Press, Arad, 2007, ISBN 978-973-664-234-0
  2. Moldovanu L, Șirli R. Credință, știință conștiință. Ed. Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu Arad, 2007. ISBN 973-8363-88-X


  1. Moldovanu L, Șirli R. Faith, science, consciousness. Ed. Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu Arad, 2005, ISBN 973-8363-88-X


  1. Moldovanu L, Șirli R. Credinţa – temelia continuităţii româneşti, ediţia a II-a. Ed. Societăţii culturale Pro Maramureş „Dragoş Vodă”, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, ISBN 973-8274-02-8


  1. Moldovanu L, Șirli R. Credinţa – factor de continuitate a românilor. Ed. Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu Arad, 2003, ISBN 973-8363-20-X


  1. Moldovanu L, Şirli R, Ghidău I. Teorii în Asistenţa Socială. Editura Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu Arad, 2001, ISBN 973-9361-66-8
  2. Moldovanu L, Șirli R. Servicii de sănătate publică. Editura Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu Arad, 2001, ISBN 973-9361-66-8


  1. Moldovanu L, Șirli R . Supravegherea sănătăţii decizionalilor – o chestiune de legiferat în societatea românească. Societăţii Culturale şi Ştiinţifice Ivan Krasco, Arad, 1997, ISBN 973-9292-16-X


4) Capitole în volume colective


  1. Șirli R, Rațiu I, Sporea I. Elastography for the Evaluation of Portal Hypertension. In: Elastography – Applications in Clinical Medicine. Stoian D and Popescu A (Eds.). InTech 2022. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102444
  2. Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Șirli R. Ultrasound Based Elastography Techniques for the Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Liver Disease. In: Elastography – Applications in Clinical Medicine. Stoian D and Popescu A (Eds.). InTech 2022. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102363
  3. Sirli R. Ch. 24. Can we stop nucleos(t)ide analogs in HBV chronic hepatitis? In: What is new in gastroenterology and hepatology. Sporea I and Popescu A (Eds.). Pte. Ltd. Sharjah 2021, ISBN (Online): 978-1-68108-787-0 ISBN (Print): 978-1-68108-788-7. p. 285-296


  1. Șirli R, Ferraioli G. Ch. 33 Elastography. In: WFUMB Ultrasound Book. Nuernberg D,  Chammas C, Gilja OH, Sporea I and Sirli R (Eds.). Edited by WFUMB (World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology) 2021. ISBN:  978-1-8384990-0-6 (e-book), p. 555-565



  1. Șirli R, Popescu A, Sporea I. Liver Fibrosis Assessment by Point Shear-Wave Elastography Techniques. In: Ultrasound Elastography. Lupsor M (Ed.). InTech 2020. P 21-36. ISBN: 978-1-78985-709-2. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.87212
  2. Popescu A, Şirli R, Sporea I. 2D Shear Wave Elastography for Liver Fibrosis Evaluation. In: Ultrasound Elastography. Lupsor M (Ed.). InTech 2020. P 37-48. ISBN: 978-1-78985-709-2. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88183
  3. Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A. Quantification of Liver Steatosis. In: Ultrasound Elastography. Lupsor M (Ed.). InTech 2020. P 49-61. ISBN: 978-1-78985-709-2. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.87938
  4. Sporea I, Șirli R. Ultrasound-based liver elastography. In Tissue Elasticity Imaging Volume 2: Clinical Applications. S. Kaisar Alam and Brian S. Garra (Eds) Elsevier 2020, Pages 109-133 ISBN-13: 978-0128096628





  1. Sporea I, Sirli R, Lyshchik A. Cost Efficiency of CEUS, p 16-19. In: Specialty Imaging: Fundamentals of CEUS, 1st Edition. Lyshchik A, Dietrich CF, Sidhu PS, Wilson SR (Eds.), Elsevier 2019, 416 pagini, ISBN: 9780323625647
  2. Popescu A, Șirli R, Sporea I. Ecografia tubului digestiv. în Actualități în Medicina Internă, sub redacția Leonida Gherasim, Ioan Alexandru Oproiu. Ed. Medicală, București, 2019, pag. 245-264. ISBN 978-973-39-0860-9
  3. Sporea I, Șirli R. Screeningul hepatocarcinomului. In Bolile hepatice in 2019. Gheorghe L (Ed.) Ed. Medichub Media, București, 2019. p. 132-136. ISBN 978-606-94161-7-4. 154 pagini. 


  1. Sirli R, Sporea I. Infecția cu Helicobacter pylori. p 77-84. In: Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie clinică. Trifan A, Gheorghe C, Dumitrașcu D, Diculescu M, Gheorghe L, Sporea I, Tanțău M, Ciurea T (Eds.) Editura Medicală 2018, 1060 pagini, ISBN: 973-39-0846-3.
  2. Pascu O, Sirli R, Sporea I. Ciroza hepatică și complicațiile sale. p. 653-675. In: Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie clinică. Trifan A, Gheorghe C, Dumitrașcu D, Diculescu M, Gheorghe L, Sporea I, Tanțău M, Ciurea T (Eds.) Editura Medicală 2018, 1060 pagini, ISBN: 973-39-0846-3.
  3. Sporea I, Friedrich-Rust M, Gilja OH, Bota S, Șirli R. 34 p.  Liver elastography. In EFSUMB Course Book on Ultrasound 2nd Edition. Dietrich Ch. (Ed). EFSUMB 2018, available


  1. Sirli R, Popescu A. Contrast‐Enhanced Ultrasound for the Assessment of Pancreatic Lesions. P 141-158.  In: Challenges in Pancreatic Pathology, Seicean A (Ed.) InTech 2017. ISBN 978-953-51-3116-8,


  1. Sporea I, Șirli R. Transient Elastography. p. 3-43. In: Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1. In Sporea I, Șirli R (Eds). Bentham Science Publishers 2016. eISBN: 978-1-68108-401-5, ISBN: 978-1-68108-402-2. DOI: 10.2174/97816810840151160101 – 178 pagini
  2. Sporea I, Șirli R. Comparison of Elastographic Techniques. p. 130-135. In: Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1. In Sporea I, Șirli R (Eds). Bentham Science Publishers 2016. eISBN: 978-1-68108-401-5, ISBN: 978-1-68108-402-2. DOI: 10.2174/97816810840151160101 – 178 pagini
  3. Sporea I, Șirli R. Guidelines on liver elastography. p. 154-159. In: Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1. In Sporea I, Șirli R (Eds). Bentham Science Publishers 2016. eISBN: 978-1-68108-401-5, ISBN: 978-1-68108-402-2. DOI: 10.2174/97816810840151160101 – 178 pagini.


  1. Sporea I, Șirli R. Transient Elastography. p. 25-51. In Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves. Sporea I, Șirli R (Eds). Bentham Science Publishers 2012. eISBN: 978-1-60805-463-3; ISBN: 978-1-6805-557-9; DOI: 10.2174/97816080546331120101 – (e-book) 128 pagini


  1. Sporea I, Şirli R. Criterii de selectie a pacientilor cu infectie virala C pentru tratamentul antiviral, obiective terapeutice, monitorizarea raspunsului. p.45-53. în : Actualitati in diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor cronice virale, sub redactia Grigorescu M, Stanciu C. Ed. Medicală Universitara Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj Napoca 2010, ISBN: 978-973-693-360-8
  2. Șirli R, Popescu A.  Colonul iritabil. p.127-134. în: Ghid practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, sub coordonarea Sporea I. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010, ISBN 978-973-52-0861-5
  3. Popescu A, Șirli R. Diverticuloza colonică și complicațiile ei. p.135-142. în: Ghid practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, sub coordonarea Sporea I. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010, ISBN 978-973-52-0861-5
  4. Șirli R, Popescu A. Abordarea practică a sindromului citolitic. p.255-262. în: Ghid practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, sub coordonarea Sporea I. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010,. ISBN 978-973-52-0861-5
  5. Șirli R, Dănilă M. Atitudinea practică în fața pacientului icteric. p.281-288. în: Ghid practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, sub coordonarea Sporea I. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010, ISBN 978-973-52-0861-5
  6. Sporea I, Șirli R. Evaluarea non-invazivă a fibrozei hepatice. p.319-346. în: Ghid practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, sub coordonarea Sporea I. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010, ISBN 978-973-52-0861-5
  7. Goldiș A, Șirli R. Tratametul hepatitei cronice C. p.393-414. în: Ghid practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, sub coordonarea Sporea I. Editura Mirton Timisoara 2010, ISBN 978-973-52-0861-5.


  1. Sporea I, Şirli R. Evaluarea critica a aportului explorării prin FibroScan in diagnosticul hepatopatiilor cronice difuze. p 163-175, în: Actualităţi în diagnosticul şi tratamentul hepatitelor virale, sub redacţia Grigorescu M şi Stanciu C,  Ed. Medicală Universitară „Iuliu Haţieganu”, Cluj-Napoca 2008, ISBN: 978-973-693-276-2.
  2. Sporea I, Şirli R, Deleanu A. Evaluarea non-invazivă a hepatopatiilor cronice. p. 118-128. în: Caiete de gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie, sub redacţia Olteanu D şi Rizescu M. Ed. Semne, Bucureşti, 2008, ISBN 973-624-606-x


5) Articole publicate in extenso

  1. a) Articole în reviste cotate ISI, cu factor de impact



  1. Moga T, Dancu GM, Cotrau R, Bende R, Popescu A, Danila M, Bizerea-Moga T, Bona A, Plopeanu A, Sporea I, Sirli R. Learning curves in abdominal ultrasound in medical students. Med Ultrason. 2023 Nov 25. doi: 10.11152/mu-4235. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38150697. IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  2. Topan MM, Sporea I, Dănilă M, Popescu A, Ghiuchici AM, Lupușoru R, Șirli R. Association between Dietary Habits and Sarcopenia in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. J Clin Med. 2023 Jul 14;12(14):4693. doi: 10.3390/jcm12144693. PMID: 37510811 ISSN 2077-0383. IF 3.9, WOS:001036055300001
  3. Dancu G, Tarta C, Socaciu C, Bende F, Danila M, Sirli R, Sporea I, Miutescu B, Popescu A. Unraveling the Metabolic Changes in Acute Pancreatitis: A Metabolomics-Based Approach for Etiological Differentiation and Acute Biomarker Discovery. Biomolecules. 2023 Oct 22;13(10):1558. doi: 10.3390/biom13101558. PMID: 37892240. ISSN: 2218-273X. IF 5.5.
  4. Lazar A, Sporea I, Lungeanu D, Mare R, Lupusoru R, Popescu A, Danila M, Deleanu A, Dan I, Lascau A, Popa A, Sirli R. The Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis Stages on More than 23,000 Liver Stiffness Measurements by Vibration-Controlled Transient Elastography: A Single Center Study. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Aug 30;13(17):2803. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13172803. PMID: 37685341. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418
  5. Maralescu FM, Vaduva A, Schiller A, Petrica L, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Dema A, Bodea M, Grosu I, Bob F. Relationship between Novel Elastography Techniques and Renal Fibrosis-Preliminary Experience in Patients with Chronic Glomerulonephritis. Biomedicines. 2023 Jan 26;11(2):365. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11020365. IF = 4.757. eISSN 2227-9059. WOS:000938370200001
  6. Moga TV, Foncea C, Bende R, Popescu A, Burdan A, Heredea D, Danilă M, Miutescu B, Ratiu I, Bizerea-Moga TO, Sporea I, Sirli R. Impact of COVID-19 on Patients with Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Feb 6;13(4):600. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13040600. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418 . WOS:000939058500001
  7. Marc L, Mihaescu A, Lupusoru R, Schiller O, Bob F, Chisavu L, Bende F, Sirli R, Schiller A. Hepatitis C and hepatitis B virus infection in hemodialysis patients after nationwide direct antiviral agents therapy-experience of 10 Romanian HD centers. Int Urol Nephrol. 2023 Apr 6. doi: 10.1007/s11255-023-03587-0. Online ahead of print. IF = 2.266. ISSN :0301-1623, eISSN :1573-2584. WOS:000963908200001
  8. Burciu C, Șirli R, Bende R, Popa A, Vuletici D, Miuțescu B, Rațiu I, Popescu A, Sporea I, Dănilă M. A Statistical Approach to the Diagnosis and Prediction of HCC Using CK19 and Glypican 3 Biomarkers. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Mar 27;13(7):1253. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13071253. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418 (corespondent). WOS:000968474300001


  1. Lupușoru R, Sporea I, Rațiu I, Lungeanu D, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Mare R, Marc L, Lascău A, Moga TV, Bende F, Ghiuchici AM, Șirli R. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography with Arrival Time Parametric Imaging as a Non-Invasive Diagnostic Tool for Liver Cirrhosis. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Dec 1;12(12):3013. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12123013. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000900529400001
  2. Foncea CG, Moga TV, Sporea I, Popa A, Sirli R, Bende F, Popescu A, Fofiu R. The role of elastography for liver fibrosis screening in alcoholic liver disease. Med Ultrason. 2022 Dec 21;24(4):406-413. doi: 10.11152/mu-3784. IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643. WOS:000925521200004
  3. Raţiu I, Lupuşoru R, Popescu A, Sporea I, Goldiş A, Dănilă M, Miuţescu B, Moga T, Barbulescu A, Şirli R. Acute gastrointestinal bleeding: A comparison between variceal and nonvariceal gastrointestinal bleeding. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Nov 11;101(45):e31543. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000031543. ISSN: 0025-7974; Online ISSN: 1536-5964; IF= 1.817. WOS:000898398700082
  4. Lazar A, Sporea I, Popa A, Lupusoru R, Gherhardt D, Mare R, Apostu A, Hnatiuc M, Șirli R. Dynamic Changes in Liver Stiffness in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Undergoing Antiviral Therapy. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Oct 31;12(11):2646. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12112646. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000895190400001
  5. Maralescu FM, Bende F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Schiller A, Petrica L, Miutescu B, Borlea A, Popa A, Bodea M, Bob F. Non-Invasive Evaluation of Kidney Elasticity and Viscosity in a Healthy Cohort. Biomedicines. 2022 Nov 8;10(11):2859. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10112859. IF=4.757 ISSN: 2227-9059. WOS:000894912600001
  6. Maralescu FM, Bende F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Schiller A, Petrica L, Moga TV, Mare R, Grosu I, Bob F. Assessment of Renal Allograft Stiffness and Viscosity Using 2D SWE PLUS and Vi PLUS Measures-A Pilot Study. J Clin Med. 2022 Jul 27;11(15):4370. doi: 10.3390/jcm11154370. IF= 4.964. ISSN 2077-0383. WOS:000838833500001
  7. Popa A, Sporea I, Bende F, Popescu A, Fofiu R, Borlea A, Bâldea V, Pascu A, Foncea CG, Cotrău R, Șirli R. The Non-Invasive Ultrasound-Based Assessment of Liver Viscosity in a Healthy Cohort. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Jun 13;12(6):1451. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12061451. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000816521100001
  8. Mare R, Sporea I, Tomescu M, Pop GN, Vitel A, Popescu A, Nistorescu S, Sirli R. Fibrosis Predictive Score in Caucasian Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2022 Jun 7;15:1703-1713. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S358744. eCollection 2022. IF = 3.249. ISSN: 1178-7007. WOS:000811517200001
  9. Burciu C, Șirli R, Bende F, Fofiu R, Popescu A, Sporea I, Ghiuchici AM, Miuțescu B, Dănilă M. Usefulness of Imaging and Biological Tools for the Characterization of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 May 5;12(5):1145. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12051145. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418 (coresp). WOS:000804871900001
  10. Topan MM, Sporea I, Dănilă M, Popescu A, Ghiuchici AM, Lupușoru R, Șirli R. Comparison of Different Nutritional Assessment Tools in Detecting Malnutrition and Sarcopenia among Cirrhotic Patients. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Apr 3;12(4):893. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12040893. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000785274200001
  11. Dancu G, Bende F, Danila M, Sirli R, Popescu A, Tarta C. Hypertriglyceridaemia-Induced Acute Pancreatitis: A Different Disease Phenotype. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Mar 31;12(4):868. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12040868. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000786077500001
  12. Rațiu I, Lupușoru R, Lungeanu D, Popescu A, Sporea I, Goldiș A, Dănilă M, Miuțescu B, Moga T, Barbulescu A, Tăban S, Dema A, Șirli R. Diagnosis of malignant biliary obstruction: pondering over the ERCP, MRCP and histology. J Int Med Res. 2022 Feb;50(2):3000605221076924. doi: 10.1177/03000605221076924. IF= 1.573, ISSN: 0300-0605, 1473-2300. WOS:000762749800001


  1. Dancu GM, Popescu A, Sirli R, Danila M, Bende F, Tarta C, Sporea I. The BISAP score, NLR, CRP, or BUN: Which marker best predicts the outcome of acute pancreatitis? Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Dec 23;100(51):e28121. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000028121. ISSN: 0025-7974; Online ISSN: 1536-5964; IF= 1.817 WOS:000733564800011
  2. Rațiu I, Lupușoru R, Vora P, Popescu A, Sporea I, Goldiș A, Dănilă M, Miuțescu B, Barbulescu A, Hnatiuc M, Diaconescu R, Tăban S, Lazar F, Șirli R. Opportunistic Colonoscopy Cancer Screening Pays off in Romania-A Single-Centre Study. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Dec 19;11(12):2393. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11122393. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418 WOS:000736395400001
  3. Moga TV, David C, Popescu A, Lupusoru R, Heredea D, Ghiuchici AM, Foncea C, Burdan A, Sirli R, Danilă M, Ratiu I, Bizerea-Moga T, Sporea I. Multiparametric Ultrasound Approach Using a Tree-Based Decision Classifier for Inconclusive Focal Liver Lesions Evaluated by Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound. J Pers Med. 2021 Dec 20;11(12):1388. doi: 10.3390/jpm11121388.. IF = 3.508. ISSN: 2075-4426. WOS:000737588900001
  4. Topan MM, Sporea I, Dănilă M, Popescu A, Ghiuchici AM, Lupuşoru R, Şirli R. Impact of Sarcopenia on Survival and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis. Front Nutr. 2021 Oct 21;8:766451. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.766451. eCollection 2021. IF= 6.59. ISSN 2296-861X. WOS:000716633400001
  5. Bende F, Tudoran C, Sporea I, Fofiu R, Bâldea V, Cotrău R, Popescu A, Sirli R, Ungureanu BS, Tudoran M. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Evaluate the Presence of Hepatic and Cardiac Abnormalities in Patients with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome-A Pilot Study. J Clin Med. 2021 Jun 6;10(11):2507. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112507. IF= 4.964. ISSN 2077-0383. WOS:000660234000001
  6. Foncea CG, Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Moga TV, Bende F, Șirli R, Popescu A. Day-4 Lille Score Is a Good Prognostic Factor and Early Predictor in Assessing Therapy Response in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis. J Clin Med. 2021 May 27;10(11):2338. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112338. IF= 4.964. ISSN 2077-0383 WOS:000660234600001
  7. Podrug K, Sporea I, Lupusoru R, Pastrovic F, Mustapic S, Bâldea V, Bozin T, Bokun T, Salkic N, Șirli R, Popescu A, Puljiz Z, Grgurevic I. Diagnostic Performance of 2-D Shear-Wave Elastography with Propagation Maps and Attenuation Imaging in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2021 Aug;47(8):2128-2137 doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2021.03.025. IF= 3.694. ISSN 0301-5629. WOS:000669809900012
  8. Şirli R, Sporea I, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Săndulescu DL, Săftoiu A, Moga T, Spârchez Z, Cijevschi C, Mihai C, Ioanițescu S, Nedelcu D, Iacob N, Miclăuș G, Brisc C, Badea R. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for the assessment of focal nodular hyperplasia – results of a multicentre study. Med Ultrason 2021. May 20;23(2):140-146. E-pub 2021 Apr 22. doi: 10.11152/mu-2912. Online ahead of print. IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643 WOS:000672718900002
  9. Popa A, Bende F, Șirli R, Popescu A, Bâldea V, Lupușoru R, Cotrău R, Fofiu R, Foncea C, Sporea I. Quantification of Liver Fibrosis, Steatosis, and Viscosity Using Multiparametric Ultrasound in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease: A “Real-Life” Cohort Study. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Apr 26;11(5):783. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11050783. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000653812100001
  10. Ghiuchici AM, Sporea I, Dănilă M, Șirli R, Moga T, Bende F, Popescu A. Is There a Place for Elastography in the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma? J Clin Med. 2021 Apr 15;10(8):1710. doi: 10.3390/jcm10081710. IF= 4.964. ISSN 2077-0383. WOS:000644463700001
  11. Fofiu R, Bende F, Popescu A, Șirli R, Miuţescu B, Sporea I. Assessing Baveno VI Criteria Using Liver Stiffness Measured with a 2D-Shear Wave Elastography Technique. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Apr 21;11(5):737. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11050737. IF= 3.992. ISSN: 2075-4418. WOS:000653805200001
  12. Fofiu R, Bende F, Popescu A, Şirli R, Lupușoru R, Ghiuchici AM, Sporea I. Spleen and Liver Stiffness for Predicting High-Risk Varices in Patients with Compensated Liver Cirrhosis. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2021 Jan 47 (1): 76-83. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2020.09.004. IF= 3.694. ISSN 0301-5629. WOS:000600581200010
  13. Sirli R, Sporea I. Controlled Attenuation Parameter for Quantification of Steatosis: Which Cut-Offs to Use?. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Mar 26;2021:6662760. doi: 10.1155/2021/6662760. eCollection 2021. IF= 2.605. ISSN: 2291-2789 (Print), ISSN: 2291-2797 (Online) WOS:000637410600001
  14. Fofiu R, Bende F, Lupusoru R, Sirli R, Popescu A, Sporea I. Spleen Stiffness for Predicting Varices Needing Treatment: Comparison between Two Different Elastography Techniques (Point vs. 2D-SWE). Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Mar 28;2021: 6622726. DOI: 10.1155/2021/6622726. IF= 2.605. ISSN: 2291-2789 (Print), ISSN: 2291-2797 (Online) WOS:000637410500001
  15. Barbulescu A, Ratiu I, Sporea I, Lungeanu D, Lupusoru R, Miutescu B, Danila M, Popescu A, Sirli R. Extending and validating the Baveno VI criteria for the exclusion of high-risk varices. Med Ultrason. 2021 Aug 11;23(3):265-270. (E-pub Mar 3. doi: 10.11152/mu-2929. Online ahead of print). IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643. WOS:000684952900003
  16. Bâldea V, Bende F, Popescu A, Șirli R, Sporea I. Comparative study between two 2D-Shear Waves Elastography techniques for the non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Med Ultrason. 2021 Aug 11;23(3):257-264. (E-pub Mar 1. doi: 10.11152/mu-2863. Online ahead of print). IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643. WOS:000684952900002
  17. Ghiuchici AM, Dănilă M, Popescu A, Șirli R, Moga T, Topan M, Bende F, Sporea I. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound algorithm (ACR CEUS LI-RADSv 2017)- a valuable tool for the noninvasive diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic liver disease Med Ultrason. 2021 Nov 25;23(4):383-389. doi: 10.11152/mu-2887. Online ahead of print. IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643. WOS:000726737600001
  18. Popa A, Șirli R, Popescu A, Bâldea V, Lupușoru R, Bende F, Cotrău R, Sporea I. Ultrasound-Based Quantification of Fibrosis and Steatosis with a New Software Considering Transient Elastography as Reference in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2021 Jul;47(7):1692-1703. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2021.02.029. Epub 2021 Apr 6. IF= 3.694. ISSN 0301-5629. Online ahead of print. WOS:000656704200005
  19. Bende F, Sporea I, Șirli R, Bâldea V, Lazăr A, Lupușoru R, Fofiu R, Popescu A. Ultrasound-Guided Attenuation Parameter (UGAP) for the quantification of liver steatosis using the Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) as the reference method. Med Ultrason. 2021 Feb 18;23(1):7-14. (2020 Oct 8. doi: 10.11152/mu-2688. Online ahead of print). IF= 1.75. ISSN: 2066-8643. WOS:000620489200002



  1. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Csiki IE, Huiban L, Cojocaru M, Cojocariu C, Nemteanu R, Girleanu I, Sirli R, Singeap AM, Pop C, Dumitrascu DL, Vadan R, Iacob R, Diculescu M, Trifan A, Sporea I, Gheorghe C. The Prevalence of HCV Infection and Risk Factors in a Hospital- Based Population Screening, a First Step to the Micro-Elimination of HCV Infection in Medical Institutions from Romania – Results of the HepC ALERT Study. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2020 Dec 12;29(4):587-593. doi: 10.15403/jgld-3084. IF 2.008. ISSN: 1841-8724.
  2. Bende F, Sporea I, Şirli R, Nistorescu S, Fofiu R, Bâldea V, Popescu A. The Performance of a 2-Dimensional Shear-Wave Elastography Technique for Predicting Different Stages of Liver Fibrosis Using Transient Elastography as the Control Method. Ultrasound Q. 2021 Nov 2;37(2):97-104. doi: 10.1097/RUQ.0000000000000527. IF= 1.462. ISSN: 0894-8771 (correspondent) WOS:000657625400003
  3. Bâldea V, Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Bende F, Mare R, Popescu A, Șirli R. Comparative Study Between the Diagnostic Performance of Point and 2-D Shear-Wave Elastography for the Non-invasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Using Transient Elastography as Reference. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2020 Nov;46(11):2979-2988 doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2020.07.015. IF= 2.998. ISSN 0301-5629.
  4. Moga TV, Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Popescu A, Popa A, Bota S, Șirli R, Danilă M, Schlesinger A, Tzschätzsch H. Performance of a Noninvasive Time-Harmonic Elastography Technique for Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Using Vibration Controlled Transient Elastography as Reference Method. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Aug 31;10(9):E653. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10090653. IF= 3.706. ISSN: 2075-4418
  5. Sirli R, Sporea I. Education in Ultrasonography – when to start and when to stop. Med Ultrason. 2020 Sep 5;22(3):263-264. doi: 10.11152/mu-2796. IF= 1.611. ISSN: 2066-8643 WOS:000566715700001
  6. Sporea I, Mare R, Popescu A, Nistorescu S, Baldea V, Sirli R, Braha A, Sima A, Timar R, Lupusoru R. Screening for Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis in a Large Cohort of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Using Vibration Controlled Transient Elastography and Controlled Attenuation Parameter in a Single-Center Real-Life Experience. J Clin Med. 2020 Apr 6;9(4). pii: E1032. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041032. IF= 4.241. ISSN: ISSN 2077-0383
  7. Danila M, Sirli R, Popescu A, Iacob N, Ghiuchici AM. A rare cause of biliary obstruction – intraductal neuroendocrine tumor of the right hepatic biliary duct: a case report. Med Ultrason. 2021 May 20;23(2):235-237. doi: 10.11152/mu-2503. Online ahead of print. 2020 Apr 28. IF= 1.611. ISSN: 2066-8643 WOS:000672718900015
  8. Sporea I, Șirli R. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and the Need for Action. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, 2020 June; 29 (2): 139-141. DOI: IF 2.008. ISSN: 1841-8724.
  9. Bâldea V, Sporea I, Tudor A, Popescu A, Bende F, Șirli R. Virtual Touch Quantification using Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging Technology versus Transient Elastography for the Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B or C using Liver Biopsy as the Gold Standard. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, 2020 June; 29 (2): 181-190. DOI: IF 2.008. ISSN: 1841-8724.
  10. Sporea I, Bâldea V, Lupușoru R, Bende F, Mare R, Lazăr A, Popescu A, Șirli R. Quantification of Steatosis and Fibrosis using a new system implemented in an ultrasound machine. Med Ultrason. 2020 Sep 5;22(3):265-271. doi: 10.11152/mu-2495. IF= 1.611. ISSN: 2066-8643
  11. Sporea I, Bende F, Popescu A, Lupusoru R, Fofiu R, Sirli R. Are there different cut-off values for staging liver fibrosis using 2D-SWE implemented on different systems from the same manufacturer?. Med Ultrason. 2020 Mar 1;22(1):7-12. doi: 10.11152/mu-2225. IF= 1.611. ISSN: 2066-8643
  12. Foncea CG, Popescu A, Lupusoru R, Fofiu R, Sirli R, Danila M, Sporea I. Comparative study between pSWE and 2D-SWE techniques integrated in the same ultrasound machine, with Transient Elastography as the reference method. Med Ultrason. 2020 Mar 1;22(1):13-19. doi: 10.11152/mu-2179. IF= 1.611. ISSN: 2066-8643



  1. Bazerbachi F, Haffar S, Wang Z, Cabezas J, Arias-Loste MT, Crespo J, Darwish-Murad S, Ikram MA, Olynyk JK, Gan E, Petta S, Berzuini A, Prati D, de Lédinghen V, Wong VW, Del Poggio P, Chávez-Tapia NC, Chen YP, Cheng PN, Yuen MF, Das K, Chowdhury A, Caballeria L, Fabrellas N, Ginès P, Kumar M, Sarin SK, Conti F, Andreone P, Sirli R, Cortez-Pinto H, Carvalhana S, Sugihara T, Kim SU, Parikh P, Chayama K, Corpechot C, Kim KM, Papatheodoridis G, Alsebaey A, Kamath PS, Murad MH, Watt KD. Range of Normal Liver Stiffness and Factors Associated With Increased Stiffness Measurements in Apparently Healthy Individuals. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Jan;17(1):54-64.e1. IF= 8.549. ISSN: 1542-3565
  2. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Schiller A. Two-Dimensional Shear-Wave Elastography for Kidney Stiffness Assessment. Ultrasound Q. 2021 Jun 4;37(2):144-148. doi: 10.1097/RUQ.0000000000000461. IF= 1.462. ISSN: 0894-8771. WOS:000657625400011
  3. Sporea I, Săndulescu D, Şirli R, Popescu A, Danilă M, Spârchez Z, Mihai C, Ioanițescu S, Moga T, Timar B, Brisc C, Nedelcu D, Săftoiu A, Enăchescu V, Badea R. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for the Characterization of Malignant versus Benign Focal Liver Lesions in a Prospective Multicenter Experience – The SRUMB Study. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2019 Jun 1;28:191-196. doi: 10.15403/jgld-180. ISSN: 1841-8724. IF 2.351
  4. Dietrich CF, Ferraioli G, Sirli R, Popescu A, Sporea I, Pienar C, Kunze C, Taut H, Schrading S, Bota S, Schreiber-Dietrich D, Fang C, Yi D. General advice in ultrasound based elastography of pediatric patients. Med Ultrason. 2019 Aug 31;21(3):315-326. doi: 10.11152/mu-2063. IF= 1.553. ISSN: 2066-8643


  1. Sporea I, Mare R, Lupusoru R, Popescu A, Danila M, Bende F, Sirli R. Comparative study between four ultrasound Shear Waves Elastographic methods for liver fibrosis assessment. Med Ultrason. 2018 Aug 30;20(3):265-271. IF= 1.626. ISSN: 2066-8643
  2. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Timar R, Lighezan D, Popescu A, Sirli R, Buzas R, Petrica L, Munteanu M, Schiller A. Is Kidney Stiffness Measured Using Elastography Influenced Mainly by Vascular Factors in Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease? Ultrason Imaging. 2018 Sep;40(5):300-309.IF= 2.3. ISSN: 0161-7346
  3. Moga TV, Stepan AM, Pienar C, Bende F, Popescu A, Șirli R, Dănilă M, Sporea I. Intra- and Inter-Observer Reproducibility of a 2-D Shear Wave Elastography Technique and the Impact of Ultrasound Experience in Achieving Reliable Data. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2018 Aug;44(8):1627-1637. IF= 2.645. ISSN 0301-5629.
  4. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Şirli R, Schiller A. Correlation of Point Shear Wave Velocity and Kidney Function in Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Nov;37(11):2613-2620. IF= 1.53 ISSN: 0278-4297
  5. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Sirli R, Petrica L, Schiller A. Is there a correlation between kidney shear wave velocity measured with VTQ and histological parameters in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis? A pilot study. Med Ultrason. 2018 Feb 4;1(1):27-31. IF= 1.626. ISSN: 2066-8643
  6. Dietrich CF, Sirli R, Ferraioli G, Popescu A, Sporea I, Pienar C, Kunze C, Taut H, Schrading S, Bota S, Schreiber-Dietrich D, Yi D. Current knowledge in ultrasound-based liver elastography of pediatric patients. Applied Sciences (Basel). 2018 Jun 7;8(6). 944. IF=2.217 ISSN 2076-3417.
  7. Sima A, Sporea I, Timar R, Vlad M, Braha A, Popescu A, Nistorescu S, Mare R, Sirli R, Albai A, Albai O, Diaconu L, Sorescu T, Popescu  S, Sima  Non-invasive assessment of liver steatosis and fibrosis using transient elastography and controlled attenuation parameter in type 2 diabetes patients. Acta Endocrinologica Jul-Sep 2018, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p394-400 IF=0.411 ISSN‎: ‎1841-0987
  8. Bende F, Mulabecirovic A, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Gilja OH, Vesterhus M, Havre RF. Assessing Liver Stiffness by 2-D Shear Wave Elastography in a Healthy Cohort. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2018 Feb;44(2):332-341. IF= 2.645 ISSN 0301-5629


  1. Sporea I, Badea R, Brisc C, Ioanițescu S, Moga T, Popescu A, Săftoiu A, Săndulescu L, Spârchez Z, Șirli R. Romanian National Guidelines on Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in clinical practice. Med Ultrason. 2017 Nov 29;19(4):401-415. doi: 10.11152/mu-1349. IF= 1.512 ISSN: 2066-8643
  2. Dong Y, Sirli R, Ferraioli G, Sporea I, Chiorean L, Cui X, Fan M, Wang WP, Gilja OH, Sidhu PS, Dietrich CF. Shear wave elastography of the liver – review on normal values. Z Gastroenterol. 2017 Feb;55(2):153-166. IF= 1.612. ISSN:0044-2771
  3. Mare R, Sporea I, Lupuşoru R, Şirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Pienar C. The value of ElastPQ for the evaluation of liver stiffness in patients with B and C chronic hepatopathies. Ultrasonics. 2017 Feb 9;77:144-151. IF= 2.377 ISSN: 0041-624X – autor corespondent
  4. Bende F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Mare R, Miutescu B, Lupusoru R, Moga T, Pienar C. Performance of 2D-SWE.GE for predicting different stages of liver fibrosis, using Transient Elastography as the reference method. Med Ultrason. 2017 Apr 22;19(2):143-149. IF=1.512. ISSN: 2066-8643
  5. Sporea I, Lupușoru R, Mare R, Popescu A, Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Șirli R. Dynamics of liver stiffness values by means of transient elastography in patients with HCV liver cirrhosis undergoing interferon free treatment. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2017 Jun;26(2):145-150. IF=1.964. ISSN: 1841-8724
  6. Gheorghe L, Sporea I, Iacob S, Şirli R, Trifan A, Dobru D, Diculescu M, Stanciu C, Pascu O, Acalovschi M, Brisc C, Cijevschi C, Gheorghe C, Spârchez Z, Rogoveanu I, Dumitrascu D. Position paper on treatment of hepatitis C in Romania, 2017. Part one. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2017 Jun;26(2):171-181. IF=1.964. ISSN: 1841-8724
  7. Moga T, Popescu A, Sporea I, Danila M, David C, Gui V, Iacob N, Miclaus G, Sirli  Is Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography a useful tool in a beginner’s hand? How much can a Computer Assisted Diagnosis prototype help in characterizing the malignancy of focal liver lesions?  Med Ultrason 2017 Aug 23;19(3):252-258. IF= 1.512. ISSN: 2066-8643
  8. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Sima A, Şirli R, Petrica L, Timar R, Schiller A. Ultrasound-Based Shear Wave Elastography in the Assessment of Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017 Oct;43(10):2159-2166. IF= 2.645 ISSN 0301-5629
  9. Gheorghe L, Sporea I, Iacob S, Sirli R, Trifan A, Diculescu M, Stanciu C, Pascu O, Acalovschi M, Brisc C, Cijevschi C, Gheorghe C, Spârchez Z, Rogoveanu I, Dobru D, Dumitrascu DL. Position Paper on Treatment of Hepatitis C in Romania 2017. Part Two. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2017 Sep;26(3):309-317. IF=1.964. ISSN: 1841-8724
  10. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Curescu M, Brisc C, Cijevschi C, Caruntu F, Stanciu C, Simionov I, Sporea I, Gheorghe C, Iacob R, Arama V, Sirli R, Trifan A. Real-Life Use of 3 Direct-Acting Antiviral Regimen in a Large Cohort of Patients with Genotype-1b HCV Compensated Cirrhosis. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2017 Sep;26(3):275-281. IF=1.964. ISSN: 1841-8724.


  1. Sporea I, Șirli R, Mare R, Popescu A, Ivașcu SC. Feasibility of Transient Elastography with M and XL probes in real life. Med Ultrason. 2016 Mar;18(1):7-10. IF=1.118. ISSN: 2066-8643 – autor corespondent.
  2. Danila M, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R. Portal vein thrombosis in liver cirrhosis – the added value of contrast enhanced ultrasonography. Med Ultrason. 2016 Jun;18(2):218-33. IF=1.118. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  3. Sporea I, Mare R, Lupușoru R, Sima A, Sirli R, Popescu A, Timar R. Liver Stiffness Evaluation by Transient Elastography in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Ultrasound-proven Steatosis. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2016 Jun;25(2):167-74. IF= 1.837. ISSN: 1841-8724. – autor corespondent.
  4. Petrescu PH, Izvernariu DA, Iancu C, Dinu GO, Crişan D, Popescu SA, Şirli RL, Nistor BM, RăuŢia IC, Lăzureanu DC, Dema S, Prejbeanu IR, Sporea I. Evaluation of normal and pathological Achilles tendon by real-time shear wave elastography. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2016;57(2 Suppl):785-790. IF=0.67. ISSN 1220-0522.


  1. Bota S, Bob F, Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A. Factors that Influence Kidney Shear Wave Speed Assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography in Patients without Kidney Pathology. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Jan;41(1):1-6. IF= 2.298 ISSN 0301-5629
  2. Popescu A, Sporea I, Şirli R, Dănilă M, Mare R, Grădinaru Tascau O, Moga T. Does Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound improve the management of liver abscesses? A single centre experience. Med Ultrason. 2015 Dec;17(4):451-5. IF=1.167. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  3. Şirli R, Sporea I, Săndulescu DL, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Săftoiu A, Spârchez Z, Badea R. Contrast enhanced ultrasound for the diagnosis of liver hemangiomas – results of a Romanian multicentre study. Med Ultrason. 2015 Dec;17(4):444-50. IF=1.167. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  4. Şirli R, Sporea I, Popescu A, Dănilă M. Ultrasound-based elastography for the diagnosis of portal hypertension in cirrhotics. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov 7;21(41):11542-51. IF=2.787. ISSN. 1007-9327.
  5. Bota S, Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Gradinaru-Tascau O. How useful are ARFI elastography cut-off values proposed by meta-analysis for predicting the significant fibrosis and compensated liver cirrhosis? Med Ultrason. 2015 Jun;17(2):200-5. IF=1.167. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  6. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Schiller A. Relationship between the estimated glomerular filtration rate and kidney shear wave speed values assessed by acoustic radiation force impulse elastography: a pilot study. J Ultrasound Med. 2015 Apr;34(4):649-54. IF= 1.544 ISSN: 0278-4297.
  7. Ardelean M, Şirli R, Sporea I, Bota S, Danila M, Popescu A, Timar B, Buzas R, Mazilu O, Ardelean O, Lighezan D. The value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the characterization of vascular pattern of solid pancreatic lesions. Med Ultrason. 2015 Mar;17(1):16-21. IF=1.167. ISSN: 2066-8643. – autor corespondent.


  1. Ardelean M, Şirli R,Sporea I, Bota S, Martie A, Popescu A, Danila M, Timar B, Buzas R, Lighezan D. Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in the pathology of the pancreas – a monocentric experience. Med Ultrason. 2014 Dec;16(4):325-31. IF=1.108. ISSN: 2066-8643. – autor corespondent.       
  2. Sporea I, Bota S, Gradinaru-Tascau O, Şirli R, Popescu A. Comparative study between two point Shear Wave Elastographic techniques: Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography and ElastPQ. Med Ultrason. 2014 Dec;16(4):309-14. IF=1.108. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  3. Sporea I, Bota S, Săftoiu A, Şirli R, Gradinăru-Taşcău O, Popescu A, Lupşor Platon M, Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Gheonea DI, Săndulescu L, Badea R Romanian national guidelines and practical recommendations on liver elastography. Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Med Ultrason. 2014 Jun;16(2):123-38. IF=1.108. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  4. Şirli R,Sporea I, Deleanu A, Culcea L, Szilaski M, Popescu A, Dănilă M. Comparison between the M and XL probes for liver fibrosis assessment by transient elastography. Med Ultrason. 2014 Jun;16(2):119-22. IF=1.108. ISSN: 2066-8643.                                                                        
  5. Sporea I, Martie A, Bota S, Şirli R, Popescu A, Dănila M. Characterization of focal liver lesions using contrast enhanced ultrasound as a first line method: a large monocentric experience. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014 Mar;23(1):57-63. IF= 2.202. ISSN: 1841-8724. – autor corespondent.
  6. Sporea I, Şirli R. Reply to letter to the editor Re: “Acoustic radiation force impulse and supersonic shear imaging versus transient elastography for liver fibrosis assessment”. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2014 Aug;40(8):1918-9. IF= 2.214 ISSN 0301-5629
  7. Sporea I, Şirli R. Is Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) ready for use in daily practice for evaluation of focal liver lesions? Med Ultrason. 2014 Mar;16(1):37-40. IF=1.108. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  8. Sporea I, Badea R, Popescu A, Spârchez Z, Şirli RL, Dănilă M, Săndulescu L, Bota S, Calescu DP, Nedelcu D, Brisc C, Ciobâca L, Gheorghe L, Socaciu M, Martie A, Ioaniţescu S, Tamas A, Streba CT, Iordache M, Simionov I, Jinga M, Anghel A, Cijevschi Prelipcean C, Mihai C, Stanciu SM, Stoicescu D, Dumitru E, Pietrareanu C, Bartos D, Manzat Saplacan R, Pârvulescu I, Vădan R, Smira G, Tuţă L, Săftoiu A. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) for the evaluation of focal liver lesions – a prospective multicenter study of its usefulness in clinical practice. Ultraschall Med. 2014 Jun;35(3):259-66. IF=4.924. ISSN: 0172-4614                                                                          
  9. Sporea I, Bota S, Gradinaru-Taşcău O, Şirli R, Popescu A, Jurchiş A. Which are the cut-off values of 2D-Shear Wave Elastography (2D-SWE) liver stiffness measurements predicting different stages of liver fibrosis, considering Transient Elastography (TE) as the reference method? Eur J Radiol. 2014 Mar;83(3):e118-22.IF= 2.369 ISSN: 0720-048X                                                                 
  10. Bota S, Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Jurchis A, Gradinaru-Tascau O. Factors associated with the impossibility to obtain reliable liver stiffness measurements by means of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography – analysis of a cohort of 1,031 subjects. Eur J Radiol. 2014 Feb;83(2):268-72. IF= 2.369 ISSN: 0720-048X
  11. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Şirli R, Petrica L, Schiller A. Kidney shear wave speed values in subjects with and without renal pathology and inter-operator reproducibility of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography (ARFI)–preliminary results. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 26;9(11):e113761. IF= 3.234, ISSN: 1932-6203                                               
  12. Sima A, Timar R, Vlad A, Timar B, Rosu M, Dan I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Sporea I. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a frequent condition in type 2 diabetic patients. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2014 Jun;126(11-12):335-40. IF= 0.836. ISSN: 0043-5325


  1. Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Jurchis A. Factors which influence the accuracy of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013 Mar;39(3):407-12. IF= 2.099 ISSN 0301-5629
  2. Popescu A, Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Danila M, Racean S, Suseanu D, Gradinaru O, Ivascu Siegfried C. The influence of food intake on liver stiffness values assessed by acoustic radiation force impulse elastography-preliminary results. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013 Apr;39(4):579-84. IF= 2.099 ISSN 0301-5629
  3. Sporea I, Popescu A, Diculescu M, Stoica V, Constantinescu G, Prelipcean CC, Seicean A, Pascu O, Jinga M, Tudor N, Voiosu R, Dobru D, Săftoiu A, Vălean S, Miuţescu E, Bancu L, Băţagă S, Dumitraşcu D, Brisc C, Frăţilă O, Raţiu I, Pienar L, Şirli R, Miuţescu B. Technical performance of colonoscopy – multicenter study in university and non-university centers of Romania. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Jan-Feb;108(1):86-90. IF=0.777. ISSN: 1221-9118
  4. Bota S, Sporea I, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Sirli R, Tanaka H, Iijima H, Saito H, Ebinuma H, Lupsor M, Badea R, Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Petrisor A, Friedrich-Rust M, Sarrazin C, Takahashi H, Ono N, Piscaglia F, Marinelli S, D’Onofrio M, Gallotti A, Salzl P, Popescu A, Danila M. The influence of aminotransferase levels on liver stiffness assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography: a retrospective multicentre study. Dig Liver Dis. 2013 Sep;45(9):762-8. IF=2.889 ISSN: 1590-8658
  5. Bota S, Sporea I, Şirli R, Neghină AM, Popescu A, Străin M. Role of interleukin-28B polymorphism as a predictor of sustained virological response in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with triple therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Drug Investig. 2013 May;33(5):325-31. IF=1.704. ISSN: 1173-2563
  6. Sirli R,Sporea I, Bota S, Jurchiş A. Factors influencing reliability of liver stiffness measurements using transient elastography (M-probe)-monocentric experience. Eur J Radiol. 2013 Aug;82(8):e313-6. IF= 2.160 ISSN: 0720-048X
  7. Sirli R, Bota S, Sporea I, Jurchis A, Popescu A, Gradinaru-Tascău O, Szilaski M. Liver stiffness measurements by means of supersonic shear imaging in patients without known liver pathology. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013 Aug;39(8):1362-7. IF= 2.099 ISSN 0301-5629
  8. Bota S, Herkner H, Sporea I, Salzl P, Sirli R, Neghina AM, Peck-Radosavljevic M. Meta-analysis: ARFI elastography versus transient elastography for the evaluation of liver fibrosis. Liver Int. 2013 Sep;33(8):1138-47. IF=4.447. ISSN: 1478-3231
  9. Sporea I, Bota S, Jurchis A, Sirli R, Grădinaru-Tascău O, Popescu A, Ratiu I, Szilaski M. Acoustic radiation force impulse and supersonic shear imaging versus transient elastography for liver fibrosis assessment. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013 Nov;39(11):1933-41. IF= 2.099 ISSN 0301-5629
  10. Sporea I, Curescu M, Sirli R. “Standard of care” treatment for chronic viral C hepatitis in 2013 in Romania. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2013 Sep;22(3):360-1.  IF= 1.849. ISSN: 1841-8724


  1. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Costachescu D. Intra- and Interoperator Reproducibility of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Elastography-Preliminary Results. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 Jul;38(7):1103-8. IF= 2.455 ISSN 0301-5629
  2. Sporea I, Șirli R, Bota S, Popescu A, Sendroiu M, Jurchis A. Comparative Study Concerning the Value of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography (ARFI) in Comparison with Transient Elastography (TE) for the Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B and C. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 38(8):1310-6. IF= 2.455 ISSN 0301-5629
  3. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Focsa M, Popescu A, Danila M, Strain M. Can ARFI elastography predict the presence of significant esophageal varices in newly diagnosed cirrhotic patients? Ann Hepatol. 2012 Jul;11(4):519-25. IF= 1.671. ISSN: 1665-2681
  4. Sporea I, Șirli R. Hepatic Elastography for the Assessment of Liver Fibrosis – Present and Future. Ultraschall Med. 2012 Dec;33(6):550-558. IF=4.116. ISSN: 0172-4614
  5. Sporea I, Gherhardt D, Popescu A, Șirli R, Cornianu M, Herman D, Bota S. Does the size of the needle influence the number of portal tracts obtained through percutaneous liver biopsy? Ann Hepatol. 2012 Sep;11(5):691-5. IF= 1.671. ISSN: 1665-2681
  6. Sporea I, Bota S, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Șirli R, Tanaka H, Iijima H, Badea R, Lupsor M, Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Petrisor A, Saito H, Ebinuma H, Friedrich-Rust M, Sarrazin C, Takahashi H, Ono N, Piscaglia F, Borghi A, D’Onofrio M, Gallotti A, Ferlitsch A, Popescu A, Danila M. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography for fibrosis evaluation in patients with chronic hepatitis C: An international multicenter study. Eur J Radiol. 2012  Dec;81(12):4112-8. IF= 2.512 ISSN: 0720-048X


  1. Sporea I, Șirli RL, Deleanu A, Rațiu I, Tudora A, Dan I, Popescu A. What Did We Learn from the First 3,459 Cases of Liver Stiffness Measurement by Transient Elastography (FibroScan(R))? Ultraschall Med. 2011 Feb;32(1):40-45. IF=2.398. ISSN: 0172-4614
  2. Sporea I, Șirli RL, Deleanu A, Popescu A, Focsa M, Danila M, Tudora A. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography as Compared to Transient Elastography and Liver Biopsy in Patients with Chronic Hepatopathies. Ultraschall Med. 2011;32 Suppl 1:S46-52  IF=2.398. ISSN: 0172-4614
  3. Sporea I, Vlad M, Bota S, Șirli RL, Popescu A, Danila M, Sendroiu M, Zosin I. Thyroid Stiffness Assessment by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography (ARFI). Ultraschall Med. 2011 Jun;32(3):281-5, IF=2.398. ISSN: 0172-4614
  4. Sporea I, Raţiu I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Bota S. Value of transient elastography for the prediction of variceal bleeding. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 May 7;17(17):2206-10. IF=2.471. ISSN: 1007-9327
  5. Sporea I, Badea R, Șirli R, Lupsor M, Popescu A, Danila M, Focșa M, Deleanu A. How efficient is acoustic radiation force impulse elastography for the evaluation of liver stiffness? Hepat Mon. 2011;11(7):532-8. IF= 2.190. ISSN: 1735-143X
  6. Bota S, Șirli R, Sporea I, Focsa M, Popescu A, Danila M, Strain M, Sendroiu M, Deleanu A, Dan I. A new scoring system for prediction of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(7):548-5. IF= 2.190. ISSN: 1735-143X
  7. Șirli R, Sporea I. Aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index for the assessment of liver fibrosis severity in patients with chronic hepatitis. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(7): 560-561. IF= 2.190. ISSN: 1735-143X
  8. Sporea I, Nicolita D, Șirli R, Deleanu A, Tudora A, Bota S. Assessment of noninvasive liver stiffness in inactive HBsAg carriers by transient elastography. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(3):182-185. IF= 2.190. ISSN: 1735-143X
  9. Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Bota S, Badea R, Lupşor M, Focşa M, Dănilă M. Is it better to use two elastographic methods for liver fibrosis assessment? World J Gastroenterol 2011; 17(33): 3824-3829. IF=2.471. ISSN: 1007-9327
  10. Bota S, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Neghina AM, Danila M, Strain M. Response to standard of care antiviral treatment in patients with HCV liver cirrhosis – a systematic review. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2011 Sep;20(3):293-8. IF=1.811. ISSN: 1841-8724
  11. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R. Authors’ reply. Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2011 Dec;20(4):445-6. IF=1.811. ISSN: 1841-8724
  12. Sporea I, Popescu A, Curescu M, Șirli R, Dan I, Goldis A, Gradinaru O, Ardelean M, Danila M, Bota S, Deleanu A. The Correlation of Il28B Genotype With Sustained Virologic Response In Romanian patients With Chronic Hepatitis C. Hepat Mon. 2011 Dec;11(12):975-9. IF= 2.190. ISSN: 1735-143X
  13. Sporea I, Popescu A, Şirli R. How to improve the quality of the tissue sample obtained by percutaneous liver biopsy. CENT EUR J MED. 2011 Feb 1;6(1):103-6. IF=0.312. ISSN: 1895-1058


  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Sandesc D, Bedreag O, Asai R, Șirli R, Vernic C, Nicolita D, Martie A. Colonoscopy and sedation in Romania: early experience using a balanced propofol regimen. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010 Mar;19(1):27-30. IF=1.434. ISSN: 1841-8724
  2. Şirli R, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Cornianu M. A Comparative Study of Non-Invasive Methods for Fibrosis Assessment in Chronic HCV Infection. Hepatitis Monthly 2010; 10(2): 88-94. IF= 0.793. ISSN: 1735-143X
  3. Sporea I, Șirli R, Curescu M, Gheorghe L, Popescu A, Bota S, Iacob S. Outcome of antiviral treatment in patients with chronic genotype 1 HCV hepatitis. A retrospective study in 507 patients. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010 Sep;19(3):261-4. IF=1.434. ISSN: 1841-8724
  4. Sporea I, Șirli R, Deleanu A, Tudora A, Popescu A, Curescu M, Bota S. Liver stiffness measurements in patients with HBV vs HCV chronic hepatitis: a comparative study. World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Oct 14;16(38):4832-7. IF=2.240. ISSN: 1007-9327
  5. Sporea I, Șirli R, Martie A, Popescu A, Danila M. How useful is contrast enhanced ultrasonography for the characterization of focal liver lesions? J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010 Dec;19(4):393-8. IF=1.434. ISSN: 1841-8724


  1. Şirli R, Sporea I, Tudora A, Deleanu A, Popescu A. Transient elastographic evaluation of subjects without known hepatic pathology, does age change the liver stiffness? J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2009; 18(1): 57-61. IF=1.265. ISSN: 1841-8724
  2. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Grigorescu M, Sporea I, Șirli R, Damian D, Gheorghe G, Iacob R. High Sustained Virological Response Rate to Combination Therapy in Genotype 1 Patients with Histologically Mild Hepatitis C. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2009; 18(1): 51-56. IF=1.265. ISSN: 1841-8724
  3. Sporea I, Şirli R, Başa E, Cornianu M, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Focșa M. The value of transabdominal ultrasound for assessment of the severity of liver steatosis as compared to liver biopsy. CENT EUR J MED, 2009:4 (4): 490-495. IF=0.224. ISSN: 1895-1058
  4. Dănilă M, Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A. Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Therapy in the Treatment of Hepatocarcinoma – Results Obtained from a Series of 88 Cases. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2009; 18  3, 317-322. IF=1.265. ISSN: 1841-8724


  1. Sporea I, Şirli R, Deleanu A, Tudora A, Curescu M, Cornianu M, Lazar D. Comparison of the liver stiffness measurement by transient elastography with the liver biopsy. World J Gastroenterol Nov 2008; 14(42):6513-7. IF=2.081. ISSN: 1007-9327
  2. Sporea I, Popescu A, Şirli R. Why, who and how should perform liver biopsy in chronic liver diseases. World J Gastroenterol Jun 2008; 14(21):3396-402 IF=2.081. ISSN: 1007-9327


  1. b) Articole în reviste cotate ISI fără factor de impact


  1. Sporea I, Jurchiş A, Şirli R, Bota S, Sendroiu M. Can transient elastography be a reliable method for assessing liver fibrosis in non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)? Med Ultrason. 2013 Jun;15(2):106-10. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  2. Sporea I, Raţiu I, Bota S, Şirli R, Jurchiş A. Are different cut-off values of liver stiffness assessed by transient elastography according to the etiology of liver cirrhosis for predicting significant esophageal varices? Med Ultrason. 2013 Jun;15(2):111-5. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  3. Grădinaru-Taşcău O, Sporea I, Bota S, Jurchiş A, Popescu A, Popescu M, Şirli R, Szilaski M. Does experience play a role in the ability to perform liver stiffness measurements by means of supersonic shear imaging (SSI)? Med Ultrason. 2013 Sep;15(3):180-3. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  4. Sporea I, Gradinaru-Tascau O, Bota S, Popescu A, Sirli R, Jurchis A, Popescu M, Danila M. How many measurements are needed for liver stiffness assessment by 2D-Shear Wave Elastography (2D-SWE) and which value should be used: the mean or median? Med Ultrason. 2013 Dec;15(4):268-72. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643.
  5. Sporea I, Gilja OH, Bota S, Sirli R, Popescu A. Liver elastography – An update. Med Ultrason. 2013 Dec;15(4):304-14. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643.


  1. Șirli R, Sporea I, Jurchis A. Quiz. Cystic tumor of the Liver. Med Ultrason. 2012 Mar;14(1):78-9 IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  2. Sporea I, Badea R, Martie A, Dumitru E, Ioanitescu S, Șirli R, Socaciu M, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Voiculescu M. Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound for the evaluation of focal liver lesions in daily practice. A multicentre study. Med Ultrason. 2012 Jun;14(2):95-100. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  3. Șirli R, Sporea I, Jurchis A. Answer QUIZ vol. 14, no.1. Cystic tumor of the liver. Med Ultrason. 2012 Jun;14(2):169-70. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  4. Șirli R, Sporea I, Bota S, Ratiu I. Liver elastography for the diagnosis of portal hypertension in patients with liver cirrhosis. Med Ultrason. 2012 Sep;14(3):225-30 IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  5. Martie A, Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Danila M. The Contribution of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound for the characterization of benign liver lesions in clinical practice – a monocentric experience. Med Ultrason. 2012 Dec;14(4):283-7. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643


  1. Popescu A, Sporea I, Șirli R, Bota S, Focsa M, Danila M, Nicolita D, Martie A, Sendroiu M, Juchis A. The mean values of liver stiffness assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse elastography in normal subjects. Med Ultrason. 2011 Mar;13(1):33-7. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  2. Sporea I, Badea R, Martie A, Șirli R, Socaciu M, Popescu A, Danila M.  Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound for the characterization of focal liver lesions. Med Ultrason. 2011 Mar;13(1):38-44. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  3. Șirli R, Sporea I, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Martie A, Bota S, Jurchis A, Sendroiu M.  Contrast enhanced ultrasound for the diagnosis of liver hemangiomas in clinical practice. Med Ultrason. 2011 Jun;13(2):95-101. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  4. Dănilă M, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Sendroiu M.  The value of contrast enhanced ultrasound in the evaluation of the nature of portal vein thrombosis. Med Ultrason. 2011 Jun;13(2):102-7. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  5. Martie A, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Dănilă M, Serban C, Ardelean M, Bota S, Sendroiu M, Chisevescu D. Contrast enhanced ultrasound for the characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma. Med Ultrason. 2011 Jun;13(2):108-13. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  6. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Sendroiu M. Factors that influence the correlation of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI), elastography with liver fibrosis. Med Ultrason. 2011 Jun;13(2):135-40. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  7. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Sendroiu M. The influence of liver residual mass on the values of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography (ARFI) in cirrhotic patients. Med Ultrason. 2011 Sep;13(3):195-9. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643


  1. Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Danilă M. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) – a new modality for the evaluation of liver fibrosis. Med Ultrason 2010: 12(1): 26-31.  IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  2. Șirli R, Sporea I. Ultrasound examination of the normal pancreas. Med Ultrason 2010: 12(1): 62-65. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  3. Danila M, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Sendroiu M, Martie A. The role of contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the assessment of liver nodules in patients with cirrhosis. Med Ultrason 2010: 12(2): 145-149. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  4. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Sendroiu M, Focsa M.  Spleen assessment by Acoustic radiation Force Impulse Elastography (ARFI) for prediction of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Med Ultrason 2010; 12 (3): 213-215. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  5. Danila M, Popescu A, Șirli R, Sporea I, Martie A, Sendroiu M.  Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the evaluation of liver metastases. Med Ultrason 2010; 12 (3): 233-237. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643
  6. Şirli R, Sporea I, Martie A, Popescu A, Dănilă M. Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in focal liver lesions –  a cost efficiency study. Med Ultrason 2010, 12 (4), 280-285. IF=0. ISSN: 2066-8643


  1. Sporea I, Şirli R, Deleanu A, Popescu A, Cornianu M Liver Stiffness Measurement by Transient Elastography in Clinical Practice. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2008;17(4): 395-399. IF=0. ISSN: 1841-8724


  1. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Sporea I, Grigorescu M, Șirli R, Damian D, Gheorghe C, Iacob R. Efficacy, Tolerability and Predictive Factors for Early and Sustained Virologic Response in Patients Treated with Weight-Based Dosing Regimen of PegIFN alpha-2b and Ribavirin in Real-Life Healthcare Setting. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2007 March; 16(1): 23-9. IF=0. ISSN: 1841-8724
  1. Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Cornianu C, Manciu C, Focşa M. The quality of the fragment obtained by liver biopsy for staging chronic hepatitis. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2007; 16( 3), p.263-266
  2. Sporea I, Popescu A, Vernic C, Şirli R. How to improve the performances in diagnostic colonoscopy? J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2007; 16(4), p.363-368. IF=0. ISSN: 1841-8724


  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Golea O, Totolici C, Danila M, Vernic C. Pegylated-interferon alpha 2a treatment for chronic hepatitis C in patients on chronic haemodialysis. World J Gastroenterol 2006 Jul 14; 12(26):4191-4. IF=0. ISSN: 1007-9327
  2. Sporea I, Danila M, Șirli R, Popescu A, Laza A, Bădițoiu L. Comparative study concerning the efficacy of Peg-IFN alpha-2a versus Peg-IFN alpha-2b on the early virological response (EVR) in patients with chronic viral C hepatitis. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2006 Jun; 15(2):125-30. IF=0. ISSN: 1841-8724
  3. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Enăchescu V, Deleanu A, Miuţescu E. A survey on the Practice of Gastroenterology in Romania. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2006; 15(3):313-316. IF=0. ISSN: 1841-8724


  1. c) Articole în reviste indexate BDI


  1. Șirli R. Subdiagnosticarea ficatului gras nonalcoolic, un fenomen la nivel internaţional. Ro Med J. 2020;LXVII(Suppl 1): 23-25. ISSN 1220-5478 | e-ISSN 2069-606X. Doi: 10.37897/RMJ.2020.S.6



  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Pascu O, Prelipcean CC, Dobru D, Bota S, Gherhardt D, Gradinaru O, Popescu M. Proposed score for the self-assessment of an endoscopy department performance in colonoscopy screening. Clujul Med. 2017;90(1):28-32. ISSN 1222-2119. PubMed:



  1. Sirli R, Sporea I. Indications and limitations of Transient Elastography. Central European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016; 2(4):126-1. ISSN: 2415-9107. Matarka.



  1. Bota S, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Strain M, Focsa M, Danila M, Chisevescu D. Predictive factors for severe evolution in acute pancreatitis and a new score for predicting a severe outcome. Ann Gastroenterol 2013; 26 (2): 1-7. ISSN: 1108-7471. PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Șirli R, Bota S, Vlad M, Popescu A, Zosin I. ARFI elastography for the evaluation of diffuse thyroid gland pathology: Preliminary results. World J Radiol. 2012 Apr 28;4(4):174-8. ISSN: 1949-8470. PubMed:
  2. Sporea I, Șirli R. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound assessment of focal liver lesions with SonoVue®. Imaging in Medicine. 2012; 4:(2): 163-170. ISSN: 1755-5191. Scimago
  3. Martie A, Sporea I, Șirli R, Popescu A, Dănilă M.  How often hepatocellular carcinoma has a typical pattern in contrast enhanced ultrasound. Maedica, A Journal of Clinical Medicine 2012; 7(3): 236-240. ISSN: ISSN: 1841-9038 PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Șirli R, Bota S, Fierbinţeanu-Braticevici C, Petrişor A, Badea R, Lupşor M, Popescu A, Dănilă M.  Is ARFI elastography reliable for predicting fibrosis severity in chronic HCV hepatitis? World J Radiol. 2011 Jul 28;3(7):188-93. ISSN: 1949-8470. PubMed:
  2. Bota S, Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Şendroiu M. Value of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography for the assessment of ascites syndrome. World J Radiol 2011. 3(8):205 -209. ISSN: 1949-8470. PubMed:
  3. Nicolita D, Sporea I, Sirli R, Deleanu A, Tudora A, Bota S, Vernic C Relevance of Transient Elastography (FIBROSCAN®) in evaluation of hepatic B virus chronically infected patients.  Timisoara Medical Journal 2010; 60 (2-3):236-240. ISSN: 1583-526X. Scimago
  4. Şirli R, Sporea I, Bota S, Ciof O, Popescu A, Danilă M. Can Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography (ARFI) predict the complications of liver cirrhosis? Internal Medicine, 2010, 7(5), 15-20. ISSN 1220-5818. Index Copernicus:
  5. Nicoliţă D, Sporea I, Șirli R, Dan I, Vernic C  From Inactive Carrier to Reactivation of Hepatitis B Virus. Fiziologia – Physiology 2010, Vol. 20, Nr. 1 (65), 42-45. ISSN: ISSN 1223-2076. Index Copernicus:



  1. Şirli R, Raţiu I, Deleanu A, Sporea I, Bota S, Dănilă M, Popescu A. Liver stiffness assessment by means of trasnsient elastography (FibroScan®) in patients with liver cirrhosis – a predictor of portal hypertension? Med Ultrason. 2009: 11 (1);5-10. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  2. Popescu A, Sporea I, Şirli R, Dănilă M, Bota S, Guţă A. Contrast enhanced ultrasound in the assessment of focal liver lesions. Med Ultrason. 2009: 11 (1);11-16. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  3. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Danila M, Vernic C. Current situation of colonoscopy in Romania – 3 years of colonoscopy performance. Rom. J. Intern Med. 2009 47 (1); 19-24. ISSN: 1582-3296. PubMed:
  4. Dan I, Sporea I, Șirli R, Nicolita D. Transient elastography in the evaluation of patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Med Ultrason. 2009: 11 (2);11-14. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  5. Șirli R, Sporea I, Popescu A, Danila M. Usefulness of contrast enhanced ultrasound for the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma. Med Ultrason. 2009: 11 (2);25-30. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  6. Sporea I, Șirli R, Hogea C, Sink A, Serban V.  Diabetes mellitus and chronic HCV infection. Rom J Intern Med, 2009, 47, 2, 141-147. ISSN: 1582-3296. PubMed:
  7. Popescu A, Sporea I, Şirli R, Dănilă M, Nicoliţă D, Martie A. The role of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography with second generation contrast agents in the evaluation of focal splenic lesions. Med Ultrason 2009, Vol. 11, no. 3, 61–65. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  8. Deleanu A, Şirli R, Popescu A, Sporea I. Feasibility, accuracy and reproducibility of transient elastography. Med Ultrason. 2009: 11 (4);31-35. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  9. Şirli R, Sporea I, Popescu A, Danila M. Contrast enhanced ultrasound evaluation of the kidney. Med Ultrason. 2009: 11 (4);47-54. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:
  10. Sporea I, Lazăr D, Popescu A, Sirli R, Goldiş A, Străin M, Tudora A, Dănilă M, Dănilă V, Vernic C. Peptic upper gastrointestinal bleeding: diagnosis and treatment. A monocentric experience on a 5 years period. Rom J Intern Med. 2009;47(4):347-54. ISSN: 1582-3296. PubMed:
  11. Şirli R, Sporea I, Deleanu A, Tudora A, Bota S, Popescu A, Dănilă M.  Factors associated with failure of Liver Stiffness measurement using Transient Elastography. Timisoara Medical Journal 2009: 49 (1); 34-38. ISSN: 1583-526X. Scimago
  12. Cernescu C, Sporea I, Cernescu L, Popescu A, Sirli R. Clear liquid diet –  a good bowel preparation for capsule endoscopy. Timisoara Medical Journal 2009; 59 (3-4): 286-289. ISSN: 1583-526X. Scimago



  1. Sporea I, Şirli R.  What to expect from FibroScan (transient elastography) for the evaluation of chronic hepatopathies. Med Ultrason 2008; 10 (1): 7-12. ISSN: 2066-8643 PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Danila M, Șirli R, Salha CA. Colonoscopy in Romania. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005, 1, 15-18. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:
  2. Sporea I, Popescu A, Sandesc D,  Salha CA, Șirli R, Danila M. Sedation during colonoscopy.Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005, 2, 195-198. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:
  3. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Danila M.  Assessment of the quality of colonoscopy in Romania. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005, 3, 303-308. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Danila M, Străin M. Ultrasound Assisted Liver Biopsy for the Staging of Diffuse Chronic Hepatopathies. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2004, 4, 287-290. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:
  2. Sporea I, Șirli R, Golea O, Totolici C, Danila M, Popescu A Peg Interferon Alpha 2a (40 kDa) in Patients on Chronic Haemodialysis with Chronic C Hepatitis. Preliminary Results. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2004, 2, 99-102. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, van Blankenstein M, Șirli R, Focșa M, Danila M. The Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Western Romania. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2003: 12(1). 15-18. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Golea O, Ursu C, Totolici C, Popescu A, Șirli R, Miutescu E. Effect of alpha 2 b Interferon treatment in hemodialyzed patients with Chronic Hepatitis C. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2001, 4, 285-288. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:



  1. Sporea I, Jenariu S, Sabău S, Golea C, Deleanu A, Şirli R, Kolumabau P, Halmen M Prevalence of Anti-HCV Antibodies in Blood Donors in Romania. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2000: 9(3): 167-169. ISSN: 1221-4167. PubMed:


c.1) Articole în reviste neindexate BDI


  1. Șirli R, Sporea I, Szilaski M, Curescu M, Dănilă M, Popescu A Results of Peginterferon Alfa-2a treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B in the Western part of Romania. Research and Clinical Medicine 2017: 1(2); 1-5. ISSN: 2360-1124.


  1. Sporea I, Șirli R, Hogea C, Şink A Diabetul zaharat si infectia cronica cu virusul hepatiei C. 2007: 7;46. ISSN: 1841-396X


  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R. Locul ultrasonografiei transabdominale în hepatologia actuală. Revista Română de Ultrasonografie. 2006: 8(3); 99-110. ISSN: 1454-5829
  2. Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R. Viitorul biopsiei hepatice. Revista pentru educaţie medicală continuă. 2006: 5(3); 7-13. ISSN: 1582-6856
  3. Popescu A, Sporea I, Bolog N, Cernescu C, Dănilă M, Șirli R. Colonoscopia virtuală – viitorul screening-ului colo-rectal? Revista pentru educaţie medicală continuă. 2006: 5(3); 20-25. ISSN: 1582-6856
  4. Șirli R, Sporea I, Danilă M, Popescu A. Optimizarea tratamentului şi noi terapii în hepatita cronică virală C. Revista pentru educaţie medicală continuă. 2006: 5(3); 26-31. ISSN: 1582-6856


  1. Șirli R, Sporea I. Abordarea actuala si tratamentul hepatitei cronice cu virus B. Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă. 2005: 4(1); 12-21. ISSN: 1582-6856
  2. Tudora A, Kalikot S, Lazăr D, Deleanu A, Salha CA, Goldiş A, Șirli R, Sporea I. Colita microscopică – vârful unui ice-berg ? Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă. 2005: 4(4); 108-110. ISSN: 1582-6856
  3. Șirli R, Sporea I. Tratamentul medical actual al bolii Crohn. Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă. 2005: 4(4); 104-107. ISSN: 1582-6856
  4. Șirli R, Sporea I, M. Cornianu. Hemangiopericitom malign retroperitoneal gigant. Revista Romana de Ultrasonografie. 2005: 7(3-4); 165-167. ISSN: 1454-5829


  1. Șirli R, Dănilă M, Popescu A , Sporea I Frecvenţa şi severitatea infecţiei bivirusale HBV+HDV în Clinica de Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie Timişoara. Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă. 2004: 3(1); 11-14 . ISSN: 1582-6856
  2. Dănilă M, Șirli R, Popescu A, Sporea I Tratamentul actual al hepatitei cronice virusale HBV Ag HBe pozitivă. Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă. 2004: 3(1); 18-23. ISSN: 1582-6856
  3. Șirli R, Sporea I. Evaluarea pacientului cu sindrom citolitic. Medicina familiei. 2004: 1; 10-11. ISSN: 1223-5105
  4. Sporea I, Șirli R. Utilizarea testelor respiratorii în gastroenterologie. Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă. 2004: 3(4); 69-72. ISSN: 1582-6856


  1. Șirli R, Sporea I, Miuţescu E, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Străin R. Etiologia cirozelor hepatice în Banat. Revista pentru Educaţie Medicală Continuă 2002: 4; 19-22. ISSN: 1582-6856


  1. Sporea I, Popescu A, Dănilă M, Şirli R, Săndesc D Biopsia hepatică ecoghidată în diagnosticul hepatopatiilor cornice. Revista Română de Ultrasonografie 2001: 3 (1); 27-32 . ISSN: 1454-5829
  2. Sporea I, Şirli R, Bordoş D, Săndesc D. Falsă imagine ecografică de chist hidatic. Revista Română de Ultrasonografie 2001: 3 (2); 147-149. ISSN: 1454-5829
  3. Popescu A, Sporea I, Şirli R. Chist hidatic hepatic abcedat. Revista Română de Ultrasonografie 2001: 3 (4); 321-324. ISSN: 1454-5829
  4. Sporea I, Şirli R, Popescu A. Interpretarea unei imagini hepatice hiperecogene. Cercetări experimentale medico-chirurgicale 2001: 3-4; 293-295. ISSN: 1223-1533



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