Recent Activity

2023, Riga, Latvia

Ioan Sporea, Dana Stoian, Alina Popescu, Roxana Șirli, Flaviu Bob, Andreea Borlea, Alexandru Popa, Tudor Moga


Dana Stoian, Tudor Moga, Mihaela Vlad, Andreea Borlea, Flaviu Bob


2023, Muscat, Oman

Ioan Sporea, Dana Stoian, Alina Popescu, Roxana Șirli, Flaviu Bob, Daniela Chirac, Mirela Dănilă


  1. Lector curs
    5th International Meeting on Sono- Elastography- EFSUMB endorsed Course- Bardolino, Italy, 24-25 Sept, 2015
    Elastography – A new tool to assess the kidneys
  2. Lector curs
    7th International Meeting on Sono-Elastography- EFSUMB endorsed Course- Lecce, Italy, May, 2018
    Kidney Elastography
  3. Lector curs
    Scoala de Vara a Societatii Romane de Nefrologie
    Workshop de ecografie reno-urinara
  4. Co-responsabil de program
    Diploma emisa: Competenta de ultrasonografie a aparatului reno-urinar


1) Teza de doctorat

PROCESE DE FIBROGENEZA IN PATOLOGIA NEFROPATIILOR GLOMERULARE– 2005 – conducator stiintific Prof. Dr. Gh. Gluhovschi, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Victor Babes” Timisoara


2) Teza de abilitare

– The assessment of chronic kidney disease using biopsy, ultrasound or biomarkers- a path towards a multiparametric approach- 2019


3) Cărţi de specialitate


  • Cărţi de specialitate publicate în edituri internaționale


  1. Bob Flaviu(autor unic). Aspects of renal disease progression- a clinical approach. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2011, 82 pag, ISBN 978-3-8443-2720-5
  2. Bob, F. . Renal Elastography for the Assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease. In: Elastography – Applications in Clinical Medicine. Editors: Stoian, D. , Popescu, A. , [Working Title] [Internet]. London: IntechOpen; 2022. Available from: doi: 10.5772/intechopen.102076; 279 pag, ISBN 9-781789-846379



4) capitole în volume colective



  • Capitole în cărţi de specialitate publicate în edituri naționale recunoscute CNCSIS


  1. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob: Glomerulonefrita acuta difuza (p340), Glomerulonefritele cronice (p344), Sindromul nefrotic (p351), Glomerulopatiile secundare (p354), Infectia tractului urinar (p357), Durerea lombara (p363), in Medicina de familie, vol.II coordonator: I. D. Branea, Universitas Company Bucuresti 2000, 385 pag
  2. Gluhovschi Gh., Petrica L., Trandafirescu V., Velciov S., Bozdog Gh., Gluhovschi C., Bob F., Gadalean F. Manual de Nefrologie Clinica Vol.1, Ed. Mirton Timisoara, 2008
  3. Petrica L, Gluhovschi G, Trandafirescu V, Veciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Bozdog G, Margineanu F. Actualitati in Nefrologie, Ed. Mirton, Timisoara, 2009, 240 pagini, ISBN 978-973-62-0556-0
  4. Petrica L, Gluhovschi G, Trandafirescu V, Veciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Bozdog G, Margineanu F. UpDate in nephrology, Ed. Mirton, Timisoara, 2009, 98 pag, ISBN 978-973-52-0629-1
  5. Anastasiu D, Gluhovschi A, Gluhovschi Gh, Bozdog Gh. Boala cronică de rinichi. Rinichiul și hipertensiunea. Hipertensiunea arterială indusă de sarcină. Editura V.Goldis, Arad 2010, Bob F.-autor unic capitol: Factori de progresie ai bolii cronice de rinichi; 220 pag, ISBN 978-973-664-419-1
  6. Schiller A, Mihaescu A, Bob F, Gadalean F. Nefropatia diabetica, in Boli metabolice la copil- Tratat, sub redactia Velea IP, Ed. Mirton, Timisoara 2018, 727 pag, ISBN 978-973-521-8003




5).Articole publicate in extenso


  1. Articole în reviste cotate ISI, cu factor de impact



Articole autor principal

  1. Palamar M, Grosu I, Schiller A, Petrica L, Bodea M, Sircuta A, Rusan C, Tanasescu DM, Bob F. Vitamin K Status of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10938.
  2. Maralescu FM, Vaduva A, Schiller A, Petrica L, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Dema A, Bodea M, Grosu I, Bob F. Relationship between Novel Elastography Techniques and Renal Fibrosis—Preliminary Experience in Patients with Chronic Glomerulonephritis. Biomedicines 2023, 11, 365.
  3. Maralescu FM, Bende F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Schiller A, Petrica L, Miutescu B, Borlea A, Popa A, Bodea M, Bob F. Non-Invasive Evaluation of Kidney Elasticity and Viscosity in a Healthy Cohort. Biomedicines. 2022 Nov 8;10(11):2859. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10112859. PMID: 36359379; PMCID: PMC9687569.
  4. Maralescu FM, Bende F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Șirli R, Schiller A, Petrica L, Moga TV, Mare R, Grosu I, Bob F. Assessment of Renal Allograft Stiffness and Viscosity Using 2D SWE PLUS and Vi PLUS Measures-A Pilot Study. J Clin Med. 2022 Jul 27;11(15):4370. doi: 10.3390/jcm11154370. PMID: 35955985; PMCID: PMC9369292. IF 4.96
  5. Maralescu, F.-M.; Chiodan, M.; Sircuta, A.; Schiller, A.; Petrica, L.; Bob, F. Are the Currently Available Elastography Methods Useful in the Assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease? A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 2359., IF 2.83
  6. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Schiller A. Two-Dimensional Shear-Wave Elastography for Kidney Stiffness Assessment. Ultrasound Q. 2019 May 30. doi: 10.1097/RUQ.0000000000000461. [Epub ahead of print], ISSN 0894-8771, IF 0.85; autor corespondent
  7. Bob F, Schiller A, Timar R, Lighezan D, Schiller O, Timar B, Bujor CG, Munteanu M, Gadalean F, Mihaescu A, Grosu I, Hategan A, Chisavu L, Pusztai AM, Covic A. Rapid decline of kidney function in diabetic kidney disease is associated with high soluble Klotho levels. Nefrologia. 2018 Nov 2. pii: S0211-6995(18)30151-6. doi: 10.1016/j.nefro.2018.08.004. [Epub ahead of print] ISSN 0211-6995,  IF 1.43.
  8. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Timar R, Lighezan D, Popescu A, Sirli R, Buzas R, Petrica L, Munteanu M, Schiller A. Is Kidney Stiffness Measured Using Elastography Influenced Mainly by Vascular Factors in Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease? Ultrason Imaging. 2018 Sep;40(5):300-309. doi: 10.1177/0161734618779789. Epub 2018 May 31 ISSN 0161-7346, IF 2.49
  9. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Schiller A. Correlation of Point Shear Wave Velocity and Kidney Function in Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Apr 24. doi: 10.1002/jum.14621. [Epub ahead of print] ISSN 0278-4297, IF 1.71; autor corespondent
  10. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Sirli R, Petrica L, Schiller A. Is there a correlation between kidney shear wave velocity measured with VTQ and histological parameters in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis? A pilot study. Med Ultrason. 2018 Feb 4;1(1):27-31. doi: 10.11152/mu-1117. ISSN 1844-4172 IF 1.67
  11. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Sima A, ?irli R, Petrica L, Timar R, Schiller A. Ultrasound-Based Shear Wave Elastography in the Assessment of Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017 Oct;43(10):2159-2166. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2017.04.019. Epub 2017 Jul 15. ISSN 0301-5629, IF 2.64
  12. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Schiller A. Relationship between the estimated glomerular filtration rate and kidney shear wave speed values assessed by acoustic radiation force impulse elastography: a pilot study. J Ultrasound Med. 2015 Apr;34(4):649-54. doi: 10.7863/ultra.34.4.649.ISSN  0278-4297,  IF 1.54
  13. Bota S, Bob F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A. Factors that Influence Kidney Shear Wave Speed Assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography in Patients without Kidney Pathology. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Jan;41(1):1-6. ISSN 0301-5629,  IF 2.29; autor corespondent
  14. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Petrica L, Schiller A. Kidney Shear Wave Speed Values in Subjects with and without Renal Pathology and Inter-Operator Reproducibility of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography (ARFI) – Preliminary Results. PLoS One. 2014, Nov 26;9(11):e113761. ISSN 1932-6203, IF 3.23
  15. Bob F, Gluhovschi G, Herman D, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Gadalean F, Timar R, Potencz E, Dema A, Schiller A. Immunohistochemical study of tubular epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells in glomerulonephritis. Ren Fail. 2014 Sep;36(8):1208-14, ISSN 0886-022X, IF 0.94
  16. Bob FR, Gluhovschi G, Herman D, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Potencz E, Petrica L. Histological changes and immunohistochemical markers in the assessment of glomerulosclerosis in patients with glomerulonephritis. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2011;52(3 Suppl):1027-32, ISSN 1220-0522, IF 0.52
  17. Bob FR, Gluhovschi G, Herman D, Potencz E, Gluhovschi C, Trandafirescu V, Schiller A, Ligia Petrica, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Vernic C. Histological, immunohisto chemical and biological data in assessing interstitial fibrosis in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. Acta Histochem 2008, 21(110) 196-203, ISSN 0065-1281, IF 1.10
  18. Maralescu, F.-M.; Chiodan, M.; Sircuta, A.; Schiller, A.; Petrica, L.; Bob, F. Are the Currently Available Elastography
  19. Methods Useful in the Assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease? A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis.)Appl.
  20. Sci.)2022,)12, 2359.



Factor cumulat de impact articole autor principal 30.87


Articole coautor


  1. Rusmir AV, Paunescu IA, Martis S, Latcu S, Novacescu D, Bardan CR, Bob F, Licker M, Botoca M, Cumpanas A, Bardan R. Encrusted Uretero-Pyelitis Caused by Corynebacterium urealyticum: Case Report and Literature Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Sep 16;12(9):2239. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12092239. PMID: 36140640; PMCID: PMC9497590.
  2. Ciorcan M, Chisavu L, Mihaescu A, Gadalean F, Bob FR, Negru S, Schiller OM, Grosu ID, Marc L, Chisavu F, Dragota Pascota R, Apostol A, Ivan V, Schiller A. Chronic kidney disease in cancer patients, the analysis of a large oncology database from Eastern Europe. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 9;17(6):e0265930. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265930. PMID: 35679539; PMCID: PMC9183451.
  3. Suteanu-Simulescu A, Zamfir AD, Ica R, Sarbu M, Munteanu CVA, Gadalean F, Vlad A, Bob F, Jianu DC, Petrica L. High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry Identifies a Particular Ganglioside Pattern in Early Diabetic Kidney Disease of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Molecules. 2022 Apr 21;27(9):2679. doi: 10.3390/molecules27092679. PMID: 35566027; PMCID: PMC9103338.
  4. Marc L, Mihaescu A, Lupusoru R, Grosu I, Gadalean F, Bob F, Chisavu L, Olariu N, Tucicovschi V, Timar B, Sporea I, Timar R, Schiller A. Liver Steatosis: Better Predictor of CKD in MAFLD Than Liver Fibrosis as Determined by Transient Elastography With Controlled Attenuation Parameter. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jan 13;8:788881. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.788881. PMID: 35096879; PMCID: PMC8793847.
  5. Chisavu LA, Apostol A, Pop GN, Ivan V, Schiller O, Bob F, Marc L, Mihaescu A, Gadalean F, Grosu I, Timar B, Schiller A. Exploring the relation between mortality and left ventricular structure and function in stable hemodialysis treated patients, a longitudinal multicenter cohort study. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 16;11(1):12694. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91431-9. PMID: 34135351; PMCID: PMC8209211.
  6. Petrica L, Hogea E, Gadalean F, Vlad A, Vlad M, Dumitrascu V, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Jianu DC, Matusz P, Pusztai AM, Motoc A, Cretu OM, Radu D, Milas O, Golea-Secara A, Simulescu A, Mogos-Stefan M, Patruica M, Balint L, Ienciu S, Vlad D, Popescu R. Long noncoding RNAs may impact podocytes and proximal tubule function through modulating miRNAs expression in Early Diabetic Kidney Disease of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. Int J Med Sci. 2021 Mar 15;18(10):2093-2101. doi: 10.7150/ijms.56551. PMID: 33859515; PMCID: PMC8040425.
  7. Golea-Secara A, Munteanu C, Sarbu M, Cretu OM, Velciov S, Vlad A, Bob F, Gadalean F, Gluhovschi C, Milas O, Simulescu A, Mogos-Stefan M, Patruica M, Petrica L, Zamfir AD. Urinary proteins detected using modern proteomics intervene in early type 2 diabetic kidney disease – a pilot study. Biomark Med. 2020 Nov;14(16):1521-1536. doi: 10.2217/bmm-2020-0308. Epub 2020 Oct 22. PMID: 33090017.
  8. Milas O, Gadalean F, Vlad A, Dumitrascu V, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Popescu R, Ursoniu S, Jianu DC, Matusz P, Pusztai AM, Secara A, Simulescu A, Stefan M, Patruica M, Petrica F, Vlad D, Petrica L. Pro-inflammatory cytokines are associated with podocyte damage and proximal tubular dysfunction in the early stage of diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. J Diabetes Complications. 2019 Nov 5:107479. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2019.107479. [Epub ahead of print] ISSN 1056-8727, IF 2.68
  1. Petrica L, Pusztai AM, Vlad M, Vlad A, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Vlad D, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Petrica M, Matusz P, Cretu O, Radu D, Milas O, Secara A, Simulescu A, Popescu R, Jianu DC.  MiRNA Expression is Associated with Clinical Variables Related to Vascular Remodeling in the Kidney and the Brain in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Endocr Res. 2019 Nov 14:1-12. doi: 10.1080/07435800.2019.1690505. [Epub ahead of print] , ISSN 0743-5800, IF 1.62
  1. Petrica L, Milas O, Vlad M, Vlad A, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Jianu DC, Matusz P, Pusztai AM, Cretu O, Radu D, Secara A, Simulescu A, Stefan M, Popescu R, Vlad D. Interleukins and miRNAs intervene in the early stages of diabetic kidney disease in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Biomark Med. 2019 Dec;13(18):1577-1588. doi: 10.2217/bmm-2019-0124. Epub 2019 Oct 30. ISSN 1752-0363, IF 2.26
  1. Saftoiu A, Gilja OH, Sidhu PS, Dietrich CF, Cantisani V, Amy D, Bachmann-Nielsen M, Bob F, Bojunga J, Brock M, Calliada F, Clevert DA, Correas JM, D’Onofrio M, Ewertsen C, Farrokh A, Fodor D, Fusaroli P, Havre RF, Hocke M, Ignee A, Jenssen C, Klauser AS, Kollmann C, Radzina M, Ramnarine KV, Sconfienza LM, Solomon C, Sporea I, Stefanescu H, Tanter M, Vilmann P. The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for the Clinical Practice of Elastography in Non-Hepatic Applications: Update 2018. Ultraschall Med. 2019 Aug;40(4):425-453. doi: 10.1055/a-0838-9937. Epub 2019 Jun 25; ISSN 0172-4614, IF 4.38
  1. Gadalean F, Simu M, Parv F, Vorovenci R, Tudor R, Schiller A, Timar R, Petrica L, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Mihaescu A, Timar B, Spasovski G, Ivan V. The impact of acute kidney injury on in-hospital mortality in acute ischemic stroke patients undergoing intravenous thrombolysis. PLoS One. 2017 Oct 17;12(10):e0185589. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185589. eCollection 2017. ISSN 1932-6203, IF 2.76
  1. Milas O, Gadalean F, Vlad A, Dumitrascu V, Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi G, Velciov S, Popescu R, Bob F, Matusz P, Pusztai AM, Cretu OM, Secara A, Simulescu A, Ursoniu S, Vlad D, Petrica L. Deregulated profiles of urinary microRNAs may explain podocyte injury and proximal tubule dysfunction in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Investig Med. 2018 Apr;66(4):747-754. doi: 10.1136/jim-2017-000556. Epub 2017 Dec 25. ISSN 1081-5589, IF 2.02
  1. Magalhães P, Pejchinovski M, Markoska K, Banasik M, Klinger M, Švec-Billá D, Rychlík I, Rroji M, Restivo A, Capasso G, Bob F, Schiller A, Ortiz A, Perez-Gomez MV, Cannata P, Sanchez-Niño MD, Naumovic R, Brkovic V, Polenakovic M, Mullen W, Vlahou A, Zürbig P, Pape L, Ferrario F, Denis C, Spasovski G, Mischak H, Schanstra JP. Association of kidney fibrosis with urinary peptides: a path towards non-invasive liquid biopsies? Sci Rep. 2017 5;7(1):16915. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17083-w. ISSN 2045-2322, IF 4.12
  1. Vlad A, Vlad M, Petrica L, Ursoniu S, Gadalean F, Popescu R, Vlad D, Dumitrascu V, Gluhovschi G, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Bob F, Matusz P, Secara A, Simulescu A, Jianu DC. Therapy with atorvastatin versus rosuvastatin reduces urinary podocytes, podocyte-associated molecules, and proximal tubule dysfunction biomarkers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a pilot study. Ren Fail. 2017 Nov;39(1):112-119. doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2016.1254657. Epub 2016 Nov 13. ISSN 0886-022X, IF 1.44
  1. Petrica L, Vlad M, Vlad A, Gluhovschi G, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Popescu R, Gluhovschi C, Matusz P, Velciov S, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Vlad D. Podocyturia parallels proximal tubule dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients independently of albuminuria and renal function decline: A cross-sectional study. J Diabetes Complications. 2017 Sep;31(9):1444-1450. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2017.01.007. Epub 2017 Jan 20, ISSN 1056-8727, IF 2.79
  1. Petrica L, Ursoniu S, Gadalean F, Vlad A, Gluhovschi G, Dumitrascu V, Vlad D, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Bob F, Matusz P, Milas O, Secara A, Simulescu A, Popescu R. Urinary podocyte-associated mRNA levels correlate with proximal tubule dysfunction in early diabetic nephropathy of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2017 May 6;9:31. doi: 10.1186/s13098-017-0228-y. eCollection 2017, ISSN 1758-5996, IF 2.41
  1. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Gluhovschi Gh, Matcau L, Gadalean Florica, Ursoniu S, Jianu CD, Velciov Silvia, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Trandafirescu Virginia, Matcau Diana, Bozdog Gh, Muresan Carmina. Does chronic kidney disease define a particular risk pattern of cerebral vessels modifications in patients with symptomatic ischemic cerebrovascular disease? Cent Eur J Med 2010; 5(3):329-337, ISSN 1895-1058,  IF 0.244
  1. Gluhovschi Gh, Velciov Silvia, Lazar Elena, Potencz Elena, Puscasiu T, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Lazar Daniela. Retroperitoneal fibrosis with favourable evolution under treatment with tamoxifen. Acta Endocrinol-Buch 2010, Vol.1:95-102, ISSN 1841-0987, (IF-0.052)
  1. Gluhovschi G, Gadalean F, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Petrica L, Bob F, Bozdog G, Kaycsa A. Is ciprofloxacin safe in patients with solitary kidney and upper urinary tract infection? Biomed Pharmacother. 2016 Dec;84:366-372. ISSN 0753-3322, IF 2.75
  1. Hogas S, Schiller A, Voroneanu L, Constantinescu D, Timar R, Cianga P, Siriopol D, Bob F, Cianga C, Onofriescu M, Gadalean F, Hogas M, Mihaescu A, Bilha SC, Timar B, Kanbay M, Banach M, Covic A. Predictive Value for Galectin 3 and Cardiotrophin 1 in Hemodialysis Patients. Angiology. 2016 Oct;67(9):854-9. ISSN 0003-3197, IF 3.08
  1. Velciov S, Gluhovschi G, Timar R, Gluhovschi C, Petrica L, Bob F, Bozdog G, Pricop M, Gluhovschi A, Cornianu M, Potencz E, Timar B, Kaycsa A. Urinary enzymatic markers (N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase) in assessing the tubulointerstitial compartment in chronic glomerulonephritis related to odontogenic foci. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2016 Feb;128(3-4). ISSN 0043-5325, IF 0.97
  1. Petrica L, Vlad A, Gluhovschi G, Zamfir A, Popescu C, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Vlad D, Popescu R, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Milas O, Ursoniu S. Glycated peptides are associated with proximal tubule dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Feb 15;8(2):2516-25. eCollection 2015. ISSN 1940-5901, IF 1.07
  1. Gadalean F, Lighezan D, Stoian D, Schiller O, Timar R, Timar B, Bob F, Donciu MD, Munteanu M, Mihaescu A, Covic A, Schiller A. The Survival of Roma Minority Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis Therapy – A Romanian Multicenter Survey. PLoS One. 2016 May 19;11(5):e0155271. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155271. ISSN 1932-6203, IF 2.80
  1. Schiller A, Gadalean F, Schiller O, Timar R, Bob F, Munteanu M, Stoian D, Mihaescu A, Timar B. Vitamin D deficiency–prognostic marker or mortality risk factor in end stage renal disease patients with diabetes mellitus treated with hemodialysis–a prospective multicenter study. PLoS One. 2015 May 12;10(5):e0126586. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126586. eCollection 2015. ISSN 1932-6203, IF 3.05
  1. Schiller A, Timar R, Siriopol D, Timar B, Bob F, Schiller O, Drug V, Mihaescu A, Covic A. Hepatitis B and C virus infection in the hemodialysis population from three romanian regions. Nephron. 2015;129(3):202-8. doi: 10.1159/000371450. Epub 2015 Mar 4. ISSN 0028-2766, IF 2.3
  1. Petrica L, Vlad A, Gluhovschi G, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Vlad D, Popescu R, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Petrica M, Jianu DC. Glycated peptides are associated with the variability of endothelial dysfunction in the cerebral vessels and the kidney in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a cross-sectional study. J Diabetes Complications. 2014 Dec 3. pii: S1056-8727(14)00368-7. ISSN 1056-8727, IF 3.0
  1. Petrica L, Vlad A, Gluhovschi G, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Bob F, Vlad D, Popescu R, Milas O, Ursoniu S. Proximal tubule dysfunction is associated with podocyte damage biomarkers nephrin and vascular endothelial growth factor in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 14;9(11):e112538. ISSN 1932-6203, IF 3.23
  1. Schiller A, Apetrii M, Onofriescu M, Siriopol D, Veisa G, Schiller O, Bob F, Timar R, Mihaescu A, Kanbay M, Covic A. Prognostic significance of 25-hydroxivitamin D entirely explained by a higher comorbidity burden: Experience from a South-Eastern European Dialysis Cohort. Hemodial Int. 2014 Sep 23. doi: 10.1111/hdi.12226. ISSN 1492-7535, IF 1.24
  1. Gluhovschi G, Gadalean F, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Petrica L, Bob F, Bozdog G, Kaycsa A. Urinary biomarkers in assessing the nephrotoxic potential of gentamicin in solitary kidney patients after 7 days of therapy. Ren Fail. 2014 May;36(4):534-40. ISSN 0886-022X, IF 0.94
  1. Gadalean F, Kaycsa A, Gluhovschi G, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Bozdog G, Petrica L Is the urinary biomarkers assessment a non-invasive approach to tubular lesions of the solitary kidney? Ren Fail. 2013 Nov;35(10):1358-64. ISSN 0886-022X, IF 0.77
  1. Mihaescu A.,·Avram C.,·BobF.,·Gaita D., · Schiller O. · Schiller A. Benefits of Exercise Training during Hemodialysis Sessions: A Prospective Cohort Study. Nephron Clin Pract 2013;124:72-78 (DOI:10.1159/000355856), ISSN 1660-2110, IF 1.84
  1. Adalbert Schiller, Mihaescu A. , Timar R, Bob FR, Timar B, Raluca B, Ionac M. Acute kidney injury in peripheral arterial surgery patients: a cohort study Ren Fail. 2013 Oct;35(9):1236-9. doi: 10.3109/0886022X.2013.823830. Epub 2013 Aug 7. PMID:23924285, ISSN 0886-022X, IF 0.79
  1. Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi G, Potencz E, Lazar E, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gadalean F, Bob F, Cioca D, Velciov S. What is the significance of HLA-DR antigen expression in the extraglomerular mesangium in glomerulonephritis? Hum Immunol. 2012 Nov;73(11):1098-101. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2012.07.326. Epub 2012 Aug 10. ISSN 0198-8859, IF 2.29
  1. Gluhovschi C, Potencz E, Lazar E, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gadalean F, Bob F, Gluhovschi A, Cioca D, Velciov S. CD34+ fibroblast-like cells in the interstitial infiltrates in glomerulonephritis – an immunohistochemical observation. Pol J Pathol. 2012 Dec;63(4):267-71. ISSN 1233-9687, IF 0.49
  1. Gluhovschi C, Gadalean F, Kaycsa A, Curescu M, Sporea I, Gluhovschi G, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Bob F, Vernic C, Cioca D. Does the antiviral therapy of patients with chronic hepatitis exert nephrotoxic effects? Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2011 Dec;33(4):744-50. doi: 10.3109/08923973.2010.551129. Epub 2011 Feb 14. ISSN 0892-3973, IF 1.82
  1. Gluhovschi G, Bozdog G, Miclaus G, Puscasiu T, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Velciov S, Petrica L, Trandafirescu V, Gadalean F. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis with particular perirenal and intrarenal extension associated with left renal artery stenosis. The atheromatous periaortitis with retroperitoneal fibrosis suggests a pathogenic relationship between atherosclerosis and fibrosis? Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011 Feb;123(3-4):124-8. doi: 10.1007/s00508-011-1539-x. Epub 2011 Feb 17. ISSN 0043-5325, IF 0.80
  1. Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Kaycsa A, Gluhovschi G, Petrica L, Marian R, Bozdog G, Gadalean F, Bob F, Cioca D, Vernic C. The dynamics of urinary N-acetyl-?-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), a marker of renal tubular dysfunction, in patients with lupus nephritis undergoing oral prednisone therapy. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2012 Feb;34(1):163-9. doi: 10.3109/08923973.2011.585343. Epub 2011 Jun 9. ISSN 0892-3973, IF 1.82
  1. Petrica L, Vlad A, Petrica M, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi G, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Ianculescu C, Firescu C, Giju S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Milas O, Marian R, Ursoniu S. Pioglitazone delays proximal tubule dysfunction and improves cerebral vessel endothelial dysfunction in normoalbuminuric people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011 Oct;94(1):22-32. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2011.05.032. ISSN 0168-8227, IF 2.75
  1. Petrica L, Petrica M, Vlad A, Dragos Jianu C, Gluhovschi G, Ianculescu C, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Gadalean F, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Marian R. Nephro- and neuroprotective effects of rosiglitazone versus glimepiride in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2009;121(23-24):765-75. doi: 10.1007/s00508-009-1279-3. ISSN 0043-5325, IF 0.95
  1. Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi G, Herman D, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Bob F, Cioca D. Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus in two patients with extreme B-cell lymphopenia: importance of immunomonitoring and avoidance of B-cell targeted therapy. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2010 Dec;32(4):562-8. doi: 10.3109/08923970903583504. Epub 2010 Feb 3. ISSN 0892-3973, IF 1.20
  1. Gluhovschi G, Margineanu F, Kaycsa A, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Dumitru S, Olosz E, Modalca M. Therapeutic remedies based on Aristolochia clematitis in the main foci of Balkan endemic nephropathy in Romania. Nephron Clin Pract. 2010;116(1):c36-46. doi: 10.1159/000314549. Epub 2010 May 12. ISSN 1660-2110, IF 1.05
  1. Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi G, Potencz E, Herman D, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Bob F, Vernic C, Cioca D. The endothelial cell markers von Willebrand Factor (vWF), CD31 and CD34 are lost in glomerulonephritis and no longer correlate with the morphological indices of glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, activity and chronicity. Folia Histochem Cytobiol. 2010 Jan;48(2):230-6. doi: 10.2478/v10042-010-0004-4; ISSN 0015-5586, IF 0.90
  1. Gadalean FN, Gluhovschi G, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Vernic C. Estimated glomerular filtration rate in patients with surgically acquired single kidney compared with patients with congenital single kidney: implications for kidney transplant from live donors. Exp Clin Transplant. 2010 Sep;8(3):228-36, ISSN 1304-0855, IF 0.83
  1. Petrica L, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu DC, Gluhovschi G, Ianculescu C, Firescu C, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Gadalean F, Ursoniu S, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Milas O. Proximal tubule dysfunction is dissociated from endothelial dysfunction in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. Nephron Clin Pract. 2011;118(2):c155-64. doi: 10.1159/000320038. Epub 2010 Dec 10. ISSN 1660-2110, IF 1.38
  1. Gluhovschi G, Margineanu F, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Trandafirescu V, Modalca M. Fifty years of Balkan endemic nephropathy in Romania: some aspects of the endemic focus in the Mehedinti county. Clin Nephrol. 2011 Jan;75(1):34-48. Review. ISSN 0301-0430, IF 1.17
  1. Gluhovschi G, Velciov S, Curescu S, Nicola T, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Tveici M, Vernic C. The glomerular filtration rate in patients with breast cancer treated by radiation and chemotherapy followed by Tamoxifen. Does Tamoxifen influence renal function in patients with breast cancer? Acta Endocrinol. 5, 3, 309-315, 2009; ISSN 1841-0987, IF 0.01
  1. Gluhovschi G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Velciov S, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Cioca D. Immune processes at the level of the nephron. The immune system and its compartmentalization.Centr. Europ. J of Immunol. 2009;34, 3, 192-206, ISSN 0014-2980, IF 0.45
  1. Gluhovschi G, Velciov S, Kaycsa A, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Vernic C. The effect on proteinuria and urinary NAG of treatment with meloxicam in chronic glomerular disease patients- a preliminary study. Int. J Clin Pharmacol and Therap., 2009, 47/7:444-453, ISSN 0946-1965, IF 1.38
  1. Gluhovschi C., Gluhovschi Gh., Potencz E., Herman D, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog Gh., Bob F., Vernic C, Cioca D. What is the significance of CD34 immunostaining in the extraglomerular and intraglomerular mesangium?  Virchows Arch: 2008, 321-328, ISSN 0945-6317, IF 2.08
  1. Gluhovschi Gh., Gluhovschi C, Bob F., Velciov S., Trandafirescu V., Petrica L., Bozdog Gh. Multiorgan-protective actions of blockers of the Rennin-angiotensin system, statins and erythropoietin: common pleiotropic effects in reno-, cardio- and neuroprotection. Acta Clinica Belgica 2008, 63(3): 152-169, ISSN 0001-5512, IF 1.28.
  1. Cristina Gluhovschi, Gluhovschi Gh, Diana Hermann, Elena Potencz, Virginia Trandafirescu, Ligia Petrica, Silvia Velciov, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Muntean C, Corina Vernic, Guset V, Cioca D. The effect of steroids on lymphocyte profile in primary chronic glomerulonephritis. Empirical or tailored therapy? International Immunopharmacology 2007; 7:1265-1270, ISSN 1567-5769, IF 2.06
  1. Ligia Petrica, Petrica  M., Munteanu M.,Vlad A., Bob F., Gluhovschi C., Gluhovschi Gh., Jianu C., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh. Cerebral microangiopathy in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2007; 36:259-266, ISSN 0304-4602, IF 0.73
  1. Ligia Petrica, Petrica  M., Vlad A., Bob F., Cristina Gluhovschi, Gluhovschi Gh., Jianu C.,Ursoniu S., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh. Cerebrovascular reactivity is impaired in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and microangiopathy. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2007; 119/11-12: 365-371 IF 0.857, ISSN 0043-5325, IF 0.88
  1. A. Covic, A. Schiller, C. Volovat, Gh. Gluhovschi, P. Gusbeth-Tatomir, L. Petrica, I. Caruntu, Gh. Bozdog, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi.  Epidemiology of renal disease in Romania: a 10 year review of two regional biopsy databases.. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2006 Feb;21(2):419-24.. ISSN 0931-0509, IF 3.56
  1. G. Gluhovschi, G. Bozdog, L. Petrica, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Multi-organ protection and the kidney. From nephroprotection, cardioprotection, neuroprotection to multi-organ protection. Nefrologia, Vol XXIV, Numero 6, 2004, p.519-535, Espana. ISSN 0211-6995, IF 0.738



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  1. c) Articole în reviste indexate BDI


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  1. Flaviu Raul Bob, Diana Herman, Gheorghe Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Gheorghe Bozdog, Silvia Velciov, Cristina Gluhovschi, Elena Potencz, Adalbert Schiller Is The Histological Scoring System Useful In Assessing Patients With Glomerulonephritis? BANTAO Journal 2011; 9 (2): 72-76,
  2. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Utilization of urinary NAG elimination in the evaluation of the evolution and nephrotoxicity of UTI treatment with amikacin. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, Vol.33, Nr. 6, 2004, p. 285-288, Deutschland. Current Contents / Clinical Practice und EMBASE / Excerpta Medica.
  3. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Tubular lesions during renal colic with and without associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) evaluated by the determination of urinary NAG. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, Vol.34, Nr. 10, 2005, p. 458-463, Deutschland.
  4. Adalbert Schiller, Diana Herman, Bob Flaviu, Oana Schiller and Alice Dema Renal Sarcoidosis: A Case with Granulomatous Interstitial Nephritis, Renal Failure and Moderate Proteinuria BANTAO Journal 2011; 9 (2): 91-93,


  • Articole publicate in extenso în reviste românești indexate BDI


  1. Gluhovschi G, Gluhovschi C, Vlad A, Timar R, Bob F, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Petrica L. Diabetic nephropathy and multiorgan protection. Part II. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(4):237-49. Review. Pubmed, SCOPUS,
  2. Velciov S, Gluhovschi GH, Feier V, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Bozdog GH, Gadalean F, Florescu C, Bobu M, Chiliban A. Elements of renal injury in patients with varicose ulcer. Preliminary study. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(3):202-6.
  3. Gluhovschi GH, Gluhovschi C, Vlad A, Timar R, Bob F, Velciov S, Bozdog GH, Petrica L. Diabetic nephropathy and multiorgan protection. Part I. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(3):163-77. Review.
  4. Gluhovschi G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Velciov S, Trandafirescu V, Petrică L, Bozdog G. Immune compartments of the nephron in relation to the immune system. Rom J Intern Med. 2010;48(1):17-31. Review.
  5. Velciov S, Gluhovschi G, Feier V, Curescu M, Trandafirescu V, Petrică L, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Bozdog G, Gadalean F, Florescu C, Bobu M, Chiliban A. Elements of renal injury in patients with erysipelas. Rom J Intern Med. 2010;48(2):179-85.
  6. Berinde AM, Gluhovschi G, Enache A, Luţa V, Vernic C, Lungu D, Potencz E, Gluhovschi C, Bob F. Forensic necroptic epidemiology — a useful method for the evaluation of renal, cardiac and cerebral lesions. Can it represent an addition to the information provided by clinical studies? Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(2):155-9.
  7. Velciov S, Gluhovschi G, Sporea I, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Gădălean F, Buzaş R, Bobu M, Voicu L. Asymptomatic urinary anomalies, hematuria and proteinuria, in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Preliminary study. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(2):113-20.15.
  8. Velciov S, Gluhovschi G, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Gădălean F, Bobu M. Specifics of the renal abscess in nephrology: observations of a clinic from a county hospital in Western Romania. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(1):59-66.
  9. Gluhovschi G, Modalca M, Mărgineanu F, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Trandafirescu V, Gădălean F. Epidemiological data regarding Balkan endemic nephropathy in relationship with the Pliocene coal etiological hypothesis. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(1):11-24.
  10. Gluhovschi G, Trandafirescu V, Solovan C, Lazăr E, Gluhovschi C, Petrica L, Bob F, Bozdog G, Gadalean F, Cornianu M, Velciov S. Has the diversity of clinical and biological manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus a correspondent in the diversity of immune mechanisms? Observations based on a Rowell’s syndrome case associated with arthritis and nephritis. Rom J Intern Med. 2012 Jul-Sep;50(3):249-55.
  11. Gadalean Florica, Gluhovschi Gh, Kaycsa Adriana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Vernic Corina. Microalbuminuria in patients with congenital single kidney. Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology 2010; 2:44-55, Scopus,
  12. Berinde, A.M., Gluhovschi, G., Enache, A., Luta, V., Vernic, C., Lungu, D., Potencz, E., Gluhovschi, C., Bob, F. Postmortem evaluation of renal, coronary and cerebral vascular lesions in chronic kidney disease. (2009) Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 17 (4), pp. 313-316,
  13. Berinde, A.M., Gluhovschi, G., Enache, A., Luta, V., Vernic, C., Lungu, D., Potencz, E., Gluhovschi, C., Bob, F. Assessment of chronic kidney disease based on necroptic microscopical examination in violent death cases: Observations on five-year casuistry of the Institute of Legal Medicine Timisoara (2009) Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 17 (3), pp. 205-212.
  14. Bob, G. Gluhovschi. Processes of fibrogenesis in glomerular nephropathies., Timisoara Medical Journal, Vol 54, No.3, 2004. Embase,
  15. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of patients with chronic glomerulonephritis- A comparative study of nonselective NSAIDs (Indometacin) and of selective NSAIDs (Meloxicam). Timisoara Medical Journal, Vol 53, No.2, 2003, Embase,
  16. Velciov, G. Gluhovschi, A. Rosca, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. The use of urinary β2 microglobulin elimination in the evaluation of urinary tract infections treatment and nephrotoxicity with amykacine. Timisoara Medical Journal, Vol 53, No.2, 2003, Embase,
  17. Petrica, M. Petrica, C. Jianu, G. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with chronic renal failure anaemia. Timisoara Medical Journal, Vol 54, No.4, 2004, Embase,
  18. Secrii Rita, Pogorevici Antoanela, Velciov Silvia, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Schiller A, Trandafirescu Virginia, Gluhovschi Gh, Dumitrascu Elena. The incidence of arterial hypertension and asymptomatic urinary anomalies in young adults. Timisoara Medical Journal 2006; 56(2-3):163-167, Embase,
  19. Kaycsa Adriana, Gluhovschi Gh, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F. Urinary NAG in the evaluation of the evolution and nephrotoxicity of the chemotherapic (quinolones) and antibiotic (amikacin) treatment in UTI. Timisoara Medical Journal 2005; 55(Suppl.5):215-218, Embase,
  20. Bob F. Is There a Place for Elastography in the Assessment of chronic kidney disease? Timisoara Medical Journal 2021(1), 3; doi:10.35995/tmj20210103
  21. Bob. Boala ficatului gras nonalcoolic si boala cronica de rinichi, Romanian Medical Journal, Vol LXVII, Supl 1, 54-57, 2020




  1. d) Articole publicate în rezumat în reviste și volumele unor manifestări științifice, cu ISBN sau ISSN


  • Rezumate publicate in reviste cotate ISI- prim autor


  1. Bob F., Gluhovschi Gh., Herman D, Potencz E, Gluhovschi C, Petrica L, Schiller A., Bozdog Gh., Velciov S, Trandafirescu V. Clinicopathological correlations in patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. XLV Congress of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Society(ERA-EDTA), Stockholm, Sweden, May 10-13, 2008, Nephrol Dial Transplant(NDT Plus), Vol1, Suppl 2: ii87
  2. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Sporea I, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Gadalean Florica, Trandafirescu Virginia, Nes A, Scheidbauer Maria, Singh Barbara. Renal function in patients with acute pancreatitis. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress-II DGFN Congress, June 25-28, 2010, Munich, Germany 2010; Nephrol Dial Transplant Plus 2010; vol.3(Suppl 3):iii365
  3. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Schiller A, Sirli R, Petrica L, Popescu A, Danila M. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Elastography Measurements should be performed in one or in both kidneys? 14th World Congress of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB), May 2-5, 2013, Sao Paolo, Brazil; Ultras in Med and Biol, 39, 5S, S60, 2013.
  4. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Petrica L, Schiller A. Factors  which influence the reproductibility of kidney stiffness assessed by means of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography. 25th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), October 9-12 2013 Stuttgart, Germany; Eur J Ultrasound, 34, S15, 2013
  5. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Danila M, Timar R, Gadalean F, Petrica L, Schiller A. Is Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography a useful method for predicting kidney pathology? 25th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), October 9-12 2013 Stuttgart, Germany; Eur J Ultrasound, 34, S16, 2013
  6. Flaviu Bob, Matja Crnogorac, Ioan Sporea, Gordana Ivanac, Alina Popescu, Boris Brkliacic, Roxana Sirli, Maja Crnogorac, Iulia Grosu, Adalbert Schiller. IS 2D SHEAR WAVE ELASTOGRAPHY (2D-SWE) USEFULL IN THE ASSESSMENT OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE?- A 2 CENTER PILOT STUDY. 28th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) EUROSON, Oct 26-29, 2016; Eur J Ultrasound, 37, S6, 2016
  7. Flaviu Bob, Iulia Grosu, Ioan Sporea, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli, Simona Bota,  Ligia Petrica, Adalbert Schiller. A new ultrasound based elastographic method -2D-shear wave elastography GE- in the assessment of the kidney. 28th   Congress  of  the  European  Federation  of  Societies  for  Ultrasound  in  Medicine  and  Biology  (EFSUMB) EUROSON, Oct 26-29, 2016; Eur J Ultrasound, 37, S39, 2016
  8. Bob F., Timar R, Lighezan D, Bujor G, Munteanu M, Gadalean F, Mihaescu A, Timar B, Lighezan D, Pillay S, Schiller A. Which inflammatory biomarkers are associated with diabetic kindey disease? ASN Kidney Week, 2016, J Am Soc Nephrol, 26, 1057A, 2016
  9. Flaviu Bob, Iulia Grosu, Ioan Sporea, Romulus Timar, Daniel Lighezan, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli, Roxana Buzas, Ligia Petrica, Mircea Munteanu, Diana Lighezan, Adalbert Schiller, SP100 IS RENAL STIFFNESS MEASURED USING ELASTOGRAPHY INFLUENCED MAINLY BY VASCULAR FACTORS?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2017, Page iii137, (MADRID, 03-06.06.2017), Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation,
  10. Flaviu Bob, Adalbert Schiller, Romulus Timar, Daniel Lighezan, Oana Schiller, Florica Gadalean, Adelina Mihaiescu, Mircea Munteanu, Bogdan Timar, Iulia Grosu, Georgeta Bujor, SP361 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOLUBLE KLOTHO AND DIFFERENT BIOMARKERS OF DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE- A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2017, Page iii233,, (MADRID, 03-06.06.2017)
  11. Flaviu Bob, Adalbert Schiller, Oana Schiller, Romulus Timar, Georgeta Bujor, Iulia Grosu, Florica Gadalean, Adelina Mihaiescu, Bogdan Timar, FP547 IS THE LEVEL OF SOLUBLE KLOTHO ASSOCIATED TO CARDIOVASCULAR MARKERS IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING HEMODIALYSIS?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 33, Issue suppl_1, May 2018, Pages i223–i224, (ERA- EDTA Congress, Copenhagen, 2018)
  12. Flaviu Bob, Adalbert Schiller, Oana Schiller, Romulus Timar, Georgeta Bujor, Iulia Grosu, Florica Gadalean, Adelina Mihaiescu, Bogdan Timar, SP122 PLASMA LEVELS OF KIDNEY INJURY MOLECULE-1 (KIM1) AND CHRONIC INFLAMMATION IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 33, Issue suppl_1, May 2018, Page i385, (ERA- EDTA Congress, Copenhagen, 2018)
  13. Flaviu Bob, Adalbert Schiller, Oana Schiller, Romulus Timar, Roxana Buzas, Georgeta Bujor, Iulia Dana Grosu, Bogdan Timar, SP565 ARTERIAL STIFFNESS AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE-MINERAL BONE DISORDER (CKD-MBD) IN HEMODIALYSED PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz103.SP565, (ERA- EDTA Budapest, 2019)
  14. Bob, F*1, Chiodan, M1, Schiller, A1, Petrica, L1, Schiller, O1, Sircuta, A1, Maralescu, F1, Bodea, M1 OXIDATIVE STRESS AND ANEMIA IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS . WCN Bangkok 2022, Kidney International Reports (2023) 8, S1–S473


  • Rezumate publicate in reviste cotate ISI- coautor


  1. G. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, M. Raica, L. Petrica, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, C. Mustata. Dendritic cells in chronic glomerulonephritis. Ninth Annual Clinical Nephrology Meeting. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, vol.35, no. 4, April 2000.
  2. G. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Effects of Meloxicam (Cox2 Inhibitor) on proteinuria and renal function in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis.- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol.12, September 2001- Program and Abstract Issue. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001, Vol.12 (Program and Abstract Issue)
  3. G. Gluhovschi, M. Raica, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, V. Trandafirescu, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. TGF and bFGF2 expression in glomerulonephritis.- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol.12, September 2001- Program and Abstract Issue. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001, Vol.12 (Program and Abstract Issue)
  4. L. Petrica, M. Petrica, F. Bob, Gh. Gluhovschi, M. Turcanu, V. Ivan, L. Branzan, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, A. Popescu, A. Stanciu, D. Sandesc. Reno- and cardiovascular protective effects of Perindopril in patients with primary chronic glomerulonephritis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol.12, September 2001- Program and Abstract Issue. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001, Vol.12 (Program and Abstract Issue)
  5. G. Gluhovschi, G. Bozdog, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, V. Trandafirescu, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Hypertension in single kidney patients.- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol.12, September 2001- Program and Abstract Issue. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001, Vol.12 (Program and Abstract Issue)
  6. Ligia Petrica, Raica M., Gluhovschi Gh., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F. Tubulointerstitial expression of b-FGF in primary type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis.- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol.12, September 2001- Program and Abstract Issue. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, October 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, California, USA. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001, Vol.12 (Program and Abstract Issue)
  7. Gh. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Study of the antiproteinuric effect of the nonsteroidic anti-inflammatory drugs meloxicam and indometacin.- The 39th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 14-17, 2002. Nephrol Dial Transplant Volume 17 Abstracts Supplement 1, 2002
  8. L. Petrica, M. Petrica, C. Jianu, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with chronic renal failure anaemia. The World Congress of Nephrology, June 8-12, 2003 Berlin. Nephrol Dial Transplant Volume 18, Supplement 4, 2003.
  9. G. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, W. Brown. The Antiproteinuric Effect of Treatment with Meloxicam in Short-Term and Long-Term Administration to Patients with Glomerular Nephropathies. ASN Renal Week, St. Louis, Missouri, October-November 2004. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004,Vol.15:Abstract issue
  10. Gh. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Urinary N-acetyl-glucosaminidase in the assessment of tubular lesions during renal colic. 3rd World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, 26-30 June 2005. Nephrology 2005, Vol.10 (Supplement):Abstract issue
  11. L. Petrica, M. Petrica, M. Munteanu, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi, C. Jianu, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog. Cerebral microangiopathy in patients with diabetic nephropathy. 3rd World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, 26-30 June 2005. Nephrology 2005, Vol.10 (Supplement):Abstract issue
  12. C. Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi, D. Herman, E. Potencz, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, F. Bob, C. Muntean, C. Vernic, W. Brown. The Effect of Steroids on Lymphocyte Profile in Primary Chronic  Glomerulonephritis.  Renal  Week  2005-  Philadelphia,  8-13  Nov.  2005.  J  Am  Soc  Nephrol  2005, Vol.16:Abstract issue
  13. Gh. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, I. Michnea, C. Muntean, C. Vernic, W. Brown. Does a Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug, (NSAID), Ketoprofen, Exert a Renoprotective Effect in Renal Colic? Renal Week 2005- Philadelphia, 8-13 Nov. 2005. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005, Vol.16:Abstract issue
  14. Ligia Petrica, M.Petrica, F.R.Bob, C.Gluhovschi, Gh.Gluhovschi, A.Schiller, S.Velciov, V.Trandafirescu, Gh.Bozdog, S.Ursoniu, F.Nicorici, C.Popii, A.M.Pop. The prevalence of stroke is high even in early stages of chronic kidney disease. Joint World Congress on Stroke: International Stroke Society, Mediterranean Stroke Society and Southern African Stroke Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2006, International Journal of Stroke (official Journal of International Stroke Society), Vol.1 (Suppl 1)
  15. Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi G, Potencz E, Herman D, Trandafirescu V, Schiller A, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Bob F, Vernic C, Guset V, Muntean C, Cioca D. The endothelial pattern of injury in glomerulopathies as assessed by the immunohistochemical expression of von Willebrand Factor, CD31 and CD34. NKF 2007 Spring Clinical Meetings, Am J Kidney Dis Vol 49, 4, April 2007.
  16. Gluhovschi G, Velciov S, Kaycsa A, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Vernic C. Do prophylactic antibiotics ensure protection in the surgical cure of dental foci in patients with chronic glomerular disease as assessed by the dynamics of urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase ? NKF 2007 Spring Clinical Meetings, Am J Kidney Dis Vol 49, 4, April 2007
  17. Gluhovschi Gh, Silvia Velciov, Bozdog Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Ligia Petrica, Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F, Maria Bobu, Corina Vernic. Specifics of urinary tract infection(UTI) complicated by renal abscess(RA) in a nephrology department. XLIV Congress of the European Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA- EDTA), Barcelona, Spain, June 21- 24, 2007, Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007; 22(Suppl 6):vi57
  18. Petrica Ligia, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Petrica M, Schiller A, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Carmina Popii, Ana-Maria Pop. Cerebrovascular disease has increased prevalence in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients. XLIV Congress of the European Association- European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), Barcelona, Spain, June 21-24, 2007; Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007; 22(Suppl 6):vi75
  19. Gluhovschi Gh, Velciov Silvia, Adriana Kaycsa, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ciuta V. The dynamics of urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), a marker of tubular dysfunction in patients with lupus nephritis undergoing oral prednisone therapy. ASN Renal Week, San Francisco, USA, October 31-November 5, 2007; J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18:Abstract issues
  20. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Elena Potencz, Diana Hermann, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Corina Vernic, Cioca D. Aspects regarding von Willebrand Factor (vWF), CD31and CD34 in glomerulonephritis (GN)-asssociation to morphological indices of glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, activity and chronicity. ASN Renal Week, San Francisco, USA, October 31-November 5, 2007; J Am Soc Nephrol 2007, 18:Abstract issues
  21. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Elena Potencz, Diana Hermann, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Corina Vernic, Cioca D. Study of peritubular microcirculation (PMC) remodeling by the immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of CD34 in glomerulonephritis (GN)-association with morphological and clinical parameters. ASN Renal Week, San Francisco, USA, October 31-November 5, 2007; J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18:Abstract issues
  22. Petrica L., Petrica M., Gluhovschi  Gh., Matcau L., Gadalean F, Ursoniu S., Schiller A., Velciov  S, Bob F., Gluhovschi C, Jianu C.D., Matcau D, Trandafirescu V, Bozdog Gh., Popii C. Chronic kidney disease is associated with cerebral vessels remodeling- an extracranial and transcranial Doppler study. XLV Congress of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Society(ERA-EDTA), Stockholm, Sweden, May 10-13, 2008, Nephrol Dial Transplant(NDT Plus), Vol1, Suppl 2: ii74
  23. Gluhovschi Gh., Velciov S, Curescu S., Nicola T., Gluhovschi C, Bob F., Trandafirescu V, Petrica L, Bozdog Gh., Tveici M. The glomerular filtration rate in patients with breast cancer treated by radiation and chemotherapy followed by tamoxifen-does tamoxifen influence renal function in patients with breast cancer? XLV Congress of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Society(ERA-EDTA), Stockholm, Sweden, May 10- 13, 2008, Nephrol Dial Transplant(NDT Plus), Vol1, Suppl 2: ii259
  24. Cristina Gluhovschi, Gluhovschi Gh., Elena Potencz, Diana Herman, Virginia Trandafirescu, Schiller A., Ligia Petrica,  Silvia  Velciov,  Bozdog  Gh.,  Bob  F.,  Corina  Vernic,  Cioca  D.  The  endothelial  pattern  of  injury  in glomerulopathies(GP) as assessed by the immunohistochemical(IHC) expression of von Willebrand factor(vWF), CD31 and CD34-association to morphological indices and clinical parameters. XLV Congress of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Society(ERA-EDTA), Stockholm, Sweden, May 10-13, 2008; Nephrol Dial Transplant(NDT Plus), Vol1, Suppl 2: ii293
  25. G. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, C. Vernic. Does the Presence of Odontogenic Foci (OF) Influence the Urinary Excretion of N-Acetyl- -D-Glucosaminidase (NAG) as a Marker of Tubulointerstitial Lesions in Primary Chronic Glomerulonephritis (CGN)? ASN Renal Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 4-9, 2008; J Am Soc Nephrol 2008; 19:335
  26. G. Gluhovschi, F. Gadalean, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, C. Vernic. Is There a Difference between the Estimated GFR in Patients (Pts) with Surgically Acquired Single Kidney as Compared to Pts with Congenital Single Kidney? ASN Renal Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 4-9, 2008; J Am Soc Nephrol 2008; 19:304
  27. Ligia Petrica, M. Petrica , Gh. Gluhovschi, L. Matcau , Florica Gadalean, S.Ursoniu, A. Schiller, Silvia Velciov, F.Bob, Cristina Gluhovschi, C.D. Jianu, Diana Matcau,Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, Carmina Popii. Cerebral vessels remodelling is significant even in the early stages of chronic kidney disease. World Congress on Stroke, Vienna, Austria, September 24- 27, 2008, International Journal of Stroke, vol.3 (Suppl 1):291
  28. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu Calina, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Marian Roxana. Does PPARγ- agonist rosiglitazone exert nephro- and cerebroprotective effects in normoalbuminuric type 2 diabetes mellitus patients? 19th World Congress of Neurology, 24-30 Oct. 2009, Bangkok, Thailand; J Neurol Sci 2009; 285(1):S169
  29. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu Calina, Firescu Catalina, Giju S, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Gaina Adriana, Marian Roxana, Milas Oana. Endothelial dysfunction in the cerebral vessels does not parallel glomerular endothelial impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Congress of EFNS, September 24-28 2010, Geneva, Switzerland; European Journal of Neurology 2010; 17(3):444
  30. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu Calina, Firescu Catalina, Giju S, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Gaina Adriana, Marian Roxana, Milas Oana. Proximal tubule dysfunction and not endothelial dysfunction explains early diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress-II DGFN Congress, June 25-28, 2010, Munich, Germany 2010; Nephrol Dial Transplant Plus 2010; vol.3(Suppl 3):iii415
  31. Gluhovschi Gh, Modalca Mirela, Margineanu F, Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Trandafirescu Virginia, Gadalean Florica. Epidemiological data regarding Balkan Endemic Nephropathy in relationship with the pliocene coal etiological hypothesis. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress- II DGFN Congress, June 25- 28, 2010, Munich, Germany 2010; Nephrol Dial Transplant Plus 2010; vol.3(Suppl 3):iii389
  32. Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Potencz Elena, Herman Diana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gadalean Florica, Vernic Corina, Cioca D. A comparative analysis of glomerular endothelial cell transforming growth factor beta-1(TGF-beta1) and CD34 immunoexpression in glomerulonephritis. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress- II DGFN Congress, June 25-28, 2010, Munich, Germany 2010; Nephrol Dial Transplant Plus 2010; vol.3(Suppl 3):iii118
  33. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu Calina, Firescu Catalina, Giju S, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Gaina Adriana, Marian Roxana, Milas Oana. Endothelial dysfunction in the cerebral vessels does not parallel glomerular endothelial impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Congress of EFNS, September 24-28 2010, Geneva, Switzerland; European Journal of Neurology 2010; 17(3):444
  34. Bota S, Bob F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Schiller A, Popescu A, Petrica L, Danila M. Which are the kidney stiffness values assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography in subjects without known kidney pathology? 14th World Congress of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB), May 2-5, 2013, Sao Paolo, Brazil; Ultras in Med and Biol, 39, 5S, S60, 2013.
  35. Bota S, Bob F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Timar R, Gadalean F, Petrica L, Schiller A. The influence of glomerular filtration rate on kidney stiffness values assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography. 25th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), October 9-12 2013 Stuttgart, Germany; Eur J Ultrasound, 34, S15, 2013
  36. Bota S, Bob F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Gadalean F, Petrica L, Schiller A. The age influence the kindey stiffness assessed by means of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography? 25th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), October 9-12 2013 Stuttgart, Germany; Eur J Ultrasound, 34, S15, 2013
  37. Schiller A., Bob F., Enache A., Jurca –Simina F., Mociar D, Bozdog Gh.,   Munteanu M., Petrica L., Velciov S., Vivek Bansal, Timar R. RESISTANT HYPERTENSION IN CKD PATIENTS. 2013.   50Th    ERA-EDTA Congress Istanbul, Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013; Nephrol Dial Transpl May 2013, 28 (suppl 1). ISSN 0931-0509 doi: 10.1093/ndt/gft106
  38. Petrica L, Vlad A, Petrica M, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Zamfir Alina, Popescu Cristina, Gadalean Florica, Dumitrascu V, Gluhovschi Cristina, Velciov Silvia, Bob F, Vlad Daliborca, Milas Oana, Izvernari Oana, Ursoniu S. Glycated peptides induce endothelial dysfunction in the brain vasculature in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes melitus. XXI World Congress of Neurology, 21-26 September, Vienna, Austria, 2013; Journal of The Neurological Sciences 333 (2013):  e260-e261 DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2013.07.1001 ISSN: 0022-510X
  39. Cirlea N, Desaga D, Nicoara E, Crisan A, Sima A, Bob F. Highlights misleading the determination of prolonged fever etiology. The 9th Edition of the Scientific Days of the Netional Institute for Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Matei Bals Bucharest, 23-25 Oct 2013, BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13 (Suppl1): 103
  40. Petrica L, Vlad A, Gluhovschi Gh, Gadalean Florica, Dumitrascu V, Gluhovschi Cristina, Velciov Silvia, Bob F, Vlad Daliborca, Popescu Roxana, Petrica M, Jianu C, Milas Oana, Izvernari Oana, Ursoniu S. Proximal tubule dysfunction is associated with urinary nephrin and vascular endothelial growth factor excretion in normoalbuminuric type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a cross-sectional study. The 51st ERA-EDTA Congress,  Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 31-June 3, 2014; Nephrol Dial Transplant 2014; 29(S3): iii420-421
  41. Schiller, A ; Onofriescu, M ; Apetrii, M ; Schiller, O ; Bob, F ; Timar, R ;Mihaescu, A ; Florea, L ; Mititiuc, I ; Veisa G; Covic, A.    PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF 25-HYDROXI-VITAMIN D ENTIRELY EXPLAINED BY A HIGHER COMORBIDITY BURDEN: EXPERIENCE FROM A SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPEAN DIALYSIS COHORT. The 51st ERA-EDTA Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 31-June 3, 2014; Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2014,  29(3): 386-387
  42. Adalbert Schiller, Florica Gadalean, Oana Schiller, Romulus Timar, Silvia Velciov, Flaviu Bob, Mircea Munteanu, Bogdan Timar. HIGH PREVALENCE OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED BURDEN OF MORTALITY. The 52nd ERA-EDTA Congress, London, UK, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2015) 30 (suppl 3): iii593. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfv199.16
  43. Florica Gadalean, Oana Schiller, Bogdan Timar, Flaviu Bob, Emilia Barzuca, Adalbert Schiller ROMA ETNICITY AND HIGH RISK OF MORTALITY AT YOUNG AGES IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS The 52nd ERA-EDTA Congress, London, UK, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2015) 30 (suppl 3): iii593. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfv199.16
  44. Ligia Petrica, Adrian Vlad, Gheorghe Gluhovschi, Florica Gadalean, Victor Dumitrascu, Daliborca Vlad, Roxana Popescu, Cristina Gluhovschi, Silvia Velciov, Flaviu Bob, Maxim Petrica, Catalin Jianu, Oana Milas, Sorin Ursoniu URINARY PODOCYTES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH PROXIMAL TUBULE DYSFUNCTION IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY. The 52nd ERA-EDTA Congress, London, UK, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2015) 30 (suppl 3): iii593. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfv199.16
  45. Katerina Markoska, Claudia Pontillo, Petra Zürbig, Mohammed Dakna, Jelka Masin-Spasovska, Olivera Stojceva- Taneva, Radomir Naumovic, Voin Brkovic, Marian Klinger, Mirosław Banasik, Ivan Rychlík, Dominika Švec-Billá, Adalbert Schiller, Flaviu Bob, Francesco Marino, Giovambattista Capasso, Arianna Restivo, Merita Rroji, Colette Denis, Franco Ferrario, Carmine Zoccali, Joost Peter Schanstra, Harald Mischak, Goce Spasovski. CKD273 Classifier as early marker of tubulointerstitial fibrosis. The 53rd ERA-EDTA Congress, Vienna, Austria, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2016) 31 (suppl 1): i160-i161. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfw163.03
  46. Iulia Dana Grosu, Adalbert Schiller, Flaviu Bob, Oana Schiller, Diana Chiu, Philip Kalra. Cardiovascular Events in CKD5D Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis Therapy and Renin-Angiotensin Blockade – A Bicentric Retrospective Study. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2017, Pages iii662(MADRID, 03-06.06.2017)
  47. Florica Gadalean, Florina Parv, Vlad Morariu, Anca Popa, Romulus Timar,Ligia Petrica, Oana Schiller, Silvia Velciov, Cristina Gluhovschi, Adelina Mihaescu, Flaviu Bob, Gheorghe Bozdog, Bogdan Timar, Adalbert Schiller. CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AS A RISK FACTOR FOR ANTIMICROBIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE OF UROPATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2017, Page iii567,
  48. Florica Gadalean, Izabela Iancu, Ioan Sporea, Flaviu Bob, Adelina Mihaescu, Oana Schiller, Silvia Velciov, Gheorghe Bozdog, Mircea Ciorcan, Adalbert Schiller, MP353 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AND ACCELERATED DECREASE OF GFR IN HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2017, Page iii556,
  49. Ligia Petrica, Florica Gadalean, Adrian Vlad, Victor Dumitrascu, Cristina Gluhovschi, Gheorghe Gluhovschi, Silvia Velciov, Roxana Popescu, Flaviu Bob, Maxim Petrica, Catalin Jianu, Petru Matusz, Oana Milas, Alina Secara, Anca Simulescu, Sorin Ursoniu, Daliborca Vlad, SP439 PARTICULAR PROFILES OF URINARY MICRO-RNAs MAY EXPLAIN PODOCYTE INJURY AND PROXIMAL TUBULE DYSFUNCTION IN NORMOALBUMINURIC PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2017, Page iii271,
  50. Daniela Moteli, Adelina Mihaescu, Ovidiu Iancu, Luciana Marc, Florica Gadalean, Flaviu Bob, Oana Schiller, Adela Bel, Bogdan Timar, Cristina Dijmarescu, Gheorghe Bozdog, Silvia Velciov, Adalbert Schiller, SP245 CONTRAST INDUCED ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY A MULTICENTRE EXPERIENCE, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 33, Issue suppl_1, May 2018, Page i426,
  51. L Petrica, A-M Pusztai, M Vlad, A Vlad, F Gadalean, V Dumitrascu, D Vlad, S Velciov, C Gluhovschi, F Bob, S Ursoniu, M Petrica, P Matusz, O Cretu, O Milas, A Secara, A Simulescu, R Popescu, C D Jianu, SP442 THE TIME FRAME OF VASCULAR REMODELLING IS DISSOCIATED WITHIN THE BRAIN AND THE KIDNEY AND MAY BE EXPLAINED BY THE VARIABILITY OF miRNAs EXPRESSION IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS , Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 33, Issue suppl_1, May 2018, Page i497,
  52. Adalbert Schiller, Flaviu Bob, Oana Schiller, Florica Gadalean, Serban Maierean, Adelina Mihaescu, Lazar Chisavu, Cristian Ionita, SP624 CHANGING THE MORTALITY PATTERN IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS. A MULTICENTER STUDY FROM AN EAST EUROPEAN COUNTRY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 33, Issue suppl_1, May 2018, Page i557,
  53. Florica Gadalean, Adalbert Schiller, Flaviu Bob, Oana Schiller, Adelina Mihaescu, Luana Mandroiu, Lazar Chisavu, Luciana Marc, FP652 CANCER IN PATIENTS WITH END STAGE RENAL DISEASE DIALYSIS PATIENTS: A PROSPECTIVE MULTICENTER STUDY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 33, Issue suppl_1, May 2018, Page i264,
  54. Schiller Adalbert, L Marc, R Timar, A Popescu, R Sirli, S Nistorescu, F Gadalean, A Mihaescu, O Schiller, F Bob, I Grosu, S Velciov, I Sporea, FP353 Liver fibrosis as evaluated by transient elastography is not correlated with CKD development and severity in DM2 patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz106.FP353,
  55. Lazar Chisavu, Adalbert Schiller, Flaviu Bob, Florica Gadalean, adelina mihaescu, Luciana Marc, Oana Schiller, Cristian Ionita, Adrian Apostol, Nicolae Albulescu, Viviana Ivan, FP640 A THREE YEAR FOLLOW-UP MULTICENTER STUDY REGARDING CARDIAC ULTRASOUND FINDINGS AND THEIR PROGNOSTIC VALUE IN HD PATIENS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz106.FP640,
  56. Ligia Petrica, Mihaela Vlad, Adrian Vlad, Florica Gadalean, Victor Dumitrascu, Silvia Velciov, Cristina Gluhovschi, Flaviu Bob, Sorin Ursoniu, Dragos Catalin Jianu, Petru Matusz, Agneta Maria Pusztai, Octavian Cretu, Oana Milas, Alina Secara, Anca Simulescu, Roxana Popescu, Daliborca Vlad, FP509 MOLECULAR PATHWAYS OF INFLAMMATION WHICH INVOLVE INTERLEUKINS PARALLEL A PARTICULAR miRNAs PROFILE IN THE EARLY STAGES OF DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz106.FP509,
  57. Oana Milas, Florica Gadalean, Alina Secara, Anca Simulescu, Adrian Vlad, Victor Dumitrascu, Roxana Popescu, Silvia Velciov, Flaviu Bob, Cristina Gluhovschi, Petru Matusz, Agneta Maria Pusztai, Octavian Cretu, Sorin Ursoniu, Daliborca Vlad, Ligia Petrica, FP510 PRO-INFLAMATORY CITOKINES (IL 1 ALPHA, IL 8 AND IL 18) ARE ASSOCIATED WITH PODOCYTE DAMAGE AND PROXIMAL TUBULAR DYSFUNCTION IN THE EARLY STAGE OF DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz106.FP510,
  58. Felix-Mihai Maralescu, Milena Chiodan, Alexandru Sircuta, Adalbert Schiller, Ligia Petrica, Flaviu Bob. ELASTOGRAPHY IN THE ASSESSMENT OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A META-ANALYSIS. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  59. Florica Gadalean, Malina Virdol, Adalbert Schiller, Flaviu Bob, Cristina Anca Gluhovschi1,2, Livia Oana Milas1,2, Anca Suteanu – Simulescu1,2, Mihaela Patruica1,2, Lazar Chisavu1,2, Iulia Dana Grosu1,2, Iasmina Iova1, Parv Florina2,4 and Ligia Petrica. MILDLY IMPAIRED KIDNEY FUNCTION MAY BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE RISK OF HIPPOCAMPAL ATROPHY IN YOUNG AND MIDLIFE ADULTS. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  60. Luciana Marc, Adelina Mihaescu1,2,3, Raluca Lupusoru4,5,6, Flaviu Bob1,2,3, Lazar Chisavu1,2,3, Bogdan Timar5,7,8, Romulus Timar7,8 and Adalbert Schiller1,2,3NOVEL PREDICTORS OF CKD IN METABOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE PATIENTS: STEATOSIS VS FIBROSIS. A PROSPECTIVE STUDY USING TRANSIENT ELASTOGRAPHY WITH CONTROLLED ATTENUATION PARAMETER. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  61. Anca Suteanu – Simulescu1,2,3, Raluca Ica4,5, Mirela Sarbu4, Cristian Munteanu6, Florica Gadalean1,2,3, Adrian Vlad1,3,7, Silvia Velciov1,2, Cristina Anca Gluhovschi1, Flaviu Bob1,2,3, Catalin Jianu8,9,10, Octavian Cretu1,11, Livia Oana Milas1,2,3, Maria Mogos1,2,3, Mihaela Patruica1,2,3, Balint Lavinia1,2, Ienciu Silvia1,2, Alina Diana Zamfir4,12 and Ligia Petrica1,2,3EARLY DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IS ASSOCIATED WITH A PARTICULAR GANGLIOSIDE PROFILE, IDENTIFIED BY HIGH-RESOLUTION TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY: A PILOT STUDY. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  62. Marcel Palamar, Flaviu Bob1,3, Iulia Dana Grosu1,3, Milena Chiodan1, Felix-Mihai Maralescu1, Alexandru Sircuta1, Adalbert Schiller1,3, Ligia Petrica1,3, Cornel Rusan4 and Maria-Daniela Tanasescu5 MARKERS OF VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY IN HAEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  63. Iulia Dana Grosu, Oana Stirbu2, Florica Gadalean1,2, Flaviu Bob1,2, Adelina Mihaescu1,2, Luciana Marc1,2, Lazar Chisavu1 2, Oana-Marina Schiller2, Mircea Tandrau2 and Adalbert Schiller1. ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA CALCIFICATIONS—RISK FACTORS AND IMPACT ON ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA FUNCTIONALITY. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  64. Luciana Marc, Raluca Lupusoru4,5,6, Oana-Marina Schiller7, Adelina Mihaescu1,2,3,7, Flaviu Bob1,2,3,7, Lazar Chisavu1,2,3 and Adalbert Schiller1,2,3 HEPATITIS VIRUS INFECTION IN END-STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS TREATED BY HAEMODIALYSIS IN ROMANIA AFTER 5 YEARS OF ACTIVE ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, REVISITED. 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  65. Milena Chiodan1, Flaviu Bob1,2, Alexandru Sircuta1, Felix-Mihai Maralescu1, Ligia Petrica1,2, Adalbert Schiller1,2 and Oana-Marina Schiller3 OXIDATIVE STRESS IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  66. Alexandru Sircuta1, Flaviu Bob1,2, Milena Chiodan1, Felix-Mihai Maralescu1, Adalbert Schiller1,2, Oana-Marina Schiller3 and Ligia Petrica1,2 ARE CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND CKD-MBD RISK FACTORS OF MORTALITY IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS? 59th ERA Congress,  Paris 19-22 May 2022Downloaded from
  67. 1 FM Maralescu, F Bob, A Popescu, R Sirli, A Schiller, L Petrica .IS QUANTITATIVE ELASTOGRAPHY USING 2D-SHEAR WAVE ULTRASONOGRAPHY A FEASIBLE METHOD FOR ASSESSING RENAL GRAFTS? WFUMB Congress Timisoara, Romania Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 48, S24-S25
  68. 2. FM Maralescu, F Bob, A Popescu, R Sirli, A Schiller, L Petrica THE RELATIONSHIP OF RENAL STIFFNESS MEASURED USING 2D SHEAR WAVE ELASTOGRAPHY AND RENAL FUNCTION IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS WFUMB Congress Timisoara, Romania Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 48, S17-S18


 Rezumate la manifestari internationale publicate in reviste non ISI- 


  1. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Gluhovschi Gh, Matcau L, Gadalean Florica, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Velciov Silvia, Matcau Diana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh. Cerebral vessels patterns in patients with chronic kidney disease and symptomatic ischaemic cerebrovascular disease: an extracranial and transcranial Doppler study. 7th International Central European Vascular Forum, 27-30 May, 2010, Timisoara, Romania. Journal of Experimental Medical & Surgical Research, 2010; Suppl 1:41
  2. Bob F., Gluhovschi G, Herman D, Petrica L, Schiller A, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Gadalean F, Potencz E. Can Immunohistochemistry be helpful in revealing the origin of myofibroblasts in renal fibrosis? 10th BANTAO Congress, October 13-15, 2011, Chalkidiki, Greece; BANTAO Journal Vol. 9, Suppl1, 2011
  3. Grosu ID, Bob F, Schiller A. Renal vein thrombosis and lupus nephropathy- a rare association. 11th BANTAO Congress, Timisoara, 26-29 September 2013, BANTAO Journal, 11 (Suppl 1),47, 2013, ISSN1312-2517
  4. Schiller A, Munteanu M, Schiller O, Ionutiu L, Mihaescu A, Olariu N, Bob F, Roman V, Berca S, Andrei C, Anton C, Ivacson Z. Difference in outcome between diabetes patients and non-diabetes patients on hemodialysis- a retrospective multicenter study. 11th BANTAO Congress, Timisoara, 26-29 September 2013, BANTAO Journal, 11 (Suppl 1),63, 2013, ISSN1312-2517
  5. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Sirli R, Petrica L, Schiller A. Is there a correlation between shear wave speed measured with elastography and histological parameters in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis?- A pilot study. 12th Congress of the BANTAO, Opatja, Croatia, October 15-18, 2015, BANTAO Journal, Volume 13, Suppl 1, ISSN 1312-2517
  6. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Bota S, Popescu A, Sima A, Sirli R, Petrica L, Schiller A. Elastography in the assessment of patients with diabetic kidney disease. 12th Congress of the BANTAO, Opatja, Croatia, October 15-18, 2015, BANTAO Journal, Volume 13, Suppl 1, ISSN 1312-2517
  7. Sircuta1, F. Bob1,2, A. Schiller1,2, L. Petrica1,2, O. Schiller3, M. Bodea1,2, I. Goleț4. CIRCULATING KIDNEY INJURY MOLECULE-1 AND CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AS RISK FACTORS OF MORTALITY IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS. 18th BANTAO Congress October 19-22 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, BANTAO Journal 2023, volume 21: Suppl 1: pages 44-103
  8. Grosu1, F. Bob1, O. Schiller2, A. Schiller1 PATTERNS OF INTRADIALYTIC HYPOTENSION – CLINICAL ASSOCIATIONS. 18th BANTAO Congress October 19-22 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, BANTAO Journal 2023, volume 21: Suppl 1: pages 44-103


Rezumate la manifestari nationale publicate in reviste non ISI- 


  1. Evaluarea prin ultrasonografie Doppler extracraniană a stenozelor carotidiene asimptomatice la pacienţii cu glomerulonefrite cronice primitive.- Ligia Petrica, M. Petrica, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob, Alina Popescu, Adriana Stanciu. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia, România, 2-4 noiembrie, 2000. Revista Medicala Nationala, vol.IV, nr7-8/ 2000, p:13-14.
  1. Markeri imunohistochimici prognostici de fibroză interstiţială în glomerulonefrita cronică membrano-proliferativă primitivă-Ligia Petrica, M. Raica, A. Schiller, Gh. Gluhovschi, Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, Cristina Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia, România, 2-4 noiembrie, 2000. Revista Medicala Nationala, vol.IV, nr7-8/ 2000, p:22.
  1. Evaluarea progresiei nefropatiilor glomerulare prin tehnici de imuno-histochimie. Schiller, M.Raica, Ligia Petrica,Gh.Gluhovschi, Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh.Bozdog, Cristina Gluhovschi, F.Bob. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia, România, 2-4 noiembrie, 2000. Revista Medicala Nationala, vol.IV, nr7-8/ 2000, p:15-16.
  2. Importanta leziunilor tubulare si interstitiale in geneza IRA din nefropatiile glomerulare.Shiller, Gh.Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh.Bozgog, Cristina Gluhovschi, F.Bob. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia, România, 2-4 noiembrie, 2000. Revista Medicala Nationala, vol.IV, nr7-8/ 2000, p:17-18.
  3. Insuficienta renala in cursul nefropatiei lupice. Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh.Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Ad.Shiller, Silvia Velciov, Gh.Bozdog, Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob, V.Ciuta. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia, România, 2-4 noiembrie, 2000. Revista Medicala Nationala, vol.IV, nr7-8/ 2000, p:19.
  4. Insuficienta renala si hipertensiunea arteriala in sarcina. Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh.Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Ad.Shiller, Silvia Velciov, Gh.Bozdog, Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob, V.Ciuta. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia, România, 2-4 noiembrie, 2000. Revista Medicala Nationala, vol.IV, nr7-8/ 2000, p:20
  5. Lupusul eritematos sistemic: factori de progresie a afectarii renale. Trandafirescu, G. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Ciuta, A. Sima. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003.
  6. Evaluarea reactivitatii cerebrovasculare la pacientii cu anemie in insuficienta renala cronica. Petrica, m. Petrica, C. Jianu, G. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003.
  7. Importanta focarelor dentare in patologia glomerulara. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003.
  8. Vasculita cu evolutie rapid progresiva cu particularitati morfopatologice. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, E. Potencz, D. Herman, Gh. Bozdog, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003.
  9. Nefropatii glomerulare non-diabetice la pacienti cu diabet zaharat- particularitati de diagnostic si tratament. Petrica, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003.
  10. Eficienta terapiei de lunga durata cu interferon + ribavirina in glomerulonefrita secundara infectiei cu virus hepatitic C. Petrica, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003.
  11. Discutii pe marginea unor cazuri de vasculite sistemice ale vaselor mici. Schiller, G. Gluhovschi, L. Petrica, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003
  12. Nefropatia endemica balcanica in Romania. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, F. Margineanu, A. Rosca, A. Grecu, C. Tatu, V. Paunescu, L. Damiescu, N. Chetrinescu. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003
  13. Utilizarea evolutiei beta-2 microglobulinei urinare in evaluarea evolutiei si nefrotoxicitatii tratamentului ITU cu Amikacina. Velciov, G. Gluhovschi, A. Rosca, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003
  14. Rolul HTA ca factor de risc la bolnavii cu IRC in faza predialitica in relatie cu alti factori de risc: proteinuria si perturbarile metabolismului lipidic. Bozdog, G. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, M. Crainiceanu. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003
  15. Utilizarea eliminarii NAG urinar in evaluarea evolutiei si nefrotoxicitatii tratamentului ITU cu Amikacina. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al III-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Cluj 1-4 mai 2003, Nefrologia, vol. 8, 22, 2003
  16. Renoprotectia printr-un AINS (ketonal) in colica renala. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, I. Michnea. Zilele Academice Timisene Ed. a IX-a, Timisoara 26-27 mai 2005, Cercetari Experimentale medico-chirurgicale, An XII, Supl. 1/2005.
  17. The compartmentalization of the immune system of the nephron. Implications in renal pathology. Gluhovschi, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, E. Potencz, D. Herman, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog. A XXXV-a Conferinta Nationala de Imunologie, Timisoara, 2-4 iunie 2005.
  18. Aspecte particulare ale hemodinamicii cerebrale la pacientii cu insuficienta renala cronica. L. Petrica, M. Petrica, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog. Al IV-lea Congres National de Nefrologie, Craiova 21-24 septembrie 2005, Nefrologia, an XI, vol.10, nr.27-28, sept 2005.
  19. Impactul tratamentului focerelor dentare cronice infectioase asupra evolutiei nefropatiilor glomerulare cronice. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al IV-lea Congres National de Nefrologie, Craiova 21-24 septembrie 2005, Nefrologia, an XI, vol.10, nr.27-28, sept 2005.
  20. Evaluarea microangiopatiei cerebrale la pacientii cu diabet zaharat tip2 si nefropatie diabetica. Petrica, M. Petrica, M. Munteanu, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi, C. Jianu, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog. Al IV-lea Congres National de Nefrologie, Craiova 21-24 septembrie 2005, Nefrologia, an XI, vol.10, nr.27-28, sept 2005.
  21. Leziunile tubulare in timpul colicii renale cu sau fara asociere de ITU evaluate prin intermediul determinarii NAG. Gluhovschi, S. Velciov, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Al IV-lea Congres National de Nefrologie, Craiova 21-24 septembrie 2005, Nefrologia, an XI, vol.10, nr.27-28, sept 2005.
  1. Petrica Ligia, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Petrica M, Schiller A, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Carmina Popii, Ana-Maria Pop. Prevalenţa bolii cerebrovasculare este crescută la pacienţii cu boala cronică de rinichi în stadiu pre-dialitic. Al V-lea Congres al Societăţii Române de Nefrologie, Poiana Braşov, 4-7 octombrie 2007
  1. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Gluhovschi Gh, Matcau L, Gadalean Florica, Ursoniu S, Schiller A, Velciov Silvia, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Diana Matcau, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Carmina Popii. Există o legatură între boala cronica de rinichi şi boala cerebrovasculară ischemică simptomatică? Studiu ultrasonografic extra- şi transcranian Doppler. Al V-lea Congres al Societăţii Române de Nefrologie, Poiana Braşov, 4-7 octombrie 2007; Nefrologia, Vol.11, Nr. 30, 2007
  2. Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Gluhovschi G, Adelina Mihaescu, Olariu N, Trandafirescu Virginia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina. Anemia în BCR, experienţa unui centru de nefrologie din vestul României. Al V-lea Congres al Societăţii Române de Nefrologie, Poiana Braşov, 4-7 octombrie, 2007  Nefrologia Vol.11, Nr.30, 2007;
  3. Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Gh, Kaycsa Adriana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ciuta V. Dinamica N-Acetil-Beta-D-Glucozaminidazei (NAG), un marker al disfuncţiei tubulare, la pacienţii cu nefrită lupică sub tratament cu prednison oral. Al V-lea Congres al Societăţii Române de Nefrologie, Poiana Braşov, 4-7 octombrie, Nefrologia,Vol.11, Nr.30, 2007
  4. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Hermann Diana, Potencz Elena, Gluhovschi Cristina, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Sivia Velciov, Trandafirescu Virginia. Date histologice, imunohistochimice şi biologice în evaluarea fibrozei interstitiale la pacienţii cu glomerulonefrite cronice. Al V-lea Congres al Societăţii Române de Nefrologie, Poiana Braşov, 4-7 octombrie,2007 Nefrologia Vol.11, Nr.30, 2007
  5. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Elena Potencz, Diana Hermann, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Corina Vernic, Cioca D. Aspecte privind factorul von Willebrand(vWF), CD31, şi CD34 în glomerulonefrite (GN ) – asocierea cu indici morfologici ţi de scleroză glomerulară, fibroză interstitială, activitate şi cronicitate. Al V-lea Congres al Societăţii Române de Nefrologie, Poiana Braşov, 4-7 octombrie, 2007 Nefrologia Vol.11, Nr.30, 2007
  6. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Elena Potencz, Diana Hermann, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Corina Vernic, Cioca D. Aspecte ale injuriei endoteliale în glomerulopatii (GP) relevate de expresia imunohistochimică de factor von Willebrand (vWF), CD31 şi CD34-asocierea cu indici morfologici şi parameterii clinici. Zilele Academice Timişene, Ed. a X-a, 24-25 mai, 2007, Timisoara Medical Journal Vol 57, Supl. 2, 2007
  7. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Diana Hermann, Elena Potencz, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Sivia Velciov, Bozdog Gh. Importanţa unor markeri imunohistochimici în corelaţie cu modificîrile histologice şi clinice în evaluarea fibrozei interstiţiale la pacienţii cu glomerulonefrită cronică. Zilele Academice Timişene, Ed. a X-a, 24-25 mai, 2007 ,Timişoara Medical Journal Vol 57, Supl. 2, 2007
  8. Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Gh, Bozdog Gh, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Maria Bobu, Corina Verni Evoluţia abcesului renal (AR) sub tratament conservator. Zilele Academice Timişene, Ed. a X-a, 24-25 mai, 2007, Timisoara Medical Journal Vol 57, Supl. 2, 2007
  9. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Jianu D, Ursoniu S, Schiller A, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Gadalean Florica, Carmina Popii. Evaluarea rezervei cerebrovasculare la pacienţii normotensivi cu diabet zaharat non-insulino-dependent şi nefropatie diabetică.  Zilele Academice Timişene, Ed. a X-a, 24-25 mai, 2007; Timisoara Medical Journal Vol 57, Supl. 2, 2007
  10. Gluhovschi Gh, Velciov Silvia, Kaycsa Adriana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ciuta V, Grecu Daniela. Particularităţi ale enzimuriei (NAG urinar) la bolnavii cu nefropatie lupică. Zilele Academice Timişene, Ed. a X-a, 24-25 mai, 2007 Timisoara Medical Journal Vol 57, Supl. 2, 2007
  1. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M,  Vlad A, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu C, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Roxana Marian. Reprezinta albuminuria un biomarker de disfunctie tubulara proximala in nefropatia diabetica incipienta? Studiu preliminar privind efectele reno- si cerebroprotective ale rosiglitazonei la pacientii cu diabet zaharat tip 2 normoalbuminurici, Al VI-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, 15-19 Oct, 2009, Sinaia, Romania; Nefrologia 2009; 13(33):72
  2. Velciov Silvia, Carmen Ganta, Gluhovschi Gh, Feier V, Petrica Ligia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Bozdog Gh, Gadalean Florica, Chiliban A, Trandafirescu Virginia. Particularitati ale afectarii renale la pacientii cu erizipel. Al VI-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, 15-19 Oct, 2009, Sinaia, Romania; Nefrologia 2009; 13(33), p. 93
  3. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Sporea I, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Trandafirescu Virginia, Gadalean Florica, Barbara Singh, Mariana Bobic, Corina Vernic. Factori de risc ai injuriei renale acute la pacientii cu hemoragie digestiva superioara. Al VI-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, 15-19 Oct, 2009, Sinaia, Romania; Nefrologia 2009; 13(33), p. 77
  4. Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Gh, Miclaus G, Puscasiu T, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Velciov Silvia, Petrica Ligia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Gadalean Florica. Fibroza retroperitoneala idiopatica cu extindere particulara perirenala si intrarenala asociata cu stenoza de artera renala dreapta. Al VI-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, 15-19 Oct, 2009, Sinaia, Romania;  Nefrologia 2009; 13(33), p. 72
  5. Petrica Ligia, Vlad A, Gluhovschi Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh. Looking forward to a new concept on albuminuria in diabetic nephropathy. 6th National Congress on Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Vascular Access, 9-10 April, 2010, Bucuresti, Romania. Nephrology and Vascular Access, vol 7, Nr.1-2, 2010, p.33; ISSN 1583-8986
  6. Gluhovschi Gh, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Velciov S, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh. The compartmentalization of the immune system at the level of the nephron-a new concept in renal pathology. 6th National Congress on Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Vascular Access, 9-10 April, 2010, Bucuresti, Romania. Nephrology and Vascular Access, vol 7, Nr.1-2, 2010, pp. 31-33; ISSN 1583-8986
  7. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Gadalean Florica, Ianculescu C alina, Firescu Catalina, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gaina Adriana, Milas Oana, Balgradean C, Marian Roxana. Disfunctia tubulara proximala este disociata de disfunctia endoteliala la pacientii cu diabet zaharat tip 2 normoalbuminurici: studiu cross-sectional. Al VII-lea Congres Naţional de Nefrologie, 27-29 Octombrie 2011, Timisoara, Romania; Nefrologia Vol.15, Nr. 36, 2011, p.117
  8. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Popescu A, Sirli R, Danila M, Timar R, Gadalean F, Petrica L, Schiller A. Rolul elastografiei ARFI in evaluarea renala. Al VIII-lea Congres National de Nefrologie. 24-26 octombrie 2013, Sibiu, Nefrologia, Supliment de abstracte
  9. Petrica Ligia, Vlad A, Petrica M, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Gadalean Florica, Dumitrascu V, Alina Zamfir, Cristina Popescu,Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Daliborca Vlad, Oana Milas, Ursoniu S. Pattern-ul proteomic al peptidelor glicate explica disfunctia tubulara proximala la pacienti normoalbuminurici cu diabet zaharat tip 2: studiu cross-sectional. Al VIII-lea Congres National de Nefrologie, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Sibiu, Romania;  Nefrologia Vol. Supliment Abstracte, 2013; p.9-10; ISBN 1224-2462
  10. Gadalean F, Kaycsa Adriana, Gluhovsch Cristina, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bob F, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Gh. Biomarkerii urinari in evaluarea disfunctiei tubulare proximale la pacientii cu rinichi unic si infectie de tract urinar superior. Al VIII-lea Congres National de Nefrologie, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Sibiu, Romania;  Nefrologia Vol. Supliment Abstracte, 2013; p.36-37; ISBN 1224-2462
  11. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Sporea I, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Gadalean F, Potencz E, Nes A. The origin of myofibroblasts in renal fibrosis. Al VII-lea Congres Naţional de Nefrologie, 27-29 Octombrie 2011, Timisoara, Romania; Nefrologia Vol.15, Nr. 36, 2011, p.118
  12. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Herman D, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Gadalean F, Trandafirescu V, Nes A, Scheidbauer M, Singh B. Renal function in patients with acute pancreatitits. Al VII-lea Congres Naţional de Nefrologie, 27-29 Octombrie 2011, Timisoara, Romania; Nefrologia Vol.15, Nr. 36, 2011, p.117




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  • Articole publicate in strainatate, neindexate în baze de date internaționale


  1. Ligia Petrica, Raica M., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Gluhovschi Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F. Glycosaminoglycans and myofibroblasts modulate the glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury in primary type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis. -FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, series Medicine and Biology Vol.7 No1, 2000 pp. 31- 38, Nis, Yugoslavia.(Article)
  2. Ligia Petrica, Petrica M., Schiller Ad., Silvia Velciov, Gluhovschi Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F., Corina Vernic, Alina Popescu, Adriana Stanciu, Luminiţa Militaru, Sandesc D. Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis in patients with primary chronic glomerulonephritis – FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, series Medicine and Biology Vol.7 No1, 2000 pp. 116-123, Nis, Yugoslavia.(Article)
  3. L. Petrica, M. Raica, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, G. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Prognosis markers of tubulointerstitial injury in primary type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis.- FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, series Medicine and Biology Vol.8 No1, 2001 pp. 19-25, Nis, Yugoslavia.(Article)
  4. G. Gluhovschi, F. Margineanu, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Balkan endemic nephropathy in Romania.- FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, series Medicine and Biology Vol.9 No1, 2002 pp. 15-26, Nis, Yugoslavia.(Article)
  5. G. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. The significance of dental foci in glomerular nephropathies.- FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, series Medicine and Biology Vol.10 No2, 2003, Nis, Yugoslavia.(Article)



  • Articole publicate in extenso în reviste naționale recunoscute cotate CNCSIS B



  1. Gadalean Florica, Gluhovschi Gh, Kaycsa Adriana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Vernic Corina. Microalbuminuria in patients with surgically-acquired single kidney. Cercetãri Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale 2010; 3: 230-237
  2. Schiller, Silvia Velciov, Gh. Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, F. Bob.Tratamentul cu Peflacine injectabil in infectiile urinare inalte. Cercetări Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale, vol.VI, nr.2-3, 1999.
  3. Bozdog, Gh. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Particularitati ale hipertensiunii arteriale la pacientii cu rinichi unic si insuficienta renala cronica. Cercetari Experimentale Medico- Chirurgicale, an VIII, nr 2/2001.
  4. Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Ciuta, A. Sima. Lupus eritematos sistemic: Manifestari clinice, prognostic. Timisoara Medicala, nr.4, Vol. LI, 2001
  5. Velciov, G. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Studiul efectelor AINS de tip meloxicam asupra proteinuriei si functiei renale la bolnavii cu GNC. Cercetari Experimentale Medico- Chirurgicale, an VIII, nr 3-4/2001.
  6. Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Ciuta, A. Sima. Sindromul febril prelungit in colagenoze. Cercetari Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale, An IX, Nr. 1, pag 7-9, 2002
  7. Modalca, A. Gluhovschi, F. Margineanu, S. Velciov, E. Trasca, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Observaţii epidemiologice privind nefropatia endemica balcanica (NEB). Cercetari Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale 2010; XVII(4):7-9



  • Articole publicate in tara, neindexate în baze de date internaționale


  1. F. Bob, Gh. Gluhovschi, Rolul proteinuriei in progresia bolii cronice de rinichi., Nefrologia vol.10, nr 27-28, sept. 2005
  2. Bob F, Gluhovschi G, Gluhovschi C, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Trandafirescu V, Gadalean F. Aspects regarding the reversibility of renal fibrosis. Nefrologia, 13, 33: 5-11, 2009
  3. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Herman Diana, Potencz Elena, Gluhovschi Cristina, Trandafirescu Virginia,  Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh. Histological, immunohistochemical and biological data in assessing fibrosis in patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Nefrologia 2007; 11(30):27-32
  4. Ad. Schiller, Silvia Velciov, Gh. Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh. Bozdog, F. Bob. Tratamentul cu Peflacine injectabil in infectiile urinare inalte. Cercetări Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale, vol.VI, nr.2-3, 1999.
  5. Gh. Bozdog, Gh. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Particularitati ale hipertensiunii arteriale la pacientii cu rinichi unic si insuficienta renala cronica. Cercetari Experimentale Medico- Chirurgicale, an VIII, nr 2/2001.
  6. V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Ciuta, A. Sima. Lupus eritematos sistemic: Manifestari clinice, prognostic. Timisoara Medicala, nr.4, Vol. LI, 2001
  7. S. Velciov, G. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Studiul efectelor AINS de tip meloxicam asupra proteinuriei si functiei renale la bolnavii cu GNC. Cercetari Experimentale Medico- Chirurgicale, an VIII, nr 3-4/2001.
  8. A. Schiller, G. Gluhovschi, L. Petrica, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, V. Grab, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi, O. Dobrescu. Efectele hiperlipoproteinemiei asupra progresiei nefropatiilor glomerulare. Nefrologia, vol.7, 19, 2002.
  9. S. Velciov, G. Gluhovschi, A. Kaycsa, V. Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Utilizarea eliminarii urinare a N-acetil-glucozaminidazei (NAG) in evaluarea evolutiei si nefrotoxicitatii tratamentului chimioterapic (chinolone) si antibiotic in ITU. Nefrologia, vol.7, 19, 2002
  10. V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Ciuta, A. Sima. Sindromul febril prelungit in colagenoze. Cercetari Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale, An IX, Nr. 1, pag 7-9, 2002
  11. L. Petrica, M. Petrica, F. Bob, G. Gluhovschi, M. Turcan, V. Ivan, L. Branzan, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Ttrandafirescu, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, A. popescu, A. Stanciu, D. Sandesc. Efectul protectiv renal, cardiac si cerebro-vascular al perindoprilului la pacienti cu glomerulonefrite cronice primitive. Nefrologia, vol. 8, 20-21, 2003
  12. Petrica L, Bob F, Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi G, Schiller A, Herman D, Dema A, Velciov S, Trandafirescu V, Bozdog G, Popii C, Nicorici F. Non-diabetic renal disease is still a challenging issue for the clinical practice. Nefrologia, 11, 29: 25-34, 2007
  13. Velciov S, Gluhovschi G, Trandafirescu V, Schiller A, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Kaycsa A. Analgesic nephropathy: current state, Nefrologia 12, 31: 45-52, 2008
  14. Velciov S, Gluhovschi G, Bozdog G, Petrica L, Trandafirescu V, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Gadalean F. Idiopatic retroperitoneal fibrosis. Nefrologia 13, 33: 17-26, 2009
  15. Petrica L, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Gluhovschi G, Velciov S, Gadalean F, Trandafirescu V, Bozdog G, Marian R, Muresan C. ANCA associated vasculitides: insights into pathogenic mechanisms and treatment strategies. Nefrologia 13, 33: 27-34, 2009
  16. M. Modalca, A. Gluhovschi, F. Margineanu, S. Velciov, E. Trasca, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Observaţii epidemiologice privind nefropatia endemica balcanica (NEB). Cercetari Experimentale Medico-Chirurgicale 2010; XVII(4):7-9
  17. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Schiller A, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh. Aspecte particulare ale hemodinamicii cerebrale la pacientii cu insuficienta renala cronica. Nefrologia 2004; 9(25-26):215-224
  18. Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi  Gh, Bozdog Gh, Petrica Ligia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gadalean Florica. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis. Nefrologia 2009; 13(33):17-26
  19. Gluhovschi Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F. Characteristics of the endothelium at the level of the nephron and its involvement in renal diseases. Nefrologia 2008; 12(31):31-38
  20. Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Gh, Trandafirescu Virginia, Schiller A, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Kaycsa Adriana. Analgesic nephropathy: current state. Nefrologia 2008; 12(31):45-52
  21. Petrica Ligia, Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Petrica M, Schiller A, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Popii Carmina, Pop Ana-Maria. Prevalence of stroke is high in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients. Al V-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie, Poiana Brasov, 4-7 octombrie 2007. Nefrologia 2007; 11(30):11-23
  22. Petrica Ligia,  Bob F, Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Schiller A, Herman Diana, Dema Alice, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Popii Carmina, Nicorici Florica. Non-diabetic renal disease is still a challenging issue for the clinical practice. Nefrologia 2007; 11(29):25-34
  23. Gluhovschi Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Petrica Ligia, Bob F, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh. Multiorgan protective effects of sulodexide, a natural glycosaminoglycan utilized in nephrology. Nefrologia 2007; 11(30):3-10



  • Articole publicate in rezumat (in volume sau CD- nu in reviste cu ISSN) ale unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale



  1. Ligia Petrica, Petrica M., Schiller Ad., Silvia Velciov, Gluhovschi Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F., Luminiţa Militaru. Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis (ACASs) in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN).- The XV-th International Congress of Nephrology, The XI-th Latinamerican Congress of Nephrology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2-6 May, 1999.
  2. Ligia Petrica, Raica M., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Gluhovschi Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F. Prognosis markers of tubulo-interstitial injury in mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis type.- The 36 th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Madrid, Spain, 5-8 September, 1999.
  3. Schiller, Viviana Ivan, Gh. Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Virginia Trandafirescu, Silvia Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, F. Bob, Cristina Gluhovschi, Irinel Craciun. Blood pressure circadian profile in hypertensive and non hypertensive chronic renal failure patients. Tenth European Meeting on Hypertension, Gőtteborg, Sweden, 29 May-3 June 2000.
  4. Ligia Petrica, Raica M., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Gluhovschi Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F. Glomerular b-fibroblast growth factor expression in primary type I glomerulonephritis– The 37 th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Nisa, France, 17-20 September, 2000.
  5. Schiller, Viviana Ivan, Gh.Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Virginia Trandafirescu, Silvia Velciov, Gh.Bozdog, F.Bob, Cristina Gluhovschi, Irinel Craciun. Blood pressure profile in hypretensive and non-hypertensive chronic renal failure patients and the effects of amlodipine-metoprolol treatment- The 37 th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Nisa, France, 17-20 September, 2000.
  6. Schiller, Gh.Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Virginia Trandafirescu, Silvia Velcioc, Gh.Bozdog, V.Grab, F.Bob, Cristina Gluhovschi. The significance of tubular and interstitial lesions in acute renal failure(ARF) associated to glomerulonephritis(GN).– The 37 th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Nisa, France, 17-20 September, 2000.
  7. Ligia Petrica, Raica M., Schiller A., Gluhovschi Gh., Bob F., Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh., Gluhovschi Cristina. Glomerular expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in primary type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis.- ASN Basic Science Conference, Toronto, Canada, 10-12 October, 2000
  8. Schiller A., Gluhovschi Gh., Petrica L., Trandafirescu V., Velciov S., Bozdog Gh., Grab V., Bob F., Gluhovschi C. Acute renal failure (ARF) in the absence of any evident cause in chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN).- ASN Basic Science Conference, Toronto, Canada, 10-12 October, 2000
  9. Schiller, G. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, V. Ivan, M. Turcanu, G. Bozdog, S. Velciov, V. Grab, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. Clinical and prognostic significance of proteinuria in unilateral renal artery stenosis patients.- Eleventh European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan, Italy, June 15-19, 2001.
  10. Ligia Petrica, Raica M., Gluhovschi Gh., Schiller A., Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F. Tubulointerstitial ICAM-1 expression in primary type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis.- The 38th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Vienna, Austria, June 24-27, 2001.
  11. Schiller, G. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, V. Ivan, M. Turcanu, G. Bozdog, S. Velciov, V. Grab, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. Prognostic significance of proteinuria in unilateral renal artery stenosis patients.– The 38th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Vienna, Austria, June 24-27, 2001.
  12. Schiller, G. Gluhovschi, L. Petrica, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, G. Bozdog, V. Grab, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. Effects of hyperlipidaemia on the progression of glomerulonephritis.– The 38th Congress of EDTA-ERA, Vienna, Austria, June 24-27, 2001.
  13. Gluhovschi, G. Bozdog, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, M. Crainiceanu. Arterial hypertension in patients with chronic renal failure in the predialytic phase. Its role as a risk factor beside proteinuria and lipid metabolism perturbations. 13th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan, 13-17 June 2003
  14. Petrica, M. Petrica, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi, C. Jianu, G. Gluhovschi, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog. Cerebral haemodynamics changes in patients with chronic renal failure. ERA-EDTA XLI Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004.
  15. Ligia Petrica, M.Petrica, Bob, Cristina Gluhovschi, Gluhovschi Gh., C.Jianu, A.Schiller, Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu, Gh.Bozdog. Cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with chronic kidney disease. XLIII Congress of the European Renal Association- European Dialysis and Transplant Association, July15-18, 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  16. Bob, Gluhovschi Gh., Elena Potencz, Diana Herman, Virginia Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, Ligia Petrica, Silvia Velciov, Gh. Bozdog. The role of myofibroblasts in interstitial fibrosis in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. XLIII Congress of the European Renal Association- European Dialysis and Transplant Association, July15-18, 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  17. Gluhovschi, Silvia Velciov, Adriana Kaycsa, Virginia Trandafirescu, A. Schiller, Ligia Petrica, Gh.Bozdog, Cristina Gluhovschi, F.Bob, Corina Vernic, C.Muntean. The dynamics of urinary N-acetyl beta D-glucosaminidase under treatment with meloxicam as an expression of tubular injury in primary glomerular nephropathies. XLIII Congress of the European Renal Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association, July15-18, 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  18. Cristina Gluhovschi, Gh.Gluhovschi, Elena Potencz, Diana Herman, Virginia Trandafirescu, A.Schiller, Ligia Petrica, Silvia Velciov, Gh.Bozdog, F.Bob, C.Muntean, Corina Vernic. Standard stains and immunohistochemistry in the assessment of glomerular disease-the case of CD34. XLIII Congress of the European Renal Association- European Dialysis and Transplant Association, July15-18, 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  19. Ligia Petrica, Petrica M, Vlad A, Bob F, C. uhovschi, Gluhovsci Gh.,Jianu C, Schiller A, Silvia Velciov, Ursoniu S, Virginia Trandafirescu, Bozdog Gh., Carmina Popii, Florica Gadalean. Cerebrovascular reactivity is impaired in normotensive patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy. World Congress of Nephrology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 21-25, 2007.
  20. Cristina Gluhovschi, Gluhovschi Gh, Elena Potencz, Diana Hermann, Virginia Trandafirescu, Schiller A, Ligia Petrica, Silvia Velciov, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Corina Vernic, Velciov C, Guset V, Cioca D. The endothelial pattern of injury in glomerulopathies(GP) as assessed by the immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of von Willebrand factor(vWF), CD31 and CD34-association to GFR. World Congress of Nephrology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 21-25, 2007.
  21. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Cristina Gluhovschi, Diana Hermann, Elena Potencz, Virginia Trandafirescu, Schiller A, Ligia Petrica, Silvia Velciov, Bozdog Gh. Histological changes and immunohistochemical markers in the assessment of glomerulosclerosis in patients with glomerulonephritis. World Congress of Nephrology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 21-25, 2007.
  22. Gluhovschi Gh, Silvia Velciov, Bozdog Gh., Virginia Trandafirescu, Ligia Petrica, Cristina Gluhovschi, Bob F, Maria Bobu, Corina Vernic. Specifics of urinary tract infection(UTI) complicated by renal abscess(RA) in a nephrology department. XLIV Congress of the European Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), Barcelona, Spain, June 21- 24, 2007, Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007; 22(Suppl 6):vi57
  23. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh., Diana Herman, Elena Potencz, Cristina Gluhovschi, Ligia Petrica, Bozdog Gh., Silvia Velciov, Virginia Trandafirescu. Relationship between a histological scoring system and biological data in assessing patients with glomerulonephritis. XIX Danube Symposium of Nephrology, Krems, Austria, August 28-30, 2008
  24. Ligia Petrica, Petrica M, Bob F, Cristina Gluhovschi, Gluhovschi Gh., Jianu C.D., Silvia Velciov, Bozdog Gh., Livia Branzan, Viviana Ivan, Turcan M., Florica Gadalean, Carmina Popii. Reno-,cardio- and cerebroprotective effects of perindopril in patients with primary chronic glomerulonephritis. First Joint Congress of GCNN and SSNN, 5th Congress of the Global College of Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration, 4th Congress of the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity, Bucharest, Romania, 3-6 March, 2008
  25. Bob F., Gluhovschi G, Sporea I, Petrica L, Velciov S, Bozdog G, Gluhovschi C, Trandafirescu V, Gadalean F, Singh B, Bobic M, Vernic C. Renal function in patients with variceal and nonvariceal upper gastro-intestinal bleeding. World Congress of Nephrology, Milan 22-26 May 2009.
  26. . Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu Calina, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Marian Roxana, Muresan Carmina, Vesa Lucia. Are thiazolidinediones nephro- and neuroprotective in normoalbuminuric type 2 diabetes mellitus patients? World Congress of Nephrology, 22-26 May, 2009, Milan, Italy
  27. Gluhovschi G, Margineanu F, Velciov S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Petrica L, Bozdog G, Trandafirescu V. Considerations on the endemic focus of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy in the Mehedinti County, Romania. Fifty years after its discovery. Recent advances in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade April 17-18, 2009.
  28. Gheorghe Gluhovschi, F. Margineanu, A. Kaycsa, S. Velciov, C. Gluhovschi, Bob, L. Petrica, G. Bozdog, S. Dumitru, E. Olosz. Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) and Aristolochia Clematitis (AC) Used as Therapeutic Remedies in the Main Foci of BEN in Romania. Is There Any Relationship between Aristolochic Acid (AA) and BEN? ASN Renal Week 2009, San Diego, October 27-November 1, 2009
  29. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Herman Diana, Potencz Elena, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gadalean Florica, Nes A. Epithelial-Mesenchymal and Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transdifferentiation Processes in Glomerular Diseases. ASN Renal Week 2010, 16-21 November 2010, Denver Colorado, USA
  30. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Sporea I, Velciov Silvia, Roxana Buzas, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Cioca D. Is there a difference between the glomerular fitration rate(GFR) of patients with HBV and HCV chronic hepatitis and patients with cirrhosis? The National Kidney Foundation 2010 Spring Clinical Meetings, April 13-17, 2010, Orlando, USA
  31. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Jianu DC, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu C, Firescu C, Dumitrascu V, Gadalean F, Giju S, Gluhovschi C, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Velciov S, Bozdog Gh, Milas O, Marian R, Ianculescu C. Dual effects of pioglitazone on proximal tubule dysfunction and cerebral vessels endothelial dysfunction in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 48th Congress of ERA-EDTA, 23-26 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
  32. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Potencz Elena, Lazar Elena, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Vernic Corina, Cioca D. What is the significance of HLA-DR antigen expression in the extraglomerular mesangium in glomerulonephritis? 48th Congress of ERA-EDTA, 23-26 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
  33. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gluhovschi Gh, Potencz Elena, Lazar Elena, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Gadalean Florica, Vernic Corina, Cioca D. CD34+ fibroblast-like cells in the interstitial infiltrates in glomerulonephritis. 48th Congress of ERA-EDTA, 23-26 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
  34. Gluhovschi Gh, Modilca Mirela, Kaycsa Adriana, Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh. The assessment of familial and environmental factors in balkan endemic nephropathy in the focus of Mehedinti County, Romania by means of albuminuria and the tubular markers N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase and alpha 1-microglobulin. 48th Congress of ERA-EDTA, 23-26 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
  35. Gadalean Florica, Gluhovschi Gh, Kaycsa Adriana, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F. The importance of monitoring proximal tubular dysfunction secondary to compensatory adaptive changes in patients with a single kidney. 48th Congress of ERA-EDTA, 23-26 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
  36. Petrica Ligia, Petrica M, Vlad A, Gluhovschi Gh, Ianculescu Calina, Firescu Catalina, Dumitrascu V, Giju S, Jianu DC, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Ursoniu S, Gadalean Florica, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Gaina Adriana, Milas Oana, Marian Roxana. Proximal tubule dysfunction may explain albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. World Congress of Nephrology, 8-12 April 2011, Vancouver, Canada
  37. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gadalean Florica, Kaycsa Adriana, Curescu Manuela, Sporea I, Gluhovschi Gh, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Vernic Corina, Cioca D. Does the antiviral therapy of patients with chronic hepatitis exert nephrotoxic effects? World Congress of Nephrology, 8-12 April 2011, Vancouver, Canada
  38. Gluhovschi Cristina, Gadalean Florica, Sporea I, Kaycsa Adriana, Curescu Manuela, Gluhovschi Gh, Trandafirescu Virginia, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Bozdog Gh, Bob F, Vernic Corina. Are other risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD) besides albuminuria important in patients with HCV chronic hepatitis? World Congress of Nephrology, 8-12 April 2011, Vancouver, Canada
  39. Gluhovschi Gh, Gadalean Florica, Kaycsa Adriana, Petrica Ligia, Velciov Silvia, Trandafirescu Virginia, Bozdog Gh, Gluhovschi Cristina, Bob F, Vernic Corina. Treatment with intravenous ciprofloxacin is safe in patients with surgically acquired single kidney, urinary tract infection and reduced GFR. World Congress of Nephrology, 8-12 April 2011, Vancouver, Canada
  40. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Potencz Elena, Herman Diana, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gh, Velciov Silvia, Gluhovschi Cristina, Gadalean Florica, Nes A, Popoviciu Adriana. Expression patterns of TGF beta at the level of the glomerulus in chronic glomerulopathies. World Congress of Nephrology, 8-12 April 2011, Vancouver, Canada
  41. Petrica L, Vlad A, Petrica M, Jianu CD, Gluhovschi Gh, Alina Zamfir, Cristina Popescu, Florica Gadalean, Dumitrascu V,   Gluhovschi Cristina, Velciov Silvia, Bob F, Vlad Daliborca,  Milas Oana, Balgradean C, Izvernari Oana, Ursoniu S. The proteomic pattern of glycated peptides explains proximal tubule dysfunction in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. World Congress of Nephrology, 31 May-5 June 2013, Hong Kong, PR China
  42. Gluhovschi C, Gluhovschi Gh, Potencz Elena, Lazar Elena, Petrica Ligia, Bozdog Gheorghe, Gadalean Florica, Bob Flaviu, Velciov Silvia. HLA-DR immunolabeling in the tubulointerstitial compartment in glomerulonephritis – friend or foe? World Congress of Nephrology, 31 May-5 June 2013, Hong Kong, PR China
  43. Bob F, Gluhovschi Gh, Herman Diana, Gluhovschi Cristina, Petrica Ligia, Gheorghe Bozdog, Gadalean Florica, Potencz Elena, Dema Alis, Schiller Adalbert. Could proliferation markers be useful in assesing the role of myofibroblast in patient with glomerulonephritis? World Congress of Nephrology, 31 May-5 June 2013, Hong Kong, PR China
  44. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Petrica L, Schiller A. Where kidney stiffness should be measured by means of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Elastography in non-transplanted kidney? 26th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) EUROSON , May 26-28 Tel Aviv, Israel.
  45. Bota S, Bob F, Sporea I, Sirli R, Gradinaru-Tascau O, Petrica L, Schiller A. Factors which influence Kidney Stiffenss values assessed by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Elastography in subjects without kidney pathology. 26th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) EUROSON , May 26-28 Tel Aviv, Israel.
  46. Bob F, Bota S, Sporea I, Gradinaru-Tascau O, Popescu M, Popescu A, Schiller A. How many measurements are needed for kidney stiffness assessment by acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography? 26th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) EUROSON , May 26-28 Tel Aviv, Israel.
  47. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Bota S, Schiller A. The use of ElastPQ technique in the assessment of the kidneys. 27th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) EUROSON , Nov 6-8 Athens, Greece.
  48. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Bota S, Schiller A. Comparison between two elastographic methods in the assessment of the kidney. 27th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) EUROSON , Nov 6-8 Athens, Greece.
  49. Bob F, Grosu I, Sporea I, Popescu A, Bota S, Sirli R, Gradinaru- Tascau O, Schiller A. Could 2D shear Wave Elastography (2DSWE) be an alternative to Accoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography in the assessment of the normal kidney? WFUMB Congress Orlando USA, 21-25 March 2015
  50. Bob F, Iulia Grosu, Ioan Sporea, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli, Georgeta Bujor, Ligia Petrica, Adalbert Schiller The relationship between kidney shear wave speed measured using the VTQ technique and novel biomarkers used in chronic kidney disease Euroson Congress Poznan, Poland 6-9 Sep 2018
  51. Bob F. Kidney shear wave speed is lower in patients with chronic kidney disease compared to normal controls- a meta-analysis. Euroson Congress Poznan, Poland 6-9 Sep 2018


  • Articole publicate in rezumat (in volume sau CD- nu in reviste cu ISSN) ale unor manifestări ştiinţifice nationale cu participare internaţionala sau manifestari stiintifice nationale



  1. Sindromul febril prelungit in colagenoze.- Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Ciuta. Conferinta Nationala de Boli Infectioase “Sindromul febril prelungit, Probleme de diagnostic si tratament”- volum de rezumate, 17-19.05.2001, Timisoara
  2. Sindromul febril prelungit.- V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, Bob, V. Ciuta. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  3. Lupusul eritematos sistemic: manifestari clinice, prognostic.– V. Trandafirescu, Gh. Gluhovschi, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, Bob, V. Ciuta. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  4. Efectele hiperlipidemiei asupra progresiei nefropatiilor glomerulare.- Schiller, Gh. Gluhovschi, L. Petrica, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, Gh. Bozdog, V. Grab, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  5. Evaluarea fibrozei interstitiale in glomerulonefrita membranoproliferativa primitiva prin tehnici imunohistochimice.- Petrica, M. Raica, Gh. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, Ad. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu,Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  6. Semnificatia prognostica a proteinuriei la bolnavii cu hipertensiune arteriala renovasculara unilaterala.– Ad. Schiller, Gh. Gluhovschi, Gh. Bozdog, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, L. Petrica, C. Gluhovschi, Bob, V. Grab. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  7. Studiul efectelor antiinflamatoarelor nesteroidiene de tip Meloxicam asupra proteinuriei si functiei renale la bolnavii cu glomerulonefrite cronice.- Velciov, Gh. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  8. Particularitati ale hipertensiunii arteriale la bolnavii cu insuficienta renala cronica cu rinichi unic.- Bozdog, Gh. Gluhovschi, C. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, S. Velciov, F. Bob. Zilele Academice Timisene, Ed. A VII-a, 24-25mai 2001, Timisoara.
  9. Cauze etiologice in hepatocarcinom.– I. Sporea, A. Popescu, M. Danila, R. Sirli, Bob. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, Sept. 2001, supliment- Simpozionul National de Gastroenterologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, iasi 16-19 septembrie, 2001.
  10. Spectrul etiologic al cazurilor de hepatita cronica evaluate morfologic.– I. Sporea, M. Danila, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, Bob, R. Strain. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, Sept. 2001, supliment- Simpozionul National de Gastroenterologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, iasi 16-19 septembrie, 2001.
  11. Este justificata punctia biopsie hepatica pentru decizia de tratament in hepatitele cronice virale?– I. Sporea, M. Danila, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, Bob, N. Tudose, R. Strain. Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology, Sept. 2001, supliment- Simpozionul National de Gastroenterologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, iasi 16-19 septembrie, 2001.
  12. Proteinuria, criteriu de prognostic renal la bolnavii cu hipertensiune arteriala prin stenoza unilaterala de artera renala.– A. Schiller, C. Dina, Gh. Gluhovschi, G. Bozdog, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, L. Petrica, C. Gluhovschi, Bob, V. Grab. Al III-lea Congres International de Angiologie, Timisoara 19-20 octombrie 2001
  13. Efectul protector renal, cardiac si cerebro-vascular al Perindoprilului la pacientii cu glomerulonefrite cronice primitive- Petrica, M. Petrica, F. Bob, Gh. Gluhovschi, M. Turcanu, V. Ivan, L. Branzan, A. Schiller, S. Velciov, V. Trandafirescu, G. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, A. Popescu, A. Stanciu. Simpozionul “Nefrologia in ultimul deceniu al secolului XX”, Bucuresti 22 noiembrie 2001.
  14. Proteinuria, factor de prognostic renal la bolnavii cu stenoza de artera renala unilaterala- Schiller, C. Dina, Gh. Gluhovschi, G. Bozdog, V. Trandafirescu, S. Velciov, L. Petrica, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob, V. Grab. Simpozionul “Nefrologia in ultimul deceniu al secolului XX”, Bucuresti 22 noiembrie 2001.
  15. Studiul actiunii proteinurice a meloxicamului in terapia glomerulonefritelor- Velciov, Gh. Gluhovschi, V. Trandafirescu, Ad. Schiller, L. Petrica, Gh. Bozdog, C. Gluhovschi, F. Bob. Simpozionul “Nefrologia in ultimul deceniu al secolului XX”, Bucuresti 22 noiembrie 2001.
  16. Patologia trombocitului in colagenozele cu afectare renala. Petrica, F. Bob, C. Gluhovschi, Gh. Gluhovschi. Zilele Medicale Prahovene, Sinaia 3-5 noiembrie 2005
  1. Bob F. Renal imaging beyond conventional ultrasound. A IV-a editie a conferintei interdisciplinare NefroCarDia, 16-18 octombrie 2014 Timisoara
  2. Grosu I, Bob F, Ivan V, Turcan M, Mihaescu A, Schiller O, Schiller A. Ecocardiographic aspects in dialysis patients- a multicentric cross-sectional study. A IV-a editie a conferintei interdisciplinare NefroCarDia, 16-18 octombrie 2014 Timisoara
  3. Grosu I, Bob F, Sporea I, Popescu A, Schiller A. Evaluarea trombozei de vena renala folosind elastografia acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) la un pacient cu lupus eritematos sistemic. A XVVII-a Conferinta Nationala a Societatii Ramane de Ultrasonografie in Medicina si Biologie, Timisoara, 15-17 Mai 2014
  4. Petrica Ligia, Vlad A, Gluhovschi Gh, Gadalean F, Dumitrascu V, Gluhovschi C, Velciov S, Bob F, Vlad D, Popescu R, Petrica M, Jianu DC, Milas O, Ursoniu S. Disfunctia tubulara proximala este asociata cu excretia de nefrina si factor endotelial de crestere vascular la pacientii cu diabet zaharat de tip 2: studiu transversal. Congresul National de Nefrologie Editia a IX-a, 15-17 octombrie 2015, Iasi, Romania
  5. Petrica Ligia, Vlad A,Gluhovschi Gh, Gadalean Florica, Dumitrascu V, Vlad Daliborca, Popescu Roxana, Gluhovschi Cristina, Velciov Silvia, Bob F, Petrica M, Jianu DC, Milas oana, Ursoniu S. Podocitele urinare se asociaza cu disfunctia tubulara proximala la pacientii cu diabet zaharat tip 2: studiu transversal. Congresul Național de Nefrologie Ediția a IX-a, 15-17 octombrie 2015, Iași, România



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